The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1623: operation time

Surgical agreement.

Extubation agreement.

Lan Li's heart trembled a little involuntarily.

He suddenly remembered that when two people were surfing in Hawaii, Paul had discussed life and death with him.

"If the brain dies and becomes a vegetable, how would you choose?" This is Paul's question.

"I will hope that my family will be extricated." Lan Li said without hesitation.

In the United States, patients can choose to sign a variety of agreements, one of which is for special circumstances. When the patient suffers from illness and finally falls into the blue alarm of cardiac arrest again, he can choose to sign one. "No treatment agreement", voluntarily give up the right of the hospital to continue the rescue.

This is not euthanasia, but the final end of repeated suffering.

Among them, brain death patients can also sign such an agreement. Brain death, from a social point of view, he is still alive because the body's functions are still maintaining life; but from a medical point of view, he is dead, without the ability to think, speak, or reflect, or even have no way to be autonomous Breathing is just relying on the machine to maintain life. Once the ventilator is unplugged, the life syndrome will be directly terminated.

From a humanitarian point of view, brain death is still not considered "death". For his family and friends, there is still no way to send each other away easily. As long as he can continue to pay for hospitalization, he can continue to "live". Guarding a vegetative, waiting for a miracle that can never be achieved.

From a medical point of view, brain death is still not extubated. This is a comfort to those who are still alive, nothing more.

Different people have different opinions on the same thing.

Some people want to keep a vegetative state and continue to live; some people hope that when their brain dies, family and friends can choose to let go.

Therefore, there are extubation agreements and non-rescue agreements. The patient can appoint a person on his own, and they can decide his life and death after brain death. Often, the patient always chooses the closest family or friend, or chooses the family or friend with the most similar thinking and concepts to replace him. Make the choice you want.

This is an important task, not only represents trust, but wholehearted trust-because the family or friend must make a decision: the decision to send the friend away by hand. For anyone, this is not an easy task, or even a heavy burden.

"Why?" Paul was not surprised by Lan Li's choice, but he was surprised by Lan Li's simplicity.

For Lan Li, it was a simple decision.

In the previous life, after suffering on the sickbed for ten years, he always thought, "Living" is sometimes a kind of pain; "Death" is a kind of relief. If you suffer from brain death, or go back and forth on the edge of death repeatedly, you are about to be relieved, but you are rescued abruptly, and then continue to struggle above the death line, suffering from pain in the end, or Having to go to Elysium, that kind of suffering is the most terrifying.

At that time, Lanly smiled brightly at Paul, "Because I want to live, not to survive. Instead of fighting for survival, it is better to live now and enjoy life well, and don't let down that only in the summer. The flowering period of blooming."

"Len Li, sometimes I really envy you. Not because of your handsomeness, but because of your open-mindedness." Paul showed a bright smile, and at that moment, when a huge wave came, Paul said cheerfully. "Well, let's see who has rushed better in this wave? Try it out?"

Lan Li is of course obligatory. The two of them slid their hands toward the wave, opening their chests to embrace the sun and the sea.

Closing his eyes, Lan Li can still portray Paul's smile that day in his mind, eclipsing the Hawaiian sun with the carefree and wanton, clean without a trace of impurities.

damn it!

So, are those rights in his hands now? If that point is really reached, will he decide Paul's life and death?

This is really cruel.

If Paul really faced such a situation, then... Then what should he do? The nightmare memories of the previous life were surging again, and the ending of Paul in the previous life resurfaced again. Lanly did not dare to continue thinking about it, but his thoughts split violently and became more and more turbulent.

Lan Li's heart couldn't help but began to tremble slightly, but immediately noticed Mei Duo, who was almost unable to stand firm. They all knew what those agreements meant, but they didn't dare to think about it. Lan Li quickly supported Mei Duo, then straightened her waist, and became Mei Duo's most solid backing with perseverance. All those mixed thoughts were put aside, and she calmly and calmly faced the doctor's sight. Shuang's regained bright eyes still maintained a high concentration of attention.

Derek could notice the changes in Mei Duo and Ren Li, and felt a little relieved deep in his heart. For doctors, family members of patients are the most difficult to deal with, especially when they hear the worst moments of critical illness, they are often prone to lose their minds and even make aggressive actions. The harm to doctors is still a trivial matter, and the most terrible thing is the delay. Best treatment time.

Doctors need the trust of patients' family members so that they can complete their work.

Derek can notice Ren Li’s calmness and concentration, which means that Ren Li’s sanity still has the upper hand. This immediately relieved him of a lot of misunderstandings in his work, and he can start the work of treatment as soon as possible. "Patient..."

"Paul." Lanly interrupted Derek. "He is called Paul."

Derek paused for a moment, staring at Lan Li, but his eyes remained unchanged, calmly and tenaciously projected over, clearly expressing his persistence and willingness, so Derek went on to say, "Paul just went to the emergency room. At that time, there was bleeding in the abdomen and blood vessel rupture in the head. Multiple complications caused cardiac arrest."

Derek seemed to notice Mei Duo's act of taking a deep breath, and added, "Don't worry, we completed the rescue work in the first time." This eased Mei Duo's consternation and worry a little, and Derek continued. Continued, "But we still haven't got through the difficulty. We need to find the bleeding point and then complete the repair work."

"The whole operation will be divided into two parts, one is the head and the other is the abdomen. The two parts will be performed at the same time and will be handled by different doctors. The time is very urgent. If we miss the best time for treatment, next It may happen..." Derek tried to explain the importance of surgery.

But Lanly knows the importance of surgery, and the doctor always assumes the worst. The terrible results are really shocking, which is almost unbearable for Mei Duo, so he gently jaws After the first, I interrupted the doctor's follow-up introduction, "Sorry, you just introduced yourself, your name is...?"

Derek was stunned for a while, not knowing why, but then he noticed Lan Li's eyes. Those calm eyes were full of scrutiny and inquiry, just in a polite way that would not make people feel aggressive, but Also stand firm and refuse to compromise.

He realized that Lan Li was expressing his doubts in this way-they needed the best, most outstanding and top doctors to be responsible for the operation. This is also the hope of every family member, but Lan Li expressed it in a more tactful and polite way.

"Derek Shepard. I am now the director of the Department of Neurology; I am also the deputy director of the entire surgical department." A simple sentence showed Derek's qualifications and proved his strength. "In addition, I served as the director of Paul Abdomen The doctor in charge of the operation is Miranda-Baily, she is the director of the inpatient department and the head of general surgery."

After the detailed introduction, Derek took the initiative to meet Lan Li’s calm and wise eyes, "Mr. Hall, we know that Paul is a VIP guest. The hospital will devote the best resources to treatment and rescue. This is ours. responsibility."

There is something in the words.

Obviously, Derek is not the kind of doctor who doesn't hear things outside the window. He works and lives in Los Angeles, so how can he not know anything about Hollywood? What's more, the riots created by the reporters at the entrance of the hospital have spread throughout the hospital in a short period of time, and it is extremely difficult for them not to know.

During the meeting, I kept an unknowingly calm state at all times. It was a professional posture. But in fact, the dean of the hospital personally issued an order just now. This is the highest-level VIP and must go all out. Derek can't neglect naturally.

Lan Li lightly chins his head to express his understanding. On the way from Burbank to the hospital, he immediately called Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, and also called After receiving a call from Andre Hamilton, he mobilized all his contacts to provide Paul with the top team.

It now appears that those phones are working.

"What about the surgical consent form?" Lan Li didn't say much, and went straight to the subject. Now Paul is at stake and his life is hanging by a Everything must be raced against time and must not be taken lightly.

Derek handed the clipboard in his hand to Lan Li: According to the regulations, the family members must be informed of the consequences of the operation. This is a legal procedure; but his sight also noticed Mei Duo's state, and then he noticed Lan Li's small movements. For a moment, the words swallowed again.

Lan Li did not sign immediately, but looked down at the agreement quickly and got a rough idea of ​​the overall situation. He is not Elf Hall, and his understanding of medicine is only a mere mere fur; but he has some understanding of the types of hospital agreements, and the situations represented by different agreements are naturally different-in order to avoid further intimidation by Derek's explanation Mei Duo, Ren Li chose this way to understand Paul's current situation.


One hundred thousand in a hurry.

Renly's heart curled up in this way. He did not hesitate to complete the signing quickly and handed over the operation consent form to Derek again. "Dr. Shepard, thank you."

Derek raised his eyebrows lightly, as if he could feel the weight of the surgical consent form, but didn't say much, just nodded politely, and then quickly turned and left.

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