The Greatest Showman

Chapter 807: Academic seminar

Like the Sundance Film Festival, the award ceremony of the Berlin Film Festival focuses on the ceremony, not the ceremony. There are no humorous jokes, no singing and dancing performances, just awards are awarded according to the process. The focus is always on the art creators. It is hoped that the media and audiences can pay more attention to the art itself, and then promote the development of film art.

Above the Berlin Film Festival, the main awards are the Golden Bear and the Silver Bear.

The Golden Bear Award is the highest award. It is awarded to five different departments, including feature films, documentaries, science and education films, art films, and short films. Among them, the Golden Bear Award in the general sense of the major media refers to the feature film department. This is also the annual film festival. The most important thing, together with the Palme d’Or in Cannes and the Golden Lion in Venice, are known as the Grand Slam of European cinema.

As of 2012, only two directors in history have won the highest award Grand Slam: Michelangelo Antonioni (-) from Italy and Robert-Altman from the United States.

The Silver Bear Award is divided into two parts. One part is the second prize of the feature film in the commendation competition, which is the jury award. The final trophy is a silver bear; the other part is the highest commendation of individual awards, awarded to the director and male Actors, actresses, screenwriters, music, photography, art, etc.

Also as of 2012, in history, there have been four Grand Slam winners in the three major European film festivals, the director Paul Thomas Anderson, the actors Jake-Lemmon and Sean Penn, Actress Juliette-Binoche (Juliette-Binoche).

In addition, the Berlin Film Festival also officially set up departments with different themes such as the Teddy Bear Award and the Crystal Bear Award. The former specializes in commending works with **** themes, and the latter specializes in works focusing on youth themes to encourage filmmakers to create. At that time, more attention should be paid to these groups.

The Golden Bear Award is undoubtedly an award that every work strives for, and it is also the most important affirmation of a work, which is equivalent to the best film of the Oscar. However, the intensity of the competition for the Golden Bear this year seems to be a little overwhelming.

In recent years, the overall momentum of the Berlin Film Festival has not improved much, and it has been struggling to survive in the cracks. Not only is the list of entries in the competition unit bleak, but the overall quality and reputation of the participating art works are also slowly slipping. The average level of the Golden Bear is really unsatisfactory.

The last time the artistry of the Golden Bear Award was universally recognized in the world was in 2003. At that time, many works such as "Between the Earth", "25 Hours", "All the Time", "Goodbye Lenin", "Adapted Screenplay", "Death Poem", "Twilight Qing Bingwei" and many other works were highly recognized. Every work has the possibility of winning, and it has since been affirmed in Europe and the world.

That year, the winner of the most popular "All the Time" finally lost to "The Earthly", which caused a lot of exclamation, but the latter also received a lot of praise in Europe.

But the good times are difficult to reproduce.

This year, the highest-rated German film "Barbara" is the local German film, but the artistic value and depth of thought have not been further affirmed by the media. In addition, "War Wizard", "Child on the Mountain", and "Grace" "Imperial style/liuhistory", "Goodbye, my queen", "Just the wind" and "Caesar must die" and other works, the scores of the publications are almost the same, and there are not many surprises in the media feedback and word-of-mouth. The overall lack A bright spot.

It is precisely because of this that "detachment" has become the darling of the media and the audience. Not only because of the attention effect brought by Lan Li, but also because of Tony Kaye’s crazy and bold, experimental pseudo-documentary shooting method, which triggered people’s extreme emotional reactions, just like the collision of a spear and a shield. ***Excellent color.

Since there is no focus work with a reputation, it is better to choose a work that is curious.

Although the score of the journal is not high, thanks to the attention of the media and the enthusiasm of the audience, when people discuss the Golden Bear Award, "detachment" has more or less become one of the reference standards. After all, at the Berlin Film Festival, every work, every actor, and every director in the competition unit is eligible to compete for the corresponding award, and there is no nomination list.

Not surprisingly, the various awards tonight should be one of these works, including the Golden Bear Award.

Popular? There is no absolute popular, and there is no absolute unpopular.

In previous years, media reporters always set their sights on the highest-rated works in the journal.

Because among the three major European film festivals, the highest score of the film is more like a curse. The highest award is always missed, and the jury always chooses other works; this has also caused serious dissatisfaction with the jury from journalists and film critics. After the list of winners was released, the major media began crusades and criticisms one after another. Such a scene will be staged every year.

But this year is an exception. Although "Barbara" is the highest score selected by the media, the film critics, reporters, and audiences are far from enthusiastic about this work. It seems that if other works are upset, it is not too much. Strange things have happened.

Calm, calm, and quiet.

This seems to be the best footnote of the 62nd Berlin Film Festival. Except for the unexpected frenzy caused by "transcendence", there are no surprises, no surprises, and no excitement. The similar atmosphere naturally continued to the last day of the film festival.

The award ceremony proceeded smoothly and calmly. It was not so much a feast as a seminar. The atmosphere lacked entertainment, but there was always an atmosphere of academic discussion. Serious and solemn, serious and dull, it really is Berlin, as cold and unique as ever.

The first climax of the whole ceremony came from Meryl Streep's stage.

This veteran of the film industry for more than 30 years, although still lacks a Venice Film Festival queen trophy in the book of honor, she has not been able to achieve a grand slam; but she enjoys high respect all over the world. With love, her dedication to classic masterpieces one after another has continuously proved her talent, hard work and dedication.

During this year's North American awards season, Meryl won the Oscar nomination for the seventeenth time by virtue of "Iron Lady", and became a strong candidate for the queen's battle.

People even jokingly called her "tumor", not malicious ridicule, but kind ridicule: it seems that every year, as long as Meryl appears in a work, then she is on the Oscar nomination list, and she can’t be wrong. The choice, which also makes it difficult for rising stars to have a bright future.

Although the college public relations of the awards season is in full swing, Meryl took time out of her busy schedule and came to Berlin in person to receive the first lifetime achievement award of her career.

When Meryl came on stage, the audience collectively stood up and applauded, with the warmest, loudest, and most exciting applause, offering their heartfelt respect and admiration; in response, Meryl also played a joke of her own, "Well , I hope this is not a sign that the time for retirement has come."

The whole audience laughed.

After the first climax/tide, the atmosphere at the scene once again returned to a peaceful and peaceful state, just like an electrocardiogram.

The difference is that the ECG is always a straight line, there is no wave, as if the instrument is not connected; the moment Meryl came on stage, the instrument was finally connected successfully, so the ECG straight line began to appear peaks and valleys, fluctuating up and down violently. Afterwards, the acceptance speech ended and the instrument was disconnected again.

Is this a good thing? Maybe not, the hustle and bustle of Cannes, Venice, and Toronto is always enviable; is this a bad thing? Maybe not, Berlin has always maintained its own characteristics and style, everything is about movies, and everything is only about movies. After the lack of entertainment effects, all attention is focused on the awards.

This may be the original intention of the main committee.

The important awards of various departments have begun to announce the answers one after another. The members of the jury are responsible for presenting the awards and step onto the stage one by one to announce the award winners.

The best screenplay award was given to "Royal Style/Flow/History".

The director is the Danish Nikolai Assel who wrote the original "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" script. This time he is also responsible for writing the script and invited Max Mikkelsen and Ellie. Starring West Asia Vikander, he was well received at this year's Berlin Film Festival and won the best screenplay award. There were accidents, but it was reasonable.

The best director award went to Christian Petzold of "Barbara".

The director is fifty years old this year, and he has high hopes, hoping to lead German films out of the darkness; time flies, he has dedicated "Ghost", "Yera", "Jerishaw" and other works worthy of recognition. But it has never been able to go further.

This year's "Barbara" once again made people shine, and received the highest score in the show; but after winning the Best Director Award, it was basically declared that this work had no chance with the Golden Bear Award. After all, "Barbara" is not "a goodbye."

The curse with the highest score in the journal is still valid in the three major European film festivals.

The jury award was upset and won by the Hungarian film "Just Wind".

This work from Eastern Europe is not well-rated, but the local German media like it very much. The director Benedict-Filligoff is also a young director with a small reputation in Europe. , Has been in the industry for ten years and has contributed masterpieces such as "Zi/Gong", "Galaxy Image" and "Forest". A small part of the audience, including Lan Li, is even optimistic that this work can reach the Golden Bear Award.

In the end, it was an affirmation that the jury award was successfully won, but from another perspective, it was also a pity-this was the Silver Bear Award, not the Golden Bear Award.

Next is the Silver Bear for Best Actor and Silver Bear for Best Actress.

Last year’s Berlin Film Festival broke out a shocking upset, the best actor and best actress were awarded to the same work, and not an actor, but a collective award:

The four actors and two actresses of "Farewell" are not only as simple as double egg yolks, but affirming all the performances of the entire actor team. In Cannes? Such a situation is rare, but it is not surprising; but this is Berlin, and it has truly frightened everyone, including the German media themselves.

What's more, "A Farewell" finally won the Golden Bear Award.

What about these two awards this year?

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