The Greatest Showman

Chapter 788: Get together for 1 class

Jack Gyllenhaal, the actor who has been rolling in Hollywood for more than ten years, seems to be extremely senior, but in fact, he was born in 1980, and like Lan Li, belongs to the Y generation.

Jack’s career curve is somewhat similar to that of George Clooney. After "Brokeback Mountain" became popular, "Zodiac", "Source Code", "Pot Cover" and other art works have gained a lot of reputation, but "Prince of Persia" Commercial films such as "Blade of Time" and "Love and Elixir" have suffered disastrous failures both in word of mouth and at the box office.

Despite this, he still has a group of loyal fans, and this year he was invited to be the jury of the Berlin Film Festival.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The wave of support has not yet been calmed down, and now it has once again created stormy waves.

Just when people thought that tonight's enthusiasm could not go further, Jack and Lan Li were in the same frame. As a result, the shouting tore through the throat, began to change and deform, and evolved into sonic booms, surging and layering in the raging cold Berlin night, such a scene is truly spectacular.

After getting off the car and standing on the red carpet, Jack seemed to be a little dazed, like a lost child. Standing in place, looking left, looking right, looking forward, and looking backward, his eyes seemed at a loss. I was thinking about the direction to move forward, and my footsteps stayed so cleverly and firmly without ever moving.

At the end of the hesitation, Jack took a step towards the direction where Lan Li was. With this simple action, the audience was boiling, and the reporters on the spot were boiling.

Compared with the boiling on the spot, Lan Li appeared to be very calm, not too excited, or in other words, unnecessary.

Because several reviewers who just appeared have already proved this: Asha-Fahati just nodded his head, even the reporters only had time to press the shutter a few times, and then watched Asha. Entered the main venue; Charlotte Gansbu stayed for a while, but greeted two "good evening", wishing the movie go well, and then left.

As for François-Ou Jong, he passed by in a hurry. If it weren't for Lan Li to chase him up, he talked a few words, I'm afraid he is like a staff member, low-key refused to make any stop.

Lanly has always liked François' films, with French-style philosophical reflections, British-style black humor, and a little German-style social reality—just a little absurd. Unfortunately, the red carpet is not the best place to talk. Lan Li just greeted him politely, and then left politely.

Lan Li wondered whether it was because of their judging status that was not suitable for more stays; or because they were low-key and didn't like the red carpet process. Jack should be the same now.

Under the expectation of everyone, Jack stopped in front of Lan Li and smiled as a greeting on social occasions, "Congratulations on the release of the movie, I am looking forward to it."

"Thank you. Looking forward to your feedback." Lan Li also replied politely.

Jack's expression was a little stiff, he raised his eyes and glanced at Lan Li, hesitated for a moment, but moved away, and then said, "I think I'd better go to the back and say hello to the audience."

Lan Li nodded in agreement, "It seems that the temperature has cooled down tonight. They have been waiting here for nearly four hours. This is at least what we can do."

Jack's expression was slightly stunned, as if he did not expect Lan Li's response like this, he hesitantly leaned back, wanted to turn around and left, but hesitated, so he maintained a weird reclining posture, and his eyes fell. On Lan Li, he did not speak.

Lan Li laughed blankly, Jack in front of him was exactly the same as the Hollywood legend. "You should go over and say hello, they are calling you."

Jack retracted his chin gently, his gaze fell on Lan Li’s eyes, touched with a touch of water, and then drifted away shyly, slowly moving and turning in circles, and then retracted, glancing at Lan Li, unexpectedly When he noticed that Lan Li's sight had not moved away, he immediately hung down in a panic, gently retracted his chin, pointed in another direction, gestured for a moment, and the smile at the corner of his mouth rose involuntarily.

I wanted to say something, but after all I didn’t say anything, so I turned around and took a thoughtful step. Suddenly turning around to look at Lan Li, the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter, and it bloomed completely. Coming in, nodded and waved to Lan Li, and then walked in the direction of the fans.

"Ahhhhh! Jack!" Jack regained his composure amidst the frenzied shouts, waved and nodded at the fans in a friendly manner, and the heat on the scene once again rose to a new level.

Someone once wondered why Jack always seems to be hovering between the first line and the quasi-first line, and he has never been able to become a big hit? George Clooney of the same type and route can be described as the "Hollywood President", with boundless scenery. For the layman, it is true; but for the industry, it is not uncommon.

Jack is a very low-key person, not good at socializing, and lives in his own world-not the autistic one, but his conversation rhythm, laughter rhythm, and life rhythm are slightly different. His sister Maggie-Gyllenhaal (Maggie-Gyllenhaal), and brother-in-law Peter-Sarsgaard (Peter-Sarsgaard) did the same.

"Prisoner" and "Rival" in 2013, "Nightcrawler" in 2014, "Broken Life" and "Desperate Elevation" in 2015, and "Nocturnal Animals" in 2016. In fact, Jack all hopes to compete for Oscar, even if Not a prize, at least a nomination. But in the end there was no nomination. Until 2017, his only Oscar nomination was still "Brokeback Mountain" in 2005.

The unfamiliarity of the college public relations and even the absence, this is an important reason.

Just a short fate, Jack's shyness and restraint, and a little weirdness, this left a deep impression on Lan Li. But for this type of person, Lan Li couldn't be more familiar with it, such as George Slander, Tony Kaye, Rooney Mara, etc. In a way, Lan Li himself is also.

Turning around, Lan Li faced the reporters again. However, he did not stay too much, just stayed for about five minutes, then turned around and walked into the main venue.

Before and after, he had stayed on the red carpet for nearly forty-five minutes. From his toes to his chest, he was cold. He felt like he was immersed in the Arctic Ocean for a day and night. The heating in the room came on and his muscles were stiff. Begin to relax slowly, and the needle-like pain and tingling sensation began to surge up, the taste is really indescribable.

Sammy Gail ran up and down all the way, stood tightly beside Lan Li, and put his hands behind him in a proper manner, "Lan Li, Lan Li, there are really many people here today!" There was an uncontrollable excitement in between, "Many people who don't know, I heard that they seem to be big people."

Raising her head, Lan Li saw Betty Kaye standing in the corner not daring to move at a glance. She was very cautious. She looked at Lan Li and Sammy for help, but never dared to step forward because she stood in front of her. A large group of people are chatting in full swing.

Lan Li patted Betty on the shoulder, "Are you going to meet some new friends with me, or are you going to stay by the side?"

"Let's stay by the side, your chats are very boring." Sammy thought about it seriously, frowned and said with disgust, still a child.

"Then go and accompany Betty. You can sneak to the second floor. If my message is correct, there should be a buffet table there, where you can eat some dessert or fruit, and cushion your stomach." Lan Li motioned. "Don't forget the show time of the movie, just come back in time."

Sammy nodded with a big smile and ran to Betty. The two chatted in a whisper, and then waved at Lan Li, and walked surreptitiously towards the direction of the stairs.

The whole main venue was indeed crowded and scrambled. Before the premiere tonight, Andy Rogers had already explained in advance. There should be many big people attending tonight. This is an extremely important social occasion. As an introducer, Andy set up the stage and arranged the lighting. , The rest is left to Lan Li.

First the chairman of the festival, then the members of the jury. Others who can appear on the scene should be important figures in the German film circle, and perhaps important figures at the Cannes Film Festival and the Venice Film Festival-although the three major European film festivals They are competitors, but in fact, their internal communication and cooperation are far closer than the outside world seems; in addition, there should be key figures in important film markets such as Britain, France, and ~Such an occasion is a compulsory course for the upper class. Even without watching the guest list, Lan Li can guess a general idea. Of course, the real expert in this area is still Arthur.

Just staying there for a while, Lan Li's footsteps did not have any doubts, and he walked straight towards François Ou Jong. Those big shots are indeed very important, but before the official premiere of "Beyond"-to be more precise, before the official presentation of Lan Li's work, all the conversations were just greetings and politeness, without substantive meaning, but just one thing. It's just a layer of masks. Therefore, there is no need to worry so much.

In contrast, Lan Li prefers to choose his favorite filmmaker to start conversations. What's more, this is a movie scene. It is the best choice to open the situation with the topic of the movie and in an artistic way. Not so deliberate, and not so hypocritical. The methods of George Clooney and Brad Pitt are not necessarily suitable for Renly.

Under everyone's eyes, the big bosses gathered, Lan Li's every move was under people's supervision, and then he was seen walking towards François-Ou Jong unexpectedly. Or in other words, it was a reasonable choice, and all eyes became meaningful, including François himself.

However, the 20-minute social occasion soon ended, and then everyone filed into the theater in a hustle and bustle. "Delicate" is about to be officially screened, and the highlight of tonight is about to begin.

Wait until exhausted, which is also one of the biggest features of top social occasions.

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