The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1621: Hit the wall and fight back

Just as he turned his footsteps, the quiet and depressed family rest room appeared in front of him, and then Lan Li saw the lively scene in front of him.

About five or six tall middle-aged men formed an encirclement circle. They did not rush forward, but blocked all escape routes; in the center was a thin and slender girl with her hands tightly pressed. Holding his knees, buried his head between his knees, his shoulders were trembling slightly, there was no sound at all, but it revealed the deep fear in his heart.

"Mei Duo, we are not malicious, we just want to find out about your father's condition."

"We will not hurt you, let alone your father, we just want to help."

"What do you know now? How is your father's current situation?"

"Mei Duo, we need your cooperation."

"How did the car accident happen, and what information do you know? What did your father tell you when he left home this morning?"

Reporter, reporter, reporter, actually still a reporter! Surrounded by the masses in the center, Mei Duo was shivering, and then moved his body towards the corner bit by bit, but because he was too scared and too tight, his body could not move at all, that thin body was just like that. Covered by shadows from all directions, it seemed that she could be destroyed at any time.

"Gentlemen, these gentlemen, the little girl is not suitable for answering questions now..." A family member next to her finally couldn't stand it and walked over to try to dissuade her.

The reporter standing on the outside showed a smile, "We are not malicious. We just want to help. You said, do we look like bad guys? We are all reporters and came here to help."

"But she doesn't need your help." The gray-haired grandfather still insisted.

The reporter intercepted the other's words indifferently and said perfunctorily, "You don't understand the situation."

Shameless! cunning! treacherous! hateful! ugly!

The emotions in Lan Li's mind began to gurgle. He tried to suppress his emotions. The aristocratic education from childhood is admonishing him that he must remain calm and etiquette no matter what the situation is, but he does his best. Suppression, even his body began to tremble slightly, he still couldn't do it.

"To shut up!"

Lan Li's voice rang in the quiet family lounge.

Lan Li took a deep breath, depressed and depressed, controlled and controlled, he avoided losing control of his emotions, not only for himself, but also for the hospital. Making noise in the hospital affects the work of the doctor and the rest of the patient. This is a very bad behavior, but... it is really too difficult. He exhausted all his energy to suppress the urge to make a fist, but , The tight voice still leaked the anger contained deep in his heart.

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up and shut up!"

His voice was tense to the extreme, and it seemed that it might break at any time. The burning anger was ramming in his chest. The six reporters all raised their heads, and then they saw Lan Li, but there was nothing at all. Fear and panic, but...but as if seeing a savior, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he rushed towards Lan Li—compared to Mei Duo, Lan Li was obviously a more suitable interview subject.

Before the footsteps are approaching, the questions have been taken first.

"Len Li, what's the situation now?"

"How is Paul? The blue alert just appeared, is it Paul?"

"The scene of the car accident was very serious. Will Paul still have a chance to survive?"

"Are there any updates on the rescue situation?"

"Which party is responsible for the accident?"

"Does the police have any further news now?


Flies, countless flies, the buzzing noise is even louder than the crows in the cemetery.

Lan Li did not intend to answer, but raised his right hand, pointed in the direction of the elevator, and said calmly, "Get out!"

The six reporters slammed the brakes in their footsteps, as if they could not believe their ears, they looked at Lan Li in amazement, the figure in front of him was so strange, as if he had never seen it before.

Their cheeks and eyebrows are covered with question marks, and they don't understand what happened: Did they offend this Hollywood star? Why does he shake his face like this? What does this mean?

"You heard what I said, get out!" Lan Li did not waver, did not even give them more time to react, and said again firmly, "Don't let me ask the security guards to use force to take you Throw it out!"

"Len Li! This is our right! The public has the right to know the truth! The public has the right to know the situation! You can't stop us!" one of the reporters yelled, and the three reporters took a step forward, trying to count The advantage is stuck in the blue gift. The flash and the recorder smashed towards Lan Li in a frantic manner.

"I don't care!" Lan Li was still unmoved. Even when faced with the recorder that hit her head directly, she still didn't move, her footsteps and eyes didn't change at all, and she didn't flinch at all. A simple sentence returned all the menacing opponents back.

Seeing that the reporters still didn't react, he repeated once again, "I! No! I care!" He clearly expressed his official position.

"I said, all reporters had better stay on their feet, don't act rashly, and don't take an inch! Don't sway in front of me with the public's right to know! Don't let me see your presence in any corner of the hospital! Don't continue! Haunting Mei Duo or any doctor or nurse in the hospital!"

"Otherwise, I, Renly Hall, swear here that if you dare to invade the hospital one more step, I will make you regret it forever! I will completely block the media you are in! Never refuse any kind of interview from you! I want to let you You are ruined! I want to take you to court! Endless death! Make you regret the provocation you made today! I want to smash the crown of your uncrowned king! Let us see who is the last to laugh in this war !"

Lan Li is still the one. The gentleman is polite and personable, but his eyes burst out with incredible light, fierce and cruel, and that **** breath involuntarily began to linger under the nose, making every listener Unconsciously, the heart shrank, and he began to fear subconsciously.

"Let us see! Did you die! Or I die!"


This is definitely the devil! That violent temperament that would rather be jade broken than tile complete swept like a hurricane! Those bright and determined eyes burst out a terrifying breath!

The reporter who took the initiative to shout just now was eager to split. In order to cheer himself up, he took the initiative to take a step forward and shouted sharply, "How-Dare-You!"

But Lan Li didn't move like loose, and rushed back by hitting the wall, "Then try (Then-Try-Me)!"

There were no gaps and no room for the wall-hit attacks and responses, which pushed the momentum to the extreme.

That handsome face exploded with a condescending and powerful deterrent, and the expression between his eyes and words revealed an absolute strength that could not be disputed and could not be refuted. At this point, every opponent standing in front of Lan Li could feel the cold wind from his spine, and fear began to grow spontaneously.

"Now, get out!" Lan Li didn't leave any breathing room at all, and decisively delivered the instructions. This was their ultimatum.

The ultimatum with no room for maneuver, the decisive expression in those eyes, made the six reporters in front of them feel their insignificance and helplessness. They have no doubt that their continued stay may completely anger the open blood bowl in front of them. The behemoth with a big mouth couldn't breed even a little resistance mentality. There was no time to exchange eyes to discuss and discuss. It just turned around in embarrassment and quickly fled the scene, like a dog in a family.

The family lounge was quiet again.

But Lan Li's mood still can't calm down. Even though he has experienced all this personally, he still can't believe that it's happening: Paul's life is hanging by a thread, and the reporters care about their right to know? The right to know the dog / fart /!

Behind the silence, there are still stormy waves, and it is even more painful. The indescribable feeling of suffocation dragged Lan Li's ankle fiercely and began to fall, then fall again. This world is really terrible. Only when I have experienced it personally will I know that the ugliness and filth are far beyond my imagination.

Lan Li closed his eyes and silently counted down "3, 2, 1" to calm his surging emotions again. He knew exactly what he was doing, but he had no regrets. Even if you do it again now, he will do so without hesitation. Go to the uncrowned king of /him/mother!

Opened his eyes Lan Li found Mei Duo in the corner.

Mei Duo still maintained the movement just now, as if she didn't feel everything that was happening outside, she just hugged her knees firmly and buried her head in them, like an ostrich, knowing that the danger has come. But still buried his head in the sand, deceiving himself so that he could escape.

Nathan squatted awkwardly not far away, his chubby body couldn't maintain balance at all, so he simply sat cross-legged on the floor, and then carefully persuaded Mei Duo, trying to make Mei Duo able to relax a little - because Mei Duo looked like a full bowstring, but it was still tightening continuously, so precarious that it might break at any time.

However, Mei Duo did not move.

Looking at Mei Duo like this, Lan Li's eyes couldn't help but feel sour. He couldn't imagine what kind of suffering she was going through. He couldn't even imagine what kind of suffering she would have to go through next; but he needed her to know that she was not alone. .

He blinked slightly, concealed the warmth that hadn't had time to catch his head, and then stepped forward again and came to Mei Duo's side.

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