The Greatest Showman

Chapter 791: Bottomless Abyss

"Before trying to become parents, people should make sure that they meet the standard." Henry, who was interviewed, said earnestly. The voice dragged gently, like a smoky smoke, dissipating little by little in the air, the line of sight was slightly condensed, and a trace of confusion and thought flashed in the depths of the pupils, but it was fleeting, and the smile bloomed greatly. He said jokingly, "Don't experiment at home." The humorous words were so bitter that the corners of his mouth could not be raised completely, and then he weakly relaxed.

Meredith’s father is a bastard, mean, grumpy, angry, extreme, and narrow-minded. He vents all his anger towards his daughter, even mocking Meredith’s weight; on the other side, Henry and Erica Sitting at the simple dining table, Henry told Erica to take vitamins and aspirin, and hoped that Erica should be tested for HIV/AIDS if he had the opportunity.

"Why did you cry on the bus that day?"

Erica asked, Henry stood in place, her eyes fascinated, the emotions between her eyebrows slowly dissipated, but she couldn't read the details. There were pictures of memories flashing in her mind, from childhood, from...mother, and finally Henry regained his calm again, "Go to sleep." He replied.

Mark sat quietly in the chair and began to grieve inexplicably.

Henry is so gentle, so peaceful, so indifferent, without special sadness and pain, everything is hidden well, like a winding river, sparkling, and the sound of water, but his body is There is always a Hamlet-like aura, every move, every word and deed carries the weight of time.

Mark really liked Lan Li's performance, even if it was just a gesture of raising his eyes, it was so delicate and profound. Even with that, Mark started to like this story, even if it was too heavy to breathe.

"Hello. This is a wonderful life, all those detentions, suspensions, expulsions, and these death meetings."

This is a real-time message from the school’s teacher’s office. The former dean is on the other end of the phone. He has been absent from school for many days. At first he was looking for excuses for illness or housework. But this time, he no longer bears it. He vented all the anger in his heart through phone messages.

"Those paper-cutting, boring parents, vicious children, they are cumbersome. They have defiled my soul, and this humiliation must be stopped! Those principles must be followed! These children think that nonsense is justified, and we are the ones to be judged. , All this is crazy. Is every child worthwhile? Is this the so-called price of education? Those children who have no motivation, enthusiasm, and no brains, you all go to death!"

The language is so powerful, but what is more powerful than the language is the picture: the chalk drawings reappear, the children become the rulers, and the parents and teachers become pets on the leash—or slaves, the children can Be beaten and abused wantonly. In that roar after roar, the answering machine seemed to explode.

In the next second, his roar turned into German, and then Adolf-Hitler (Adolf-Hitler) shots appeared on the black and white screen-the history teacher was in class, playing historical materials of World War II for the students sheet.

The visual impact, the auditory impact, and more importantly, a series of montage shots suggest: Is this condemning the teachers who gave up halfway, or condemning the lawless children, or the irresponsible parents?

Just a few shots were switched, and there was a fierce response in the theater. This is Berlin. They started World War II, but likewise, they also endured the tribulations of World War II. Furthermore, they are also the most turbulent country that reflects on World War II. Tony Kaye used a set of montage shots to link the current social education issues in the United States to history, and the ripples of reflection that have just begun.

"Even if I know it is a lie, I am willing to believe it." On the other hand, Henry was yelling, trying to inject new souls into the students with his weak energy, "Such examples abound in life. I can only be happy if I become beautiful; I can only be beautiful after plastic surgery; I have to lose weight, be famous, and be fashionable! Nowadays young people, under the influence of public opinion, think that women are lowly and can be manipulated, bullied, and trampled. ,humiliation."

Henry’s elegant and handsome face showed anger for the first time, and Ying Ting’s eyebrows were entangled together. “This is mass destruction. In the rest of our lives, 24 hours a day, that power will Drives us to work hard, and then fades away in silence."

"So, in order to protect our thoughts from being poisoned and to fight against the forces that invade and silence us, we must learn to read." Henry stood on the podium. The tall figure and passionate words made the students feel Raised his face, "In order to activate our imagination, to cultivate our own consciousness, and belief. We need these skills to defend and maintain our own thoughts."

Ironically, while Henry is doing his best to carry out his duties as a teacher, the school board is trying to destroy them. Although they respect the responsibility of teachers and the status of education; however, the performance of the school is lagging behind the average level, which will reduce the value of the community and at the same time reduce the economy of the entire community. Therefore, before educating children, they must first improve their grades-those numbers, not thoughts.

Only by improving grades, increasing prestige, and increasing the enrollment rate, will society prosper and schools will have more and more students. But what is behind the number of achievements? What is behind the economic benefits? What about individual students? In the financial torrent, what should the thinking be like?

Teachers should be responsible for teaching and educating people, but now their responsibility is to create economic value. This is reality, not a fable.

Afterwards, the film entered an embarrassing stage: every teacher, after stripping off his job identity, returned home, but had to face his own problems.

Their pain, their sorrows, their struggles are full of negative energy, and no one can solve them; but in school, they must cheer up and perform their work well. Because of their mistakes, they may The consequences are unbearable.

Under the pressure, the teachers began to collapse one by one, as if they could see the quiet and peaceful campus and the educational system hidden behind them, a little bit disintegrating.

The little bit of pressure rolled over, as if drowning, the air in the lungs disappeared little by little. Mark had to open his mouth and breathe, but his eyes were reluctant to blink, lest he would miss the excitement on the big screen with a slight blink, staring at Lan Li, his dry eyes suddenly began to ache. .

Grandfather is critically ill.

When she was critically ill, Erica received a call from the hospital and rushed to the hospital, and then Henry hurried over. The story hidden behind Henry’s indifference and alienation is finally revealed:

His father abandoned Henry early, and Henry lived with his mother and grandfather since childhood. At the age of seven, his mother swallowed a lot of sleeping pills and ended his life. Henry was the first to find the body, while his grandfather fell into a complete collapse and took all the responsibility on himself until he died. He couldn't forgive himself, but he forgot that there was a Henry who needed to be taken care of.

Henry grew up lonely, savagely, and recklessly in this way. Sitting in front of my grandfather’s hospital bed, imitating the tone of my mother’s words, telling my grandfather, “It’s not your fault.” But in those dark brown eyes, there was a daze and timidity. He never cared about him. When he found his mother lying naked on the icy floor of the bathroom, the child.

Mark opened his eyes wide, sadness and bitterness flowed in his eyes, but there were no tears, as if his mouth was opened wide, but he couldn't feel any oxygen at all. Suddenly, endless pain came up. Just looking at Henry sitting quietly on the park bench, his thin shoulders showed a little loneliness, and his fingertips began to tremble slightly.

Meredith came to the classroom and she created a painting for Henry; her talent was praised by Henry, which made Meredith elated. But then Henry discovered Meredith’s fragility and pain. He tried to help her, but Henry was already unable to protect himself. He was a quagmire and an abyss. He couldn't even save himself. How could he help others? People?

Henry took a half step back but Meredith fell into a breakdown. She nestled in Henry's arms fragilely and painfully. Henry tried to push Meredith away, but May was fragmented. Redis firmly grasped the last straw and refused to let go.

Sarah saw this scene. Sarah mistakenly thought Henry was taking advantage of Meredith, so she questioned Henry loudly. This scared Meredith away and at the same time angered Henry. For the second time, Henry lost control of his emotions. He vented his anger in the classroom, angry at Sarah's misunderstanding, angry at his own powerlessness, and angry at Meredith's disintegration.

Just when Mark thought this was the bottom, Henry continued to fall again.

Grandfather passed away. Standing in the bathroom of the ward, Henry's eye sockets were red, no tears, no sadness, but gradually reddened, pain, sourness, and despair, and he fainted in a daze.

"I hope there can be a different ending. I tried it, but the truth is that we..." Facing the close-up of the camera, Henry could hardly breathe, his eyes scattered little by little, as if the numb ice was cruel Bloody smashed, "We all have our own problems. Sometimes the situation is better, sometimes it's worse, and sometimes we can't give other people too much space."

Henry was breathing heavily, but he was still deprived of oxygen, every word was so difficult, as every breath, "These kids need something else. They don't need me."

Henry decides to hand Erica to the social worker.

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