The Greatest Showman

Chapter 806: Not a newcomer

The eleven days of the Berlin Film Festival seemed so long, but it seemed so short, like a ray of sunlight falling on the palm of the palm in the awful winter. Without time to leave the warmth, it disappeared in a blink of an eye. I couldn't help but close my palms. Trying to catch the tail of the sun, but it was nothing.

As a result, the red carpet in the main venue became the last carnival place for movie fans, with screams, shouts, and cheers endless.

In fact, in the film festival, the closing ceremony and awards ceremony is the most deserted and unremarkable link.

Because the real top big names, regardless of whether they have won awards or not, they often choose to leave the film festival after attending the film premiere; it is not uncommon for the winners to be absent at the award ceremony, even after the main committee confirms the list of winners. , Re-recall, still unable to save the dim starlight at the closing moment.

Not only in Berlin, but also in Cannes and Venice.

Tonight is no exception. The red carpet scene with less than five hundred spectators is not even comparable to the premiere of "Transcendence" in Berlin, let alone the premiere of Hollywood commercials.

But this mere five hundred viewers have become the envy of countless people, not only because Lan Li attended the closing ceremony, but also because Lan Li stayed on the red carpet for more than forty-five minutes, signing, Hugging, taking pictures, lovingly and kindly fulfilled all the wishes of the fans.

What’s more commendable is that Lanly stopped many times and started a brief exchange with the fans. He remembered all those fans who happened to meet in the cinema, and those who watched the disputed movies together, he remembered all, even Talking and laughing lively about the official site magazine's evaluation of these works, and then further in-depth discussion.

Such a small action, seemingly simple but extremely rare, succeeded in capturing the heart of the city of Berlin. The fans released their enthusiasm enthusiastically and madly; in this cold winter night, in this cold wind In the midnight of freezing temperatures, on the red carpet of less than fifty meters, the 62nd Berlin Film Festival ushered in its own moment.

Years later, when people mentioned this event again, they suddenly seemed to have forgotten the winners of the Golden Bear Award and the exhibited works at that film festival, but they still clearly remember: they have just turned twenty. The two-year-old Lanli visited the three major European film festivals for the first time, but showed a demeanor and attitude unlike those of a newcomer, and successfully won the support and enthusiasm of those art lovers.

That was the beginning.

"Lan Li, wait... Wow!" Red carpet host Klaus-Bock stopped Lan Li and tried to conduct a short interview, but the audience cheered wave after wave. , Couldn't stop at all, the mighty sound did not sound like five hundred people at all, even if it was five thousand people, that would be no problem.

For the organizers, this is definitely good news, and they even hope that the atmosphere on site can be more lively.

With the same idea, Klaus raised the simplest, most common, and most popular question, and once again pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax, "Welcome to Berlin. Not long ago At the press conference of "detachment", you showed your excellent language talent, then, I wonder if you know some German?"

Lan Li showed a slight surprise and laughed brilliantly, but he nodded to the audience on both sides, and said in standard German, "Good evening, Berlin." Then, the audience was just there. The pan was completely fried, the screams lost control, and the entire red carpet burned vigorously.

When each crew arrives in a different country to launch a promotion, it is a common practice all over the world to learn one or two local greetings and get closer to the audience. At the press conference before, Lan Li had ridiculed that if he only greeted "Hello", he could speak more than two hundred languages-two hundred is an exaggerated way of expression, but it also proved the popularity of such a trend.

"I don't know, the audience in Berlin actually likes this kind of greeting." This is why Lan Li was surprised. The always cold Berlin Film Festival is really unexpected. "I knew this. I should Performance at the press conference. Maybe the film can get more praise."

He made fun of the "detached" bipolar comment.

The Germans were able to capture such humor in an instant, and there was a burst of laughter around them, and some even shouted directly, "Not good-looking is not good-looking, you are useless no matter how handsome", followed by a large burst of laughter.

Klaus is no exception. The smile on his face cannot be controlled, but the surprise in his eyes cannot be concealed. Because of the two sentences just now, Lanly still uses German. It is not the kind of German that learns a phrase of "hello and thank you" temporarily, but to complete self-expression coherently, which is really amazing.

German is one of the most difficult to learn among the world's mainstream languages.

The reason for saying this is that the actual use of many languages ​​is relatively simple. From level one to level six, the correspondence is simple to proficient. If you learn level one, you will express some simple daily expressions, as more and more At advanced levels, expression skills are getting richer and more fluent; but German is not good. You can only express yourself completely after you have learned level 4 and above. Before that, it was extremely difficult to even speak apart from self-introduction.

Just now, Lan Li expressed his thoughts completely and accurately, even mixed with humor.

"Lenly, are you sure this is your first visit to Berlin?" Klaus exclaimed involuntarily.

Lan Li showed a small smile, "This shows that my German teacher is indeed from Berlin." The subtext is: so his accent did not reveal the details.

He didn't answer Klaus's question, but showed off in a roundabout way. That arrogant posture is another easy humor, which once again aroused the laughter of the audience-the laughter from the Germans, so The grand occasion is really rare for many years.

Such an enthusiastic support, such a familiar social interaction, such an appropriate humor. The blue gift standing on the red carpet is comfortable and contented, not to mention the newcomers attending the Berlin Film Festival for the first time, even those veterans who have been rolling here for many years, their performance is not necessarily better.

With British humor, German rigor, and American cheerfulness, Lanly has truly become a rare and beautiful scenery at the Berlin Film Festival. Klaus firmly believes that if Renly can continue to bring works of art and continue to land in Berlin, then he will become the darling of the city.

"At this year's film festival, many movie theaters have seen you. You should have watched a lot of works. Are there any favorites among them?" Klaus continued the interview and switched back to the English mode, trying to change Lan Li continued to stay on the red carpet.

"'It's just wind'. I personally like the film's picture quality and the emotions revealed by the lens." Lan Li did not hesitate to choose the favorite in his heart, and the content of the words was meaningful. "The perspective of the movie. It's also very intriguing. If possible, I will vote for me."

Klaus believes that Lanly is bound to mention "transcendence" by the way. More or less, actors always have to promote their works, but unexpectedly, Lanly chooses himself objectively as an audience. Favorite. Think about it carefully, but it makes sense, "If you have a chance in the future, would you be willing to be a member of the jury? In this way, you can also vote for your favorite works."

"Ha, the distant, distant future. Of course, why not?" Lan Li chuckled lightly and emphasized the "distant" twice in succession. The hint couldn't be more obvious: this was his first Berlin Film Festival. Travel, there is no need to rush, "I am very willing to share my personal artistic taste with everyone, and then explore the creative world of film art together."

Klaus felt surprised again. This time, he directly expressed, "Are you sure you are only twenty-two years old?" The wisdom and calmness shown by Lan Li, as well as the artistic taste, are really nothing like young people.

"I have an old soul, just like'one hundred years of loneliness'." Lan Li said half-truth and half-jokingly, and whistles came from both sides of the red carpet, mixed with laughter and admiration, really jubilant .

In a short while, Jack Gyllenhaal arrived on the red carpet.

At the closing ceremony, the appearance of members of the jury was the highlight. Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Jack and Lan Li chatted a few words without anyone else, and greeted them with a smile, and then Lan Li bid farewell to Jack and left the attention and attention of the red carpet to Jack.

"Master! Master!" The extremely excited and regretful voice still echoed in the air Without warning, Jack also turned around and shouted, "Master!" and then imitated the fanaticism. The fans continued to shout, "Master, I love you!"

Suddenly, with shocking shouts, the small circle of onlookers next to him were all stunned, looking at Jack for unknown reasons, and then at Lan Li, who was full of confusion. In the next second, everyone burst into laughter. Jack also turned his head with a mischievous expression on his face. He shook his head and turned his head. He looked at Klaus who was standing by and turned into a stone statue. His face was calm, as if nothing had happened. general.

Immediately, Lan Li also understood, and couldn't help laughing, looking at Jack's calm back, shook his head with a chuckle, and then quickly walked into the main venue. As soon as I entered, someone greeted me on the initiative and greeted him-at the young filmmaker's exchange meeting the day before yesterday, Lan Li made a lot of new friends.

Young people are always simpler, without the courtesy and etiquette of social occasions, direct communication, pure and sincere. Although the Berlin Film Festival is gradually declining, it is not without reason that German films have always remained at the forefront of European artistic creation.

After wave after wave, the new friends around Lan Li were in an endless stream. Time passed quickly. It seemed that the award ceremony was about to begin just after arriving at the scene.

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