The Greatest Showman

Chapter 789: Detached

Sitting in a chair in the projection hall, Marc Lacante continued to twist his body, the excitement and excitement revealed all over him, making him unable to calm down at all.

Katarina Koffler on the right had to beat Mark’s arm hard, lowered her voice, and squeezed out between her teeth one by one, “Mark, you should be quiet, otherwise, If it affects other audiences, we are going to be thrown out.” German's unique tough tones and pronunciation, suffocated between the lips and teeth, became more and more menacing.

Mark didn’t realize it, and moved his sitting posture again, his eyes looked at Katarina brightly, filled with excitement, “Isn’t all this magical? We are about to watch a Lanly-Hall movie, and We just met with Lanly-Hall, and we had a face-to-face conversation with Lanly-Hall last night!"

In a few simple words, Katarina is also passionate, but she still retains a little sense, "Yes, yes, I know. But movies are movies, and actors are actors. We still have to make objective judgments about movies. "Recalling her loss of reason on the red carpet just now, Katarina's cheeks were slightly hot.

Fortunately, Mark and Katarina are not the only "exciters". In the entire theater, the buzzing restlessness and excitement, bred with powerful energy, seem to be at the possibility of bursting at any time. ; Gradually, the light overhead began to dim, and the commotion in the ears began to calm down at the same time, and the screening was about to begin.

Before Mark had time to calm down, a close-up of Lan Li's face appeared on the big screen—just a five-second film producer title, no movie title, no cast list, or even any warning, the movie was cut in. The subject.

The excitement in his chest surged like a torrent, and he was so excited that he almost stood up and screamed, but in the next second, Mark's eyes were firmly fixed on the big screen.

A messy and unruly hair, a face of sloppy scum, ginger-yellow lights falling down the drooping eyelashes, the waves of the eyes are looming, and the face is expressionless, it seems to be lost in thought, but the confusion and fatigue between the eyebrows But it dangles like smoke.

The entire lens is almost close to Lan Li's face, and every detail on that cheek is magnified to the extreme and is clearly visible. No words are needed, the performance has already begun, just a shot, and the emotions slowly spread.

The right hand holding the pencil, supporting the temple, slender fingers gently rubbing the end of the eyebrows and forehead, the projections of the fingertips, pen tips, and palms on the cheeks are mottled, drawing a trace of vicissitudes of life on that handsome and elegant face.

The eyelids are raised, the dark brown eyes are clearly visible, and the light in the pupils can even be seen flowing slowly, indifferently, alienated, and calmly. "Don't let other people in." He said so, his low voice with a trace of hoarseness, and a touch of exhaustion but deeply dragged on, "I am more inclined to let these people do this thing now. Everyone disperses. , Can you? Don’t squeeze here. Thank you."

A voice from the side sounded, "We can also...let the other people at the door leave."

"Lock the door." He replied, his gaze paused for a moment, and he seemed to be staring at the door. He was slightly confused, the focus was blurred, but he quickly came back to his senses, "Lock it. Thank you. "Then, he lowered his eyes again, his gaze was slightly frozen, and he thought for a moment in a daze. Then the focus moved down and fell on his hands or knees again. In the close-up shot, only his cheeks, nothing else. can not see.

One raised his eyes, one lowered his eyes, two lines, and once raised his hand. There are no extra expressions, and even some suspicion of facial paralysis, but when the eyes are flowing, the faint sadness penetrates the indifference and calmness, and seeps out. Then... the piano music began to cut in, and the sad, cold, gentle, and surging musical notes vented down.

Mark was so stunned, his body remained in a weird posture, but the restless mood quietly settled down, and he slowly sat back in the chair again, and his whole thoughts entered the world like this, which was hidden in the big Behind the screen, the world built by Lan Li.

A chalk drawing appeared on the big screen, a big tree in the sky, and then all the leaves withered and turned into a book. The leaves became a line of words on the pages of the book, "I have never felt so deeply, and Souls are so far apart, and my existence is so real—Albe Camus."

This is Europe, a Europe that is familiar with philosophy, loves literature, and knows history. From elementary school to the end of university, philosophy courses are an indispensable part of them. Therefore, every audience present immediately understood the meaning of this sentence and the hidden behind it. The origin of the name of the movie "Transcendence" has surfaced.


At the beginning of the film, six teachers were interviewed in a documentary way to tell their stories about becoming teachers. Then, the camera switched to Lan Li again. It is as if Lan Li is also a real teacher.

"Most of the teachers here once firmly believed that they could make a difference." Lan Li's expression was very calm, his eyes were very calm, and the rhythm of speaking was a little slow, as if he was organizing the language, but the slow and distant voice. But it drags a touch of heaviness in the air, without unnecessary modification and embellishment, the weight of emotions and thoughts falls on the hearts of every audience.

"I know how important it is to guide and help others understand the complex things in the world." Lan Li paused for a moment, and the focus began to disperse again, falling into his own thoughts. "In the process of growing up, I never I really have those." There was a pause again, without saying much, just gently retracting his jaw, and the light in his eyes dimmed little by little.

Sad, bitter, confused, confused, sensitive. There doesn't seem to be any expression, but all emotions are exhausted. The movie started like this.

It was just the beginning, and Mark fell in love with the work.

This is a school that has fallen to the bottom of the valley. The grades have never improved. The students are gradually degenerating. The educators are beginning to shirk their responsibilities. The atmosphere of corruption is flowing. It is like a ruin. Hope, I can’t see the sun either.

Henry Bart, the protagonist of the story, came to this school as a temporary substitute teacher. Dressed in a suit and leather, walking calmly, Henry walked into the classroom and began his first class.

"Good morning." Henry put his briefcase and coffee on the table, watching the students sparsely responding to greetings, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but there was no smile, "I am Mr. Bart. Many of you don't know. This is the English class for the eleventh grade, right?" Henry stood before the podium and said calmly, "Listen, I only have one rule, just one."

"If you don't want to stay here, don't come." Henry said, and a Latino-looking teenager said impatiently, "Man, what do you mean?"

"Not'buddies', but Mr. Bart." Henry corrected, then turned around and wrote his last name on the blackboard, "'S' is silent."

The young man raised his voice and shouted, "You/Mom/ are just a cannon."

"Marcus, shut up!" shouted a chubby girl sitting at the back.

"No, you shut up!" Marcus turned around and yelled viciously, "Fatty woman." Then the whole classroom laughed.

Henry turned around and walked to Marcus, smiling, "Hey, Marcus, guess what? You can leave."

Marcus smiled triumphantly, "You mean now?"

"Yes, now." Henry moved the table directly and signaled the direction to the door.

Marcus and his friends celebrated with a high five, stood up without hesitation, walked to the gate, and looked at Henry who opened the gate, "Why, you want me to go to the principal's office?"

Henry closed the door directly and pushed Marcus out, "I don't care." Then he saw Marcus standing at the door of the classroom with a dazed expression. Unknown, the classroom burst into laughter again. Henry walked back again, "Everyone brings out a piece of paper. I want to see how well each person's writing skills are."

"What if there is no paper?" a black guy with a turban shouted.

Henry ignored it, and then said, "The situation is as follows, you are dead. Briefly record..."

"Hey, bastard! I'm asking you a question!" The black guy was furious and interrupted Henry's words fiercely.

Henry ignored the guy at all, and continued, "About your family or friends, how would you rate you at the funeral. How? You have thirty minutes."

Some students started booing "dog/shit", some students started to laugh at and the black guy stood up, like a zombie, looked fiercely toward the podium, and confronted Henry, "I'm his/mother /I'm asking you a question, isn't it?" Then he silently picked up Henry's briefcase, and slammed it at the door of the classroom, looking like he was invincible.

Not only was Henry not angry, but he twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Anything else?"

"You/bitch/daughter better get out/egg before I grass/turn you over!" the black kid said viciously.

However, Henry did not react fiercely. He just looked at each other calmly and carefully looked at the immature and green face. This made the black guy a little uncomfortable. He avoided his sight before realizing it. This made Henry look away. The smile at the corner of his mouth rose.

"That bag doesn't have any feeling, it's empty; I don't have any special feeling, you can't hurt me, okay?" Henry's words were not rushed, they were always smooth, with a hoarse grainy feeling. It makes people feel calm, "I know you are angry, and I was the same before. I understand, but you have no reason to be angry with me, because I am one of the few people who try to give you a chance. Now, I need you to sit down, Then try to finish the composition. I will give you a piece of paper, how about it?"

The young man squirmed his mouth, after all, he did not speak. Henry opened the folder, tore a piece of paper, and handed it over. The young man took it, his tone gradually calmed down, "Can you give me a pen from him?"

Henry didn't speak, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes calm.

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