The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1620: Emotional tightness

The golden winter sun sprinkled down through the window lattice and fell into the palm of his palm. He couldn't help but gather his fingertips, but found that he only grabbed a mass of air, and even a little warmth could not be retained, which made his fingers slowly He curled up, getting tighter and tighter, until the entire forearm began to tremble slightly, and then I could faintly feel a little sense of reality.

"Ren Li?" Nathan's voice came from the driver's seat.

Looking out from the car window, you can see the hustle and bustle of reporters from a distance, a large swath of turquoise, crowded together, it looks like there are at least a hundred people, and the open space at the entrance of the hospital is blocked. The water was blocked. When every car passed by, they eagerly paid attention to the line of sight, and when they realized that it was not the object they were waiting for, they retracted their gaze again.

Nathan reminded him that he was asking if they should enter through the side door or the entrance of the parking lot, avoiding reporters.

"Stop at the main entrance," Lan Li said.

Nathan was a little surprised. He thought he had heard it wrong, so he quickly turned around subconsciously and looked at Lan Li directly, but Lan Li remained unmoved and sat calmly on the spot, "You did not hear me wrong. . The main entrance." It was concise and clear, and clearly expressed his meaning.

Nathan was ignorant and ignorant, so he quickly retracted his gaze, and in a blink of an eye he was at the entrance of the hospital. Even though he didn't understand what was going on, he stopped the car.

Lan Li didn't get out of the car irritably, but waited for a while. After the car stopped, he opened the door and appeared in front of the reporter.

One second.

Two seconds.

The reporters came back to their senses collectively, and their nerves suddenly became tense-they were waiting at the entrance of the hospital. Isn't it such a moment? After Paul Walker's relatives and friends showed up, they were able to grasp the latest information as soon as possible, announce the news as soon as possible, and race against time.

Now that the opportunity has come, naturally no one wants to miss it.

Hula la.

All the reporters were pouring down the stairs like a tide. The inner three floors and the outer three floors surrounded Lan Li. The dense crowds were so dense that they could not breathe. The flashing lights and the noise burst into motion. The upper part was bursting, and the rolling sound almost made one's feet unsteady.

"Renley, how is Paul's situation now?"

"Has the doctor issued a critical illness notice?"

"What's the specific situation of the car accident?"

"The rumors are Paul's responsibility. Is this true?"

"Is the identity of the other deceased at the scene of the car accident revealed now?"

"How is Paul's injury?"

"Is Paul critically ill now?"

"Does Paul have any hope of surviving?"

"Blue gift!"

"Blue gift!"

"Blue gift!"


The chattering roars and shouts kept hitting continuously. The turbulent waves made people have no room to breathe, just like the dazzling shadow of a sword and a light sword flying towards him without leaking, with fierce tricks and deadly swords and knives. All the way out of Lan Li is being cut off, and all the ways of Paul's life are cut off.




Lan Li's anger was unprecedented at this moment. His anger was gurgling in his blood, and his experience and sophistication in his two lives could hardly be suppressed. The more anger, the calmer, the more restless, the more stable. On the surface, it looks calm, but the muscles under the skin are already tight to the extreme, and it may break out at any time.

The reporters surrounded by Tuan Tuan did not feel the anger and depression of Lan Li at all. The tightness to the extreme was slowly growing, but the enthusiasm and urgency of the reporters was not affected at all, and they were chasing it step by step. In the past, all "outcomes" of Lanli were blocked from all directions, just like a cage, and those impatient voices continued to frolic in the ears like thousands of flies.

"Who caused the accident?"

"Is Paul's car speeding?"

"Is Paul really seriously ill now?"

Questions can't stop at all, but a life is not as good as a headline.

Lan Li just walked up the steps without saying a word, step by step, step by step, and walked slowly and slowly to the front entrance of the hospital, then stopped, turned around, and watched condescendingly. The reporters in front of him rushed towards the face with their teeth and claws, but stopped in front of Lan Li abruptly and braked.

Those light brown eyes had no emotional color, they were as cold as ten thousand years of ice under the glacier, and the hard and biting cold spread through the air, making the surface of the skin frozen into ice, and the reporters stood one after another. In the same place, the chattering voice did not receive a response, and the incessant questions gradually calmed down.

There was no sound at the entrance of the entire hospital, only the afternoon breeze was blowing in my ears, and even the spilt sunlight could not relieve the cold in my bones.

The winter in California has never been so cold.

Lan Li just stared at the reporters in front of him quietly, as if staring at a tombstone. There was an inexplicable look in those eyes, all hidden under the ice of thousands of miles.

The air quieted down, and Lan Li said calmly and calmly, “I don’t know anything for the time being. If there is the latest news, we will notify the reporters through official channels. But now, Paul and his family need a peace of mind. The environment, and other patients in the hospital also need a quiet environment..."

"But this is our right!" Before Lan Li's words could be finished, some of the reporters in front of him couldn't wait to shout, "We have the right to know about Paul!"

"This is also my right!" Lan Li's voice hit the past head-on with force.

Without warning, a burst of strength suddenly burst out, bursting out the power of gold and stone, and violently pushed down the arrogance of the opponent who had just emerged, and a bucket of ice water poured down from the top of the forehead, tightly. Then, his gaze projected sharply in the direction of the sound source, leaving no room for rebuttal and protest.

"I hope that the reporters present can abide by the moral bottom line and professional rules that you have not many remaining, and don't make things more ugly! Before the situation worsens, you will completely tear up your last face! If there is any news, you guys You will know when you need to know, but at other times..."

Lan Li's sight slowly swept across the audience, the powerful aura pouring down mightily, without the need for extra words, but all the noise at the scene was quieted, and then the powerful aura converged. When he got up, Lan Li slowed down again and said calmly, "We still need to abide by the basic guidelines of the hospital."

After finishing speaking, Lan Li's footsteps did not stop, turned around and strode towards the hospital lobby, leaving only a stern and cold back, shutting people away from thousands of miles away, and pressing all the reporters on. In place.

Seeing Lan Li's figure disappear completely, the reporters who stayed in the same place gradually came back to their senses. The lingering heart of escaping from the dead made everyone feel embarrassed, and then each of them muttered and cursed and expressed themselves. Dissatisfaction and protests, apparently frequent opinions on Lan Li’s domineering behavior.

But complaints were only complaints after all. In the end, the reporters didn't rush into the hospital, but they were not reconciled to just turn around and leave. Everyone stayed where they were dissatisfied and continued to wait.

"Nathan, you contact Andy and arrange for relevant security personnel to stay outside of Paul's ward 24 hours a day. Any interruption by other people is forbidden; in addition, let Andy contact the hospital to see if Is there any way to avoid those reporters disturbing the daily work of the hospital as much as possible. You know Paul, he certainly doesn't want to disturb others because of his own affairs, let alone a special place like a hospital?"

Standing in the elevator, Lan Li's emotions seemed to have restored the calm state of the water surface without a trace, and he began to arrange related matters in an orderly manner.

Nathan just looked at Lan Li's profile with worry, but couldn't make a sound.

"Nathan?" Lan Li had to remind him again, "These things are very important, have you remembered all of them?"

"Yes, I remembered." Nathan nodded repeatedly, turned his head in panic, rubbed his eyes, wiped away the hot tears, "I...I'll call Andy right away."

What else. What else needs to be explained? Lan Li's entire brain was in a mess. He tried to calm himself down and arrange everything in order; but his entire head was swollen and unable to function.


The elevator quickly reached the target floor. Lanly and Nathan walked out of the elevator one after another, and walked quickly towards the nurse's station.

After briefly clarifying his intentions, Lan Li understood the urgency of the situation.

"Now the patient is still in the emergency His condition is very critical. There was a blue alarm just now and he must enter the operating room immediately. All preparations have been completed, but a guardian or emergency contact is required. People sign it. Please go to the family lounge and wait for a while, and our attending doctor will come over and explain the situation immediately."

Blue alert.

Nathan just felt that his knees were a little weak.

However, Lan Li had no fear or fear at all, because now there was no time to take care of these things-if his hesitation and hesitation delayed the best treatment time... he had no way to imagine the consequences, and he didn't want to think about the consequences. Therefore, he always remained calm and composed, and quickly grasped the situation on the scene.

"I am the emergency contact person. I will go to the family lounge right now, please contact the attending doctor immediately." After speaking, without stopping, Lan Li took a step towards the family lounge.

Now Nathan can't keep up with the rhythm at all, and can only passively follow Renly forward, like a headless fly.

The family rest room was at the end of the corridor. Just as he turned his footsteps, Lan Li saw the lively scene in the corner—an irritating lively scene.

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