The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1622: Only rely on

Lan Li suppressed the sadness deep in his heart, and took a step towards Mei Duo.

The gray-haired grandfather was still standing by, holding a piece of chocolate in his hand, trying to comfort Mei Duo, but found that the power of language was too weak after all, so he put the chocolate beside Mei Duo and turned. He turned around and patted Lan Li's arm lightly, expressing condolences.

"Thank you." When Lan Li spoke again, he realized that his voice was hoarse, and that powerlessness was wrapping around every muscle of his body. He had consumed almost all of his body's energy to barely stand.

At this moment, even a little warmth from strangers can make Lan Li feel the power again—at least not the coldness of those reporters, which makes people feel desperate for the darkness of the world.

The old man turned and left, and sat down on the bench on the other side. Lan Li didn't know his story. Every family member waiting in the lounge had his own story and his own grief, but he really didn't have the energy to take care of other people now. After smiling and nodding to the grandfather again, Lan Li retracted his gaze and looked at Mei Duo again.

In this way, Mei Duo curled up like a hedgehog. When in danger, he curled himself up into a ball, using spikes all over his body to resist the danger. Whether it was a friend or an enemy, as long as he stretched out his hand, he was bound to be bloody. That's the case with Nathan sitting cross-legged next to him.

After thinking about it, Lan Li let go of his steps and slowly sat down beside Mei Duo. After two positions, the pain in the waist and thigh became irritating again, and Lan Li had to grit his teeth, no All the pain was suppressed sensibly, and years of etiquette training still kept him calm.

Lan Li just sat quietly, letting the pain, mood, suffering, and confusion settle down slowly, picked up the chocolate that Grandpa had just put on the sofa, opened it, broke it in half, and put it in. In his mouth, it was sweet and greasy. The taste of milk and saccharin almost covered the original taste of black cocoa, but now Lan Li only felt bitter in his mouth.

Turning around, Lan Li passed the chocolate over, "Mei Duo, it's me, Lan Li."

The words had just been spoken, Lan Li was choked up for a while, and the emotional surge was so fierce that he himself lost control. He didn't know... He didn't know how to comfort the girl in front of him, he didn't know how to convince himself; he didn't know what to do, he didn't know what would happen in the future, he didn't know anything, like a fool.

"Mei Duo." After taking a deep breath, Lan Li continued, "How did you come here? Why don't you wear more clothes? Today's weather is not so warm. If you have a cold, your father must be worried. You. Did you call your grandparents? Do you need me to call your mother? Maybe you can eat a little chocolate to warm up your body a little."

For the first time, Lan Li felt that he was so clumsy. He couldn't even speak comforting words well. He just talked about trivial things, trivial things that didn't make any sense.

He couldn't say it.

"Everything will be fine" "Your dad will be fine" "Your dad will survive" "It's not as serious as I thought" "Everything will pass eventually"...

He couldn't say these words.

Because he was even more afraid than Mei Duo, lest he could not realize these words in the end, but caused more harm to Mei Duo, he was afraid that he would become the person who hurt Mei Duo. He is a cowardly coward. He was really scared now, but he didn't dare to show it.

A moment of tranquility finally ushered in the family lounge.

Mei Duo seemed to hear Lan Li's words at last, quietly raised her head, and looked around with her gaze. The vicious big men finally disappeared, and then she saw Lan Li's face. She finally did it again. I couldn't help it, and rushed towards Lan Li with a sudden, and hugged Lan Li firmly and firmly, as if the drowning man had finally found a piece of driftwood.

"Lan Li. Lan Li." After yelling a few words, Mei Duo finally couldn't hold it anymore, and she broke down and cried, "Lan Li, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Mei Duo hugged Lan Li tightly, buried his head in that embrace, crying bitterly, "If Dad... Dad... I haven't told him yet, I love him. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so real. He loves him so much, he can’t leave, no. No! I’m wrong, Dad, I’m wrong.”

The heart-piercing cry, just repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again, sentence after sentence, again and again, made Lan Li's heart like a knife, he can only bite his teeth, otherwise his fragility and Fear leaked.

He needs to be strong. Both Paul and May need him to be strong.

"Dad will be fine, right? Right! Lan Li! How could dad be like this! He said yes, he said he wanted to accompany me to grow up! He said he wanted to teach me skiing! He said he wanted to do it by himself Hand me over to the prom partner! He said yes! How can he say nothing! He lied. Lanly, he lied. He couldn't leave like this! He couldn't! He promised me, how could he, How could he lie to me! Didn't he say yes, he wants to be a good father? He promised. He clearly promised me."

Mei Duo's voice was muffled, heavy, and fragmented. He couldn't hear the whispers, but he completely released the suffering.

The shouts slammed into the heart like a heavy hammer, making people breathless.

Lan Li raised his hands, gently, slowly, and tenderly embraced Mei Duo into her arms, like a gentle harbor, protecting Mei Duo under her wings, "I am here. Mei Duo , I’m here, don’t worry, I’ve always been here."

Paul Walker, you **** guy! If you dare to give up easily, I swear! Even if I get to hell, I will chase it personally! You can't give up! I don't allow you to give up! I really can't bear it again! I do not know what to do. Paul Walker, I need you to persevere, please!

Mei Duo’s hug was so hard that the bruises on her waist began to hurt again, and every muscle in her body was protesting. The piercing pain made Lan Li’s brain sober. The pulling energy made Lan Li straighten his shoulders again, supporting the fragmented sky above Mei Duo's head.

Lan Li hugged Mei Duo tightly, his voice gradually becoming firm, "Mei Duo, everything has a chance. You know? Everything has a chance. Your father hasn't given up yet, and we shouldn't give up!"

In the previous life, Paul's injury was so serious that he had not even been able to reach the hospital before he died.

In this life, the situation is different after all. Paul was escorted to the hospital, and things are still turning around now. They can't give up, it's not time to give up yet!

The destiny track has changed. They cannot give up, they absolutely cannot give up!

"Medo, do you know? Your father is the strongest kind of person in the world. He knows that you are still waiting for him. He knows that he wants to grow up with you, so he won't give up easily. He promised me , Let's not give up easily, okay?" Lan Li repeated in a low voice over and over again, seeming to persuade Mei Duo, and also seem to persuade himself.

Mei Duo slowly raised her head, her small face looked like a cat, her eyes were completely swollen, she looked at Lan Li at a loss, but couldn't make a sound.

Lan Li gently closed his jaw, "I know, you love him. But you still have to tell him this sentence in person, you know? He's waiting, he's been waiting, he didn't hear this. How could he give up before saying something? Mei Duo, don't you?" As he said, his voice choked up again, but this time Lan Li controlled it and showed a shallow light towards Mei Duo. The smile brought a trace of warmth.

Mei Duo stared at Lan Li in a daze, but after all he didn’t say anything, and fell back into Lan Li’s arms again. The cries gradually became calmer, weak and exhausted, curled up in Lan Li’s. In his arms, like a kitty lost in a storm, trying to find a trace of warmth in the ice and snow.

Such a plum looks like an exquisite and fragile porcelain doll, and if you are not careful, it will fall apart.

Since entering the hospital, Mei Duo and Lan Li have achieved a brief period of peace. The two timid and wounded souls rely on each other. The darkness does not seem to be so terrible, but the peace is only very, very short, and there is no time to relax. Don't get tight again.

The night is still not over.

"Paul Walker's family?" A doctor in a white coat appeared in the family lounge and shouted.

Lan Li patted Mei Duo's shoulder lightly, and the two stood up one after the other; Nathan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, also stood up awkwardly, and Uukanshu followed step by step.

"I'm Derek-Shepperd, the chief neurologist, and I will be in charge of Paul Walker's head surgery next. I'm looking for...Uh, Ranley Hall?" The visitor looks like about 40 The appearance in the middle of the year should be considered a young man in the lineup of doctors. Obviously, he doesn't know much about Hollywood, and he doesn't show a difference because of the names of Renly and Paul.

Lan Li nodded in response, "Just now the nurse said that there are some consent forms that I need to sign."

“Yes, the patient’s medical insurance has signed a relevant agreement. If there is an emergency and his immediate family members have no way to rush to the scene, then the relevant situation will be handed over to Lan Li. Including the surgical agreement, there is also Extubation agreement and so on." Derek said simply, "But now the situation is not that serious. We can discuss the details later. Let's discuss the operation first."

Mei Duo has reached the limit of his challenge, and can't bear to listen any more, almost unable to support his body, and can only barely stand with the support of Lan Li.

This is a torment for Mei Duo.

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