The Greatest Showman

Chapter 805: Ride the boat

Three years ago, during the battle for the actress, Julie Christie won her fourth Oscar nomination for her excellent performance with "Living in the Dark"; at the same time, she hopes to win the statuette for the second time since 1965. The voice is high, and Yiqi Juechen, the victory is very big.

But at the awards ceremony, Marion Cotillard succeeded in breaking out with the brilliant interpretation of the golden age classic singer Edith-Piaf in "Life of Roses" Shockingly unpopular, with the attitude of a peerless black horse, he won the Queen of the Shadows.

Marion was little-known in Hollywood at that time, and almost no one had heard of her existence, she was completely unknown; and "Life of Roses" was still a French work——

In history, the only actors who have successfully won awards for their foreign language works are Sophia-Loren (Sophia-Loren) of "The Tears of Beacon and Mother and Daughter" and Roberto-Benigni (Roberto-Benigni) of "Life Is Beautiful".

However, Marion is a well-recognized actress in France, and has received a lot of attention during his newcomer period. "Life of Roses" has received a lot of sought after in Europe, carrying the Caesar Award, the European Film Award and the British Academy of Film and Art Award. The power of the Jedi finally realized the Jedi reversal.

The scene of the year, so familiar, now, Jean-Du Jardin seems to be following in the footsteps of Marion step by step, and gradually ascending to the pinnacle of his career!

In this process, Lanli is just a stepping stone.

Roy twitched his mouth and chuckled, "Should we be happy or angry? At least, this shows that they regard Lanly as their biggest competitor, not Brad Pitt and Gary Oldman."

"That's the truth." In the face of Roy's half-joking suspicion, Andy gave an affirmative answer lightly, "Focus Films has been operating after the Sundance Award for'Love Is Crazy' last year. Now they call this work: "When Harry Meets Sally" the best love movie, and it is also the best performance after "Covered Bridge Last Dream"."

Focus Pictures, there are only two award season distributors in the industry that can compete with Weinstein Pictures, and one is Fox Searchlight. By the way, Fox Searchlight is the publisher of this year's awards season's hottest work "Descendants".

This year's battle for the best actor should not be surprisingly "Focus Pictures VS Fox Searchlight VS Weinstein Pictures".

In terms of absolute strength alone, Focus Films took the lead in the early stage. In addition to "Crazy Love", they are also responsible for the distribution of "potters, tailors, soldiers, and spies". Among the top five movie kings, they occupy two of them. Among the seats, Gary Oldman was still shortlisted at the last minute, which is even more commendable.

The Fox Searchlight led the way, and George Clooney became their absolute trump card this year. For this reason, they gave up the "shame" Michael Fassbender. In addition, the "Tree of Life" is also the biggest dark horse they operate, and it has become the biggest highlight of the nomination stage.

However, Weinstein Pictures began to reverse the situation strongly after the nomination was released. They boldly abandoned "My Week with Monroe" and began to push Meryl Streep to the top again with "Iron Lady". Oscar queen; in addition, all resources are concentrated on the "artist", and the momentum gradually began to stand out.

"The reason why the Weinstein brothers are so fierce is that they are actually forcing Focus Pictures to give up Lan Li. But I won't let them succeed." Andy finally concluded with one sentence.

The public relations resources of each issuing company are limited. After the nomination list is released, they will have to make a choice, otherwise it will be just a waste of money.

Focus Pictures has two works shortlisted for the final stage of the competition this year, "Crazy Love" and "Cooker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy". The former only received a nomination for best actor, while the latter was shortlisted for the best picture contest. For Focus Films, how to allocate public relations resources is an important issue.

This is also the top priority for Andy's work now.

Before Roy's call, Andy had been thinking about solutions. Now, with a small change, Andy suddenly had inspiration in his mind, and his thoughts began to become clear, "It happens that with this opportunity, Lanly stays in Berlin, and we take retreat as progress and prepare with both hands."

"On the one hand, Lanly's attendance at the exchange meeting and some media promotion occasions further lay our foundation in Europe. Dieter Koslik seems to be quite optimistic about Lanly. We can try hard to see it." Andy succinctly and quickly Said, "On the other hand, Focus Pictures and I will further discuss negotiations. There are still three weeks away from Oscars, and everything is possible."

"If Lanly stays in Berlin, it is bound to be absent from some scheduled public relations occasions. Are you sure it doesn't matter? Can you handle it?" This was originally Roy's concern. Now that he hears the rumblings in Los Angeles, he is thinking more and more. Become more and more complicated.

"Are you worried about me?" Andy's answer made Roy's eyes twitch slightly, and he relentlessly complained, "It's impossible even in your dreams."

Just one joke is enough. Andy did not continue this topic, and then said, "Len Li is absent from those public relations occasions, which will inevitably have a negative impact, but if you consider it all, the damage value is smaller than his appearance. After all, Lan Li has been absent for more than half of the time. Awards season is now."

"If one day is not confirmed, the rumors can only be rumors, and guesses can only be guesses. People will continue to wait and see and will not make judgments easily." During the phone call, Andy's brain never stopped working. , In the shortest time, made the best choice. Now they are facing a crisis, but behind the crisis are opportunities. "I need more time. Renly stays in Berlin. Now it seems that it is a better choice. After hanging up, I rushed to Focus Pictures."

"Okay." Roy did not continue arguing, but then asked, "I am working here, do you have any suggestions? Or, precautions?"

It was originally only a temporary resolution, but now it has become an opportunity to reverse the disadvantages. Roy also had to cheer up.

Brokers and managers are a competitive relationship, they are not partners; but they have a common goal, the interests of artists is the first priority they need to consider. Therefore, if necessary, they can join forces.

"Yes, can you ask for a list of people for the exchange meeting? Fax it over right away." Andy was not polite, and began to arrange the task vigorously, "I will browse it, and I will email you if there is a situation later. ."

The point is not the task, but just learning about it. In such a short time, Andy has drawn up a charter, "Also, I will ask the assistant to call you later and give you a list of media. Your appointment for a new round of interviews is not about "detachment", but about the audition of "Les Miserables"."

As a top agent, Andy's thoughts are turning very fast, and a big net has quickly begun to expand, "Movie version and stage drama version. Emphasize that Lan Li has always hoped to return to the stage to polish himself, and the rest, You just leave it to Lan Li. In addition, I will contact reporters to interview the film crew and the stage crew."

Facing the slander and slander of the Weinstein brothers, in fact, the long-term impact on Renly’s career is still very limited, because time will prove everything; but the problem is here, they don’t have time, they are now fighting for Oscars. For the Oscars that will be unveiled after the week, after the awards ceremony ends, the Weinstein brothers have won, so they will not care whether the "dirty water" is washed away.

At this moment, the "Miscellaneous World" is extremely important; to be more precise, it is Lan Li's desire to return to the stage to re-train his basic skills and re-train his determination, which is extremely precious. From the beginning to the end, Lan Li has been an actor dedicated to acting. It used to be so, it is so now, and it will be so in the future.

Andy couldn't help but rejoice that he did not reject Lanly's insistence, nor did he reject Lanly's request. On the contrary, he proactively found an audition opportunity for "Les Miserables". Without all of this, I am afraid that their current situation will be even worse, and they can't really tell what they are.

But now that the Weinstein brothers’ hole cards have all been revealed, they don’t know that Andy still has a killer in his In a few words, Roy can also roughly outline Andy’s plan. But that was the job of an agent. He immediately recovered his thoughts and focused all his attention on Lan Li-Berlin. This is his current focus of work, and it is also vital to reversing the situation in Los Angeles.

"Okay, I get it." Roy nodded in confirmation, paused for a moment, and then asked, "Do you need to tell Lanly about Los Angeles?"

"Let's talk about it. Lan Li is not the type of self-conflict. If he understands these situations, maybe he can give more opinions." Andy thought for a while and chose to trust Lan Li. This trust is not something that both parties are striving for, but it is naturally cultivated in the process of getting along.

"To be honest, I don't think the Blue Lyrics cares too much about these rumors." Andy put his right hand on his chubby belly, his expression gradually calmed down, "This was the case when I was the anti-cancer me. , It’s the same now."

"Fear and fear, this is also part of our work." Roy's words, but I don't know whether he is expressing a sympathy for the same sickness, or he is complaining about it.

Neither of them said goodbye to each other. After speaking, both of them hung up the phone. Roy raised his head, and then saw Nathan, who was standing next to him, looking nervous.

Nathan did not hear the entire conversation, only captured the last few words, his expression suddenly became tense, "What's the matter? What happened?"

Roy did not answer, but looked behind Nathan, "Didn't you say, go to the movie with Renly?"

"Len Li chose a documentary. I was not interested, so I came back." Nathan spread his hands and told the truth. ) Download the free reader!!

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