The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1136: Sunshine lover

After the words were spoken, Lan Li regretted it.

Lan Li is a person who keeps his promises and never makes promises lightly. Because once agreed, he will inevitably do his best to stick to it. Facing Annie, his mind was complicated. He didn't want to let Annie hold illusory hopes, and finally disappointed.

What if he can't keep the agreement? What if because of his indiscretion, he caused a second injury to Annie again? What if his interference affected the family relationship between Anne and Joss? What if he has forgotten his agreement, or is he devoted himself to the performance like the past six months, and neglected his agreement?

At this moment, he was impulsive.

But her eyes fell on Annie’s twinkling eyes, and her cheeks like red apples were still covered with uncleaned tears, embarrassed and embarrassed; however, the whole person brightened up, blooming with a halo like a small sun. , Warm and bright, just a puppy that pleases the owner, everything is so similar except that it doesn't have a wagging tail.

Involuntarily, the smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth rose.

After realizing his joy and gratification, Lan Li shook his head again, a touch of incredible, helpless and funny flowing through his eyes, and some joy of willingly surrendering, the brighter his smile became. Things seem to be a bit wrong, isn't this lying to him to give birth to a daughter?

Lan Li chuckled helplessly. The unknown Anne looked at Lan Li in a daze, and then also shrieked. She laughed happily without knowing the reason. There was a silver bell-like laughter. The ears kept reverberating, the cold and humid air just retreated little by little, and even the air became excited.

An agreement is an agreement. Now that the promise has been made, Renli is ready to comply.

So Lan Li took out his mobile phone and began to leave his personal contact information to Annie.

At the beginning of last year, after finishing the filming of "off", Lan Li changed his personal mobile phone number once.

Because Lan Li’s mobile phone number was accidentally leaked out, more and more people know that not only reporters and paparazzi, but also a small number of unfamiliar movie fans, they send text messages or call Lan Li from time to time. This was not a big problem at first, it only needed to block unfamiliar calls, but after the "hype door", things began to gradually lose control——

The paparazzi began to use the positioning system to lock Lan Li’s mobile phone and keep track of Lan Li’s personal whereabouts at all times.

On the eve of the Oscars awards ceremony, once, Lan Li gave his mobile phone to Nathan in order to record the show. Later, he forgot to take it back and went straight home. Nathan was also a big man and completely forgot Lan Li’s mobile phone. In his jacket pocket, after escorting Lan Li home, he also took the subway home.

I didn't want to, but I ran into a paparazzi who touched the door.

Obviously, the paparazzi believe that Lanly left the apartment secretly in the middle of the night and used public transportation to go to another strange apartment. There are definitely tricks worth digging, especially when the "hype door" news is raging. So he raided the apartment where he was locating his mobile phone.

According to Nathan’s description, someone knocked on the door at that time. For safety reasons, Nathan bolted a safety chain and opened a crack in the door of the room. As a result, four paparazzi forcibly broke the door and launched a surprise attack. It looked like a SEAL team, and Nathan was almost scared to pee, staring at the four strangers who swept through the army like robbers.

After it was determined that it was an Oolong, Nathan called the police for the first time. The police/inspectors came to the door quickly and according to Nathan's description, they successfully arrested four paparazzi and filed a lawsuit on the grounds of breaking into a private house. It is ridiculous that after these four paparazzi left Nathan's apartment, they all gathered downstairs in Lan Li's apartment and were completely wiped out by the police.

After that, Renly changed his cell phone and cell phone number again.

Now, Lanly owns two mobile phones.

One is a work number, which is kept by Nathan most of the time. Lan Li seldom uses it, but it will be returned to Lan Li when I go home at night; the other is a private number, only a few real friends know the number. , Considering the busy filming in the past period of time, basically in flight mode all the time——

Ryan Gosling vomited mercilessly, "That's bricks, bricks!"

It is true that Lanly does not use his mobile phone very often, and has no reliance on social networks. He is clearly a new generation of young people in the Internet generation, but like the old people living a amiable life, unable to keep up. The footsteps of the times.

Considering the hospital bed life of the previous life, to some extent, he was indeed out of touch with the social network, and he did not feel the reality of the ocean of information and the entire network of the earth, but this does not mean that Lan Li has nothing to do with the social network. know.

On the contrary, as a potential journalist from the journalism department, he is still absolutely sensitive to the media and news in his bones. He knows the powerful influence of social networks and the ways and means of their effects more clearly than anyone. The only question is whether Lanly is willing to spend time on social networks——

Everyone knows that once addicted to social networks, it will inevitably consume a lot of time. But now, it is clear that Lanli still has more important hobbies, so the social network naturally can only step aside.

At this time, Lan Li handed over her personal contact information to Annie.

If others learn, they will probably be jealous; but Lan Li believes that no one will know.

"Shhh, it's a secret. Right?" Annie's eyes widened, she looked at her mobile phone with a strange look, said softly with a breath, then raised her head, her smart eyes flickering at Lan Li. "Don't worry, I will keep the secret, no one will tell, this is the secret between you and me." After saying that, Annie chuckled triumphantly.

Then Annie lowered her head, and her chubby fingers started to get busy on the screen of her mobile phone. After finishing the work, she raised the phone high and showed the screen in front of Lan Li, and said with a smile, "How about , In this way, no one will know, not even my mother!"


Lan Li looked at the name above the contact’s name and blinked, “Is this... the Miru in The Adventures of Tintin?” In the classic Belgian comic “The Adventures of Tintin”, the protagonist Tintin owns one. The fox terrier pet is named Miru.

Annie's eyes lit up again and she nodded again and again, "I told my mother before that if I can have a pet, I'll call him Miru." Lan Li is full of black lines, Miru? Miru! "How about? Am I very smart? No one will know. This is the secret between us, hehe."

Facing Annie's brilliant smile, Lan Li also laughed. The upward arc was somewhat similar. He nodded and said sincerely, "Yes, Annie is the smartest." Lan Li patted Anne's lightly. The head said, "However, I am usually at work, and the response to the message may not be so fast, so promise me not to keep holding the phone and wait for the reply, okay?"

"I know I know." Annie said like a little adult, pouting her mouth, bluffing, "Heather told me before that you need to go all out and not be disturbed every time you work. It's like Heather is receiving physical therapy, right?" Annie was still muttering to herself, "Anita complained last time, you never update the photo wall, otherwise we can all know your news. Up."

Lan Li was ashamed.

"Lan Li, what is a photo wall?" Annie's words successfully relieved Lan Li.

He smiled, "Why, do you want to try it?" Then, Lan Li opened the application and started discussing with Annie, "On how the photo wall should be used".


On a certain day in January, Lan Li’s personal photo wall account, who had not updated any photos for several months, suddenly uploaded a new photo.

It was a completely blurred photo. It seemed that when the shutter was pressed, the hand was shaking or simply jumping, so the whole lens was blurred, and only a vague halo could be seen. , Outlines the contours of Lan Li’s face, but you can see the arc of the corners of Lan Li’s mouth. Come.

It's like...It's like being in the middle of playing and playing, I accidentally pressed the shutter, and recorded a photo with no focus and focus at all, and then they laughed happily when they looked at the photo, and the laughter couldn't stop. After that, I simply uploaded the photos to the photo wall for complaints.

The reality is that such a picture that is not clear at all has received two million likes in just three hours. Countless movie fans were moved to tears and began to leave messages, "Finally waited! Finally!"

What's even more exaggerated is that this photo was then spread virally on the major social network platforms, and a topic called #蓝礼终Update了# was formed, which made people dumbfounded.

Reporters have all put forward one of the boldest guesses: Is Lan Li falling in love?

The happy appearance is exactly the appearance of just falling in love; furthermore, the photographer who takes the photo with the mobile phone is the lover of Lan Li. In this way, everything makes sense!

After this speculation was made, the more it was said, the more it seemed, and people even started to make up for the appearance of the lover. This is the biggest feature of the social network era. Everyone will read pictures and tell stories. As a result, there are more and more fake news and scrap news, and there are more and more rumors. Almost every elderly actor will be rumored to "die" once every three to five.

Later, when he learned of the speculation on the Internet, Lan Li laughed happily, and then replied speciously, "...This is a kind of saying that the one who took the photo is indeed a sunny sweetheart. It can be said that she is My little lover." After speaking, Lan Li himself smiled happily.

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