The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1135: Can't answer

Looking at Annie, who was watching her eagerly, Lan Li didn't hold her back, and shook her head helplessly, and the corners of her mouth rose like this.

Just as Lan Li was about to speak, Annie eagerly moved forward and stared firmly at Lan Li’s eyes with wide-open eyes. It seemed that with such an action, she could see the soul hidden deep in the skin. , "Len Li, will you leave this time when you come back? Will you leave later?"

The watery eyes still have tears that have not faded, and they are shining urgently. The anxiety about gains and losses makes people feel soft. The words of denial have been whirled on the tip of the tongue, but they can't say it.

Then, Lan Li saw the disappointment and sadness deep in Annie's eyes, like a thin rain and mist, entwined with the color of her pupils. Xiao Nizi slowly fell on the bed, let go of Lan Li's wrist, the smile on the corner of her mouth drooped following the curvature of the shoulder, and the light of the whole person seemed to dim.

"I know. You will leave after all, right?" Annie murmured.

"Annie." Lan Li called softly, trying to comfort him, but didn't know how to express it. In the face of parting, in the face of children, the language has always become so pale.

Annie murmured to herself, "I know, I know. You think I don't know anything, but in fact I know all of them." Annie raised her head, her eyes reddened slightly again. There is a layer of mist, tears are on the eyelashes, and grievances are written.

"Dad and Karen are together. Every time he comes to the hospital, he hides next to him and chats with Karen. On the phone, he smiles very happily, but when he turns to face me, he becomes sad again. He doesn't like me, and Dad always doesn't like me. But why? Is it because I did something wrong? That's why Dad left?"

"Dad left, Heather left, Alex also left, and now my mother is not here. Why? Why is this? Why does everyone have to leave? Why can't we be together forever? Me I want to grow up so that I can be with the person I like, and then never separate."

"Now you have to leave too. Because you want to chase your dreams, you want to be the best actor in the world, you can't stay here to accompany me, right? You still have your own life, you can't be forever Stay in the hospital to accompany me when I grow up, right? I know, I know all of them."

"Len Li, why am I the only one in the hospital? Why am I the only one left? Why no one wants to accompany me? Does my mother suffer because of me? If I die, will my mother be happier? Then Am I not going to be alone anymore? Why are everyone leaving? Why?"

A deep crying voice asked every time, but the tears kept spinning in the eye sockets, staying stubbornly, never slipping down, pursing his mouth, muttering vaguely, and then the voice began to choke up. The smart eyes were full of confusion and perplexity, and the delicate eyebrows were tightly knotted together, unable to stretch.

Lan Li only felt sad for a while, but didn't know how to comfort him.

Raising his right hand, Lan Li gently stroked the wrinkles between Ping Anni's eyebrows, and revealed a light smile, "Anni, life is like a journey, very long, very long."

Lan Li suddenly realized that Annie is a child, but not just a child. For the separation of life and death, this is an indispensable part of her life, and she began to witness it early in her childhood; if she continues to be a child without telling anything, everything continues to beautify, then sooner or later she will poke Break these lies, and then lose hope in life.

Therefore, Lan Li knew it was difficult, but he decided to have a good talk with Annie.

"Everyone has their own journey, so for some distances, we will cross each other, walk side by side, and then we will part ways again and continue to embark on the journey.

Some people start from the starting point and then leave midway; some people join in, and then disappear quickly; some people, after the confluence of the middle, will accompany us for a long, long period of time, until a certain person reaches the end, and then Say goodbye forever. "

"Everyone must complete their own journey. Sometimes, go alone; sometimes, go together. If you are lucky, when you grow up, you can meet a partner who will go hand in hand with you for a lifetime; even if you don’t, you have experienced The journey I had, that was also the best memory."

Lan Li's voice choked for a moment, but still calmed down, and then said, "It's like Heather. Heather has ended her journey of life, but these past years are the most precious memory. It will last forever. Be with us as if Heather never left."

Lan Li raised his right hand and gently rubbed Annie's head, "This is a homework that everyone must learn and face. Whether walking alone or in groups, in the final analysis, we All have their own journey to complete."

Annie looked at Lan Li in a daze, and the sadness in her eyes flowed bit by bit, "But...but why can't I learn?" Then the tears broke, and she cried again. I don’t want Dad to leave. I don’t need Heather to leave. I don’t want you to leave. Why? Am I too stupid? So I always can’t learn?"

With that cry, Lan Li was heartbroken from crying, and his emotions were almost overwhelming. He could only carefully hug Annie into his arms, hug her tightly, and pat gently. On her back, she whispered, "No, it's not like that. I can't learn it, and I haven't learned it until now."

Parting is always so difficult. No one can escape the natural laws of birth, old age, sickness and death, but time after time, life after life, he still failed to learn.

At the door of the ward, Anita was holding the pills and the water glass in her hand, and her back was only affixed to the wall. She didn't push the door open, but stood quietly in place, sad. In the hospital, after seeing death, the nerves gradually began to numb, as if he didn't care, and seemed to have become accustomed to it, but in fact, he was not calm, but gradually forgot the feeling.

Raising the back of her hand embarrassedly and wiping the tears from her cheeks, Anita opened the door and walked in, put the object in her hand on the table, then patted Lan Li's shoulder and shook her head. "Annie's emotional ups and downs are too great today, and she can't keep crying, otherwise her body will go wrong."

Lan Li let out a long breath, patted Annie's back gently again, and said in a deep voice in her ear, "This is a very, very difficult subject. I haven't learned it until now. So, you If you haven’t learned it now, it’s normal. Take it slowly and take it slowly. I will always be with you during this journey of life now, and I will study with you."

Annie's emotions gradually calmed down, her crying slowly disappeared, and then she raised her red and swollen eyes and looked at Lan Li seriously, "Really?"

"Really." Lan Li smiled and nodded, and said firmly, "Not forever, but at least now." Lan Li wiped away the tears on Annie's face with his fingers, "You know, I want to be an excellent Actor, I still need to keep running. If you can stay with me during this journey and find your dream, then we can run towards our dream together!"

Annie bit her lower lip, hesitated for a moment, and said timidly, "Is it like Heather?"

Lan Li's eyes flashed slightly, but his smile remained unchanged, "Yes, just like Heather. However, you can have your own dreams, just like Alex has always dreamed of becoming a human being, and you can also find your own future. The goal of the struggle."

"I don't want to be a human being, he is not good-looking." Annie wrinkled her nose and said disgustingly.

Lan Li and Anita exchanged glances, both laughed, and finally Anita said, "Then don't need people, Annie can think about it slowly. However, if you want to chase your dreams, the most important thing is to take care of yourself. A body, a strong heart and a strong soul, this is the perfect dreamer."

Anita picked up the transparent plastic cup with the pills and the water and handed them to Annie.

Annie looked at Lan Li, and after catching the affirmative light, she took the pill and swallowed it with her head straight up, then drank all the water in the glass in one breath, and smiled triumphantly at Lan Li. , Showing off as if waving the quilt in her hand, after seeing the brilliant smiles in Lan Li and Anita's eyes, Annie became shy again, and suddenly got into Lan Li's arms.

Looking at the thin and small Annie in her arms, Lan Li just felt distressed.

For adults, they never understand how thrilling and earth-shaking they have experienced in their children's world, and their childhood memories have long since disappeared in the cruelty and indifference of growing up.

Lan Li once read a professional research report, which mentioned an illusion of time. For children, the passage of time is very fast, almost only three times that of the adult world. In other words, one minute may have passed in real time, but three minutes have passed in the child's world.

In the magnificent waves of the past year, it was three years for Annie; and the absence of Joss and Lan Li was also such a long and difficult time, every minute and every second was not easy.

As a result, during today's meeting, Annie collapsed twice before and after, and her emotions could not stabilize at all.

"Annie, let's do this. We will establish a secret communication line that belongs only to us, okay? If you miss me, send me a text message or video. After I finish my work, I will be the first time Reply to you, what do you think of this idea?"

Lan Li's words just fell, and then he saw Annie's eyes brighten up instantly, like a small sun.

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