The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1619: The nightmare reappears

"Blue... Lanly, Paul had a car accident."

Nathan's voice was trembling slightly, and he said breathlessly, and then all the surrounding noise stopped abruptly. It seemed that even the air was frozen, and the set that was still beaming and joyous just became dead. It was generally silent, all eyes fell on Nathan's body, and then slowly shifted to Lan Li's body.

Lan Li was slightly stunned, the smile on the corner of her mouth still stayed at the corner of her mouth.

Lan Li stared at Nathan blankly like this, unable to react to emotions at all, and chuckled inexplicably, "Ha."

This is a joke, right? Nathan, please tell me right away, this is a joke! This joke is not funny at all, I mean it. Nathan Press, you should know that some jokes cannot be made casually!

Lan Li's eyes were releasing such a message, but the voice was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't make any sound. He looked at Nathan pleadingly, hoping that Nathan could tell himself that this was just a stupid fool. Festival is just a joke, then he will not pursue any responsibility. He won't be angry.

He swears that he will not be angry.

But Nathan just stared at Lan Li out of breath, tears in his eye sockets came out little by little, blurring his vision, and then didn’t know how to answer. Under the gaze of Lan Li’s eyes, He just felt that he couldn't help but began to tremble slightly.

"...Len Li..." Nathan's voice was already crying, but all the explanations and exhortations were stuck in his throat.

This is real.

Suddenly, Lan Li burped, and then the smile on the corner of his mouth rose, shook his head gently, and repeated in a low voice, "No, no, no, no." It seemed to persuade herself, and it seemed that In persuading Nathan and everyone else, "Impossible, it is absolutely impossible. No, no."

He needs someone to tell him that it's just a joke; it can't happen. It is absolutely impossible.

Standing next to Jessica just felt unbearable for a while, Paul Walker, the sunny Paul Walker, the optimistic Paul Walker at all times, the Paul Walker who always stood next to Lanly... …Her hands couldn't help but began to tremble slightly, let alone Lan Li?

But Jessica didn't know what to do. The whole brain was in a mess, and she couldn't spread any thoughts. She could only hesitate to persuade, "Lan Li, you..."

Before the words could be spoken, Lan Li's eyes pierced like a sharp blade, and a sharp and sturdy hostility burst from the depths of those light brown eyes, which burst open without reservation, abruptly. Born to cut off all Jessica's words, such a blue gift is terrifying.

Lan Li's sight did not stop, and then he turned to Nathan again, staring at him intently, waiting for the following, waiting for the one that could resolve the situation.

Nathan opened his mouth slightly, but all the voices were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't even groan/groan. He just looked at Lan Li in a daze, and then the tears in his eyes settled like this. Di, watching Lan Li helplessly and sadly, he didn't need words, but he had already told everything.

Lan Li sat stupidly on the spot, the hope deep in his eyes was extinguished bit by bit, and the bitter despair slowly rolled up from the bottom of his eyes in this way, completely crushing all his remnant thoughts; then his pupils were deep. There was a daze of confusion everywhere, like a lost child.

How could this be?

How can you do this?

He has changed history, hasn't he? He has let Paul avoid the doomed ending, hasn't he? Two months have passed since the accident time of the last life, hasn't it? He has reversed his fate, hasn't he? He has tried his best to fight the arrangement of the **** of fate, hasn't he?

why? why? why?

So, will all this be destined to become nothingness like a bubble?

He has not been able to save Heather Cross, and now he has not been able to save Paul Walker. Will all the people and dreams he loves escape into nothingness bit by bit, and finally become nothing? Even the meaning of his own existence will no longer exist?

If this is a dream, he wants to wake up now.

What EGOT, what billions of wealth, he doesn't want, he doesn't want all of them, he just wants to wake up quickly, he would rather be lying on the bed and be trapped in the white world; he would rather All alone, waiting for a hopeless life, since hope is destined to be shattered, then it shouldn't appear in the first place!

He wants to wake up, he wants to wake up now.

He almost couldn't breathe.

"... Lan Li? Lan Li!" Nathan finally found his own voice and cried out crying, "Lan Li, you must rush to the hospital now! Paul... Paul is still breathing, and now the hospital needs rescue. Mei Duo, Mei Duo can't make a decision alone, she needs you to hurry to the hospital."

Paul? Mei Duo?

The eyes of Lan Li's pupils slowly gathered again, and a faint light of hope appeared again in the depths of those gray eyes, but he was trembling slightly: he was afraid. He was scared like never before. Fear and hope will breed again, and then be ruthlessly pinched out again.

He is really really scared.

Nathan finally caught Lan Li's sight again, as if he had caught the life-saving straw, and quickly nodded and said, "When the ambulance arrived at the scene, Paul was still breathing. They just arrived at the hospital. Mei Duo is rushing to the hospital. On the way."

Paul still breathes.

Paul still breathes!

Lan Li clenched his hands into fists and gathered his strength together again. The whole person was still trembling slightly. Even if he clenched his teeth, it was of no avail, but he still suppressed all emotions forcibly and recovered again. The usual calm and composure has once again restored the demeanor of "Master Lan Li".

Paul still breathes!

Lan Li supported her knees, supported her body and stood up, but her legs were trembling violently. The hot pain became clear again, and Lan Li staggered and fell back.

Jessica, Timothy and others were all frightened, and quickly reached out to try to grab Lan Li’s body; but Lan Li waved his right hand decisively, refused all help, and took a deep breath. Lan Li was determined not to Moved to stand up.

Standing in place, Lan Li straightened his waist slightly, even though his muscles were wailing, even though his legs were heavy as if he was filled with lead, even though the whole person was on the verge of collapse, but Lan Li was still open. With shoulders, head up and chest up, he resumed his usual calm posture.

He needs to be strong. Paul needs him to be strong.

He, Renly Hall, has never believed in fate. He didn’t believe it in the past, he doesn’t believe it now, and he will not believe it in the future. If this is the destined ending, then he has to stand up and fight to the last moment to see who is the last to laugh! Even if he rushed to hell, he would tear down that **** brick by brick, and grab Paul from the death line!

Lan Li took a step, his inner thigh cut like a knife, and every step seemed to be on top of a sea of ​​swords and flames. The piercing pain tore the muscles of his body; the whole waist could hardly be straightened, and that soreness. The pain is spreading bit by bit; but Lan Li is unmoved, the more pain, the more sober, the sharper the calmer, one step, another step, Lan Li stepped towards the door of the studio Take a step.

Lan Li did not leave straight away. Instead, he found Emma Thomas and briefly explained that one of his friends was hospitalized and he needed to visit. Tomorrow, he might be absent from the filming work of the crew, and the follow-up situation can only be contacted by phone; then he made a special trip to Christopher apologized, and only then left the 18th studio under the gaze of all the crew members.

Nathan just felt a chill in his heart.

Such a blue gift reminded him of the time when Heather died. Calm, calm, and calm, Lan Li looks as if nothing has ever happened; but deep in Lan Li’s heart, the **** wound is decaying, so he rejects everyone from thousands of miles away. Besides, rejecting any help, and rejecting any weakness.

Nathan wanted to cry, but found that he couldn't cry. The immense sadness enveloped him so that he couldn't struggle at all, and he fell into a suffocation situation in an instant.

"Len Li..." After the two got into the car, Nathan quietly looked at Lan Li, who was sitting in the back seat, through the rearview mirror. Everything was so familiar, but he was still helpless.

However, Lan Li had completely recovered his calm, and raised his voice to ask, "What the **** is going on? Have you heard the specific news?"

"There are no specific details for the time being. I just received a call from the hospital saying that Paul had a car accident in Malibu. When the ambulance arrived at the scene, another injured person in the car accident died on the spot, but Paul was still breathing. They Immediately he was taken to the emergency room for emergency treatment, and I needed to notify Paul’s family."

Nathan hesitated for a and then said, “On Paul’s medical insurance policy, the emergency contact fills in your name, so they called your cell phone as soon as possible.” He added, "I notified Mei Duo. But Mei Duo is still a minor and she has no way to make a decision. They need a guardian to arrive at the scene."

The fragments that appeared in the news reports in the previous life are now truly in the ears, postponed and postponed, but after all they have returned to the original track, reappearing like a nightmare, but Lan Li did not A sense of reality, I just feel that I am standing on the surface of the water with my feet, no matter how hard I put my strength, I can't find a place to stay, my chest is just empty, I'm at a loss.

emergency contact.

In the United States, everyone fills in their emergency contacts on their medical insurance, and chooses the one they trust and is closest to, which can be family or friends.

And Paul filled in Lan Li's name.

That fool!

Turning his head and looking at the golden sun outside the window, it was a bit dazzling. Suddenly the wind blew loudly.

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