The Greatest Showman

Chapter 790: Self-destruct

The camera switched to the interview mode at the beginning of the movie again. Henry looked at the camera sincerely, with super close-ups. The dots of light in his eyes were so clear, as if he had smashed his head into the stars in the sky, and he stretched out his hand. You can touch the mixed emotions.

"The children have excess energy. They are boring." Henry's words were flat and seemed to fall into his own thoughts, "If you don't have anything substantial to share, how can they believe you? Believe class What about the literature?" After speaking, Henry's eyes were still calm and there were not too many waves, but it always made people feel that there were stories hidden in those eyes, waiting for people to dig.

After class was over, the chubby girl named Henry didn't leave, she stayed in her place, and curiously asked, "Why did you only kick Marcus out, but let Jerry stay?"

"I must kill chickens and monkeys." Henry raised his eyebrows slightly, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. "Marcus insulted you in words. In my class, this is not allowed. It doesn't matter what I say. After a moment of silence, Henry asked, "What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Meredith."

Seeing Henry's smile, Meredith cast his gaze in a daze, "Do you really not care if the children are rude to you?"

Henry contemplated seriously for half a second, then shrugged his shoulders invisibly, "Maybe I'm used to it a long time ago."

Meredith showed a look of admiration, "It would be good for me to be that strong."

"It's not about being strong, Meredith." Henry let out a long breath and smiled. "You have to understand that, unfortunately, most people act according to self-consciousness. You have to remember it because you don't have The opportunity comes again, and the same kind of people will be encountered at every stage of life."

Mark adjusted his sitting posture, and honestly, he didn't understand the intention of the work. Naughty student, intimate teacher, so is this a kind of work like "Death Poetry Society" or "Spring of the Cow Herding Class"? But in Lan Li's performance, that deep and sad power lingered all the time. Why?

Immediately afterwards, Mark gradually understood a little: This is a school that has fallen into the abyss. The students are stubborn and unruly, unlearned, swearing, and self-willing; and the parents also refuse to self-examine, shirk their responsibilities, are stubborn, and show up Not right.

Every teacher is deeply trapped in predicament and despair. They try to work hard, try to complete their work, but they are powerless, and each shoulder bears an unbearable weight.

In the dead of night, Henry couldn't sleep. He wandered all night and all night on the street, muttering to himself, singing his own poetry, like a lonely soul, wandering in the feast of the night, lost; He returned home with exhaustion, but the phone call from the hospital made him have to leave the house again.

The grandfather who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease locked himself in the bathroom again, and kept chanting the name "Patricia"—that was Henry’s mother and refused to come out; Henry had to go to the hospital in person and take his grandfather away. After persuading him to get out, help him to go to bed and rest, watching his grandfather talking to himself about death, and the blank diary, Henry fell into deep weakness and pain.

So, he vented all his anger on the nurses in the hospital, and after a hearty eruption, he slammed the door and left. However, sitting on the bus going home, he fell apart bit by bit. When he saw a minor special server serving an drunkard, despair and pain completely broke all the lines of defense. With eyes wide open, tears were allowed to flow wildly, but there was no trace of soul in those eyes.

Mark was stunned, completely stunned.

Tony Kaye again used the close-up big shots of the pseudo-documentary, the rough film quality, and even the noise under the night is surging restlessly, the unpolished original texture, finished It is completely close to the actor's cheek, and every detail in the expression is magnified to the extreme.

There is no line, no plot, or even the ins and outs. In Lan Li’s eyes, the whole emotional ups and downs are truly and clearly presented. The silent shouts, silent roars, and numb wailing gradually lose focus. The tears could not stop at all in his eyes, as if he could truly see the process of fading the soul's light bit by bit.

The exquisiteness and publicity of acting, with unprecedented shock, zoomed in and zoomed in on the big screen.

Mark opened his mouth slightly involuntarily, and his soul stiffened in place, completely losing the ability to think. Inexplicably, the line of sight was blurred, but the tears had not had time to condense, and then they disappeared and evaporated, leaving only the hazy world, with thick bitterness and heavy sorrow, and fainted like ripples.

This is the encounter between Henry and Erica. Even though a drunk was "serving for free" just now, not only did he not ask for the fee, but he was slapped severely, but Erica didn't care at all and caught the pity and pain in Henry's eyes, and immediately Following Henry off the bus, trying to complete the second business tonight, and even entangled with Henry, pushing all the faults and responsibilities to Henry, and complaining.

The attitude of nonchalant and self-defeating makes people feel distressed and even more angry.

"She used to be a gentle and lovely girl, but she always demanded too much from life. What qualifications did she not meet? Her mother and I met all her needs as much as possible, why did she suddenly become so Perverse? So crude? So mean? We don't understand. Frankly speaking, it has nothing to do with us. We are competent parents, but she has repaid our efforts by suicide. A selfish and stupid minor, now she There will never be a chance to enter Princeton University—anonymous."

This is the homework that Henry assigned in the first class. In the second class, he shared these homework with the students. This is an assignment from an anonymous person. The indifference and cruelty between the lines reflects the student's inner heart. Pain and torture.

As a substitute teacher, Henry didn't know what to do. Logically speaking, his duty is not "teaching and educating people", but just maintaining order, waiting for the real teacher to come and succeed, and then he completes the handover of work and continues to the next school. But the problem is that the real regular employees don't know what to do.

A swearing, nonchalant little bastard; an underage girl with revealing clothes and no self-love...If they are unwilling to save themselves, if their parents are unwilling to help, what else can the teachers do? What should I do?

Henry’s grandfather’s situation is getting worse and worse. Not only has he started to be incontinent on the hospital bed/on the bed, but his memory has also become increasingly blurred. He keeps mentioning his daughter Patricia and seems to see Patricia coming to visit him in the hospital. But Henry was unwilling to respond and fell into painful suffering. Looking back at his bewildered grandfather, he was helpless and unable to help.

On the way home, Henry saw Erica again at the bus stop.

Erica tried to borrow money from Henry, ten dollars, because she was hungry; Henry finally relented, took Erica home and made her a sandwich.

Inadvertently, Henry discovered that there were scars on the exposed skin of Erica. He carefully unbuttoned the fishnet stockings. Then he saw Erica's scarred inner thigh with blood stains. The dark brown eyes dimmed a little, and he looked at Erica seriously, "Have you been abused lately?"

"What do you care?" Erica stabbed back like a hedgehog covered in spikes.

"I'm not sure how to deal with it." Henry remained calm, no sympathy, no mercy, and no anger. "But if I do, I will wear more."

Erica didn’t appreciate it at all. She tried to continue to sell her service, and she was even willing to give a discount, one hundred dollars, now only fifty dollars, but Henry skipped these tricks directly, took Erica to the bathroom, and stayed. She put down the medical supplies, taught Erica how to disinfect; left a clean bath towel, let her clean herself; and then went to the hall, laid a floor for herself, and gave Erica the sofa bed.

Seeing Henry leaving behind, Erica was a little confused, and seemed too strange to all of this.

The next morning, Henry went to work and left Erica at home. But this is another bad day.

A hooligan who has lost control of violence and destroyed public facilities; tried to push the fault to the and even took the opportunity to blackmail the parents; abused and killed small animals for fun but did not repent of the introverted student; did not realize the problem Serious, nonchalant parents... The whole world is full of negative energy.

When Henry returned home, he found that Erica was serving a middle-aged man with his mouth. Henry lost control of his emotions. He grabbed the man's collar fiercely, "Have you paid? Did you pay?" The scared middle-aged man had no time to leave a pile of green bills. Then he was driven out of the apartment.

Facing Henry who was furious, Erica shrank on the bed in fright, but said timidly, "Don't hit me."

Henry didn't make a move, he just handed a facial tissue to Erica; then he took out the clean sheets and asked Erica to change it. Looking at Henry with a disappointed face, Erica knelt in front of him cautiously, "Don't be angry, okay?"

"I'm not angry." Henry shook his head slightly.

Erica's voice trembled slightly, "Don't think I'm hopeless, okay? I won't do it again, I promise."

Henry looked at Erica in a daze, lowered his eyes, and carefully pulled Erica's open shirt, "You don't need to promise me. No matter what it is, do what you want to do. Just do it. , Don't be here. Understand?"

Erica tried to catch Henry's sight, but failed, and knelt in a daze, motionless.

Involuntarily, Mark's nose was sour. The depressed and dull emotions blocked his throat, unable to make a sound, and his mouth was full of bitterness.

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