The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1134: Bitter

This is the story of Annie Silliman.

She is eleven years old this year. Due to hereditary problems with her metabolic system, she is unable to defecate and sweat normally, which makes her body system prone to a series of complications. Therefore, she must be in and out of the hospital for a long time, with corresponding treatments to assist in completion. Metabolism, otherwise it may cause unimaginable consequences.

In terms of current medical conditions and scientific research results, this is still an incurable disease.

Although it will not affect your daily life, you must go to the hospital to report regularly, and then you must pay attention to your daily diet all the time. Any mistakes may have immeasurable follow-up effects, and even one carelessness may lead to potential life-threatening .

From a positive point of view, this is not a terminal illness that directly leads to death. As long as she can pay attention at any time, then Annie can grow up smoothly, study, work, start a business, get married, and travel around the world, as long as she is willing, she can do it. ; From a negative point of view, this is a lifelong disease, no negligence is allowed, every minute and every second must be cared for.

From the first day of birth, this has been Anne's life, like the Princess and the Pea living in a glass house.

In Annie's life, everything was arranged, not the original intention, but it can only be so. In order to survive, this is the only choice.

She can enjoy freedom. She can participate in "one person's concert", she can attend the Grammy awards ceremony, and she can leave the hospital regularly to reunite with her family; but all this freedom must be brought on shackles, from recipes, from work and rest, From injection therapy, and even from death threats.

Sometimes, she didn't even know whether it was freedom or a cage. Maybe she is too young to understand the true meaning of freedom, nor the true meaning of life, but... who can say that she has truly seen everything?

Everyone thinks that Annie is still young, only eleven years old, and knows nothing, like a canary raised in a birdcage, who knows nothing about the world; but those bright eyes are in Mount Sinai Hospital. This piece of heaven and earth witnessed too much complexity and profoundness, not darkness, but complexity.

In the past year, the world has begun to change drastically, and everything is surging in an instant.

First, the heart transplant of Alex Ricky, then the death of Heather Cross, and then the fragmentation of the family.

After ten years of dedication and protection, the Silliman family finally couldn't hold on anymore and began to fall apart. Annie's father was overwhelmed and finally chose to divorce; and the alimony part also needs to be judged by the court, which cannot be resolved in a short time.

I heard that Annie’s father had derailed both mentally and physically. He has now moved out of Silliman’s original apartment and lived with a third party. Since then, he has never visited Annie in the hospital. He just disappeared from Annie's life completely.

The family pillar withdrew away, which put Anne's mother, Joss, into a difficult situation.

For Joss, she had to deal with her husband’s derailment and abandonment, but she didn’t even have time for heartbreak and collapse. She immediately had to face the mess in front of her. Even if her ex-husband was willing to pay alimony, but based on their family’s past situation , Still a drop in the bucket, not enough to pay for Anne’s expensive hospitalization.

All along, Joss has never given up her job. But now, she must look for another part-time job in addition to her daily work. Only in this way can she barely overcome the current difficulties; this is a difficult task, absolutely difficult, but Joss still clenched her teeth and persevered, she found I took a night shift and only slept for three hours a day, all the burdens were carried off.

The problem is that now, Joss has to work 20 hours a day, and the commuting time to and from get off work may take one to two hours. She doesn’t even have time to wash and take care of herself, let alone go to the hospital to accompany her. Annie.

Gradually, Annie fell into an unaccompanied situation.

Annie is a sensible child. She has never cried or complained. She just hid quietly in the activity room, read books, and entered a world of her own.

After being discharged from the hospital, Alex gradually started to be on the right track of life. He hasn't returned to the hospital for a follow-up visit for a long time. He usually visits his mother and father in the hospital every three to five, and slowly disappeared; now he even comes regularly. The hospital’s help from Lan Li was completely out of the news. Even the media couldn’t see the news of Lan Li.

and so……

With the following words, without Anita going on, Lan Li couldn't help but say softly, "I...I..." He didn't know, he never knew.

He can blame Joss for not contacting him; he can also blame Anita for not sending the email; he can also blame Nathan for not caring about things here, but these are all excuses, terrible excuses. After all, he was immersed in his own world, completely forgetting himself, and then completely forgot Mount Sinai Hospital. It was his fault, at least in part.

Anita opened her mouth, trying to comfort Lan Li, but she didn't make a sound. "On her birthday before, she asked me..." Anita's voice choked for a moment, "she said, why Hai Didn't Se come over to her birthday party? I..." Anita shrugged, and the words behind disappeared between her lips and teeth.

Lan Li raised his gaze, and showed a small smile at Anita.

Anita took a deep breath, smiled again, and patted the back of Lan Li's hand, "We must all learn to parte. There are so many volunteers coming and going, but you are the only one left, so don't blame too much. I, we are all working hard, but we are not the savior."

Anita clearly understood Renly's mood, and after experiencing Heather, she now faces Anne's story again.

In life, everyone has their own story, and each life has their own troubles and ups and downs. No one is the savior of anyone. All they can do is to do their best to give each other a warm hug. Then summoned the courage and continued to move forward.

Lan Li smiled and nodded, "I know." He couldn't save everyone, and he didn't intend to save everyone, but at least, through the Heather-Cross Foundation, more people can be helped. This is what he gave back. A way of society. "Anita, you can contact Joss and ask her to prepare some information, and then submit an application to the Heather-Cross Foundation to see if you can get help."

"Can she also apply? I thought that only patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis can do it." Anita showed a surprised look.

Lan Li nodded and expressed his affirmation, "Because the donations received at the beginning were far beyond expectations, so we set up a special project to help minor patients, hoping to make a contribution. Now, I don't have the right to complete it. The review was delegated to professionals, but as far as I know, Annie should meet the requirements and can apply for help."

Anita suddenly realized, "Okay, okay." She couldn't say a word, but she nodded her head in agreement, "Actually, Ellie had mentioned before and wanted to help Joss. But Joss didn't want to drag Ellie. After all, the financial situation of the Cross family is not good. Derek donated most of their income to the foundation. So, if necessary, she would rather take a loan from the bank, but the house they live in now Involved in divorce..."

Allie and Derek, Heather's parents.

Although Heather has left, they still did not give up hope. Instead, they became volunteers, actively helping the operation and promotion of the Heather-Cross Foundation, hoping to help more people because they themselves. I have experienced the pain of life and death, so I understand the needs of others better.

Lan Li let out a long breath. For many people, the Heather-Cross Foundation may be just a gimmick of the "Ice Bucket Challenge"; but for more people, it is saving families and saving lives. A life-saving straw.

Lan Li is not the savior of the world. He cannot help everyone, but at least, he can leave a ray of hope through the foundation and support those who are in deep trouble to continue their hard work.

While speaking, Lan Li felt his left hand supporting on the bed, and a force came from him, and he firmly grasped his, turned his head and looked over, and then saw that he had just fallen asleep. Waking Annie, half asleep and half awake, Annie grabbed Lan Li's wrist for the first time, her eyes widened, and she said timidly, "Lan Li?"

The sound of the troubles of gains and losses thumped on the chest dullly.

"Yeah." Lan Li smiled and nodded, "How is it? Are you sleeping well? Have you dreamed?"

"I had a dream..." Annie just said, she closed her mouth tightly and shook her head again and again, "No, I didn't dream." Thinking back to her dream, she looked like a koala. Lying on Lan Li's chest, howling and crying, it was so bad that she couldn't say it.

Lan Li didn't pursue it either, and lightly nodded Annie's nose with her index finger, "How about it, do you need a glass of water?" After crying, Annie hardly sweats, so that her cheeks are a little too red, making people feel Quite worried.

Lan Li cast her gaze towards Anita, but Anita was very comfortable, "It's time to take medicine now, I'll get water." Then, Anita blinked at Lan Li. The expression "I don't want to be a light bulb" is really dumbfounding.

Annie didn't seem to notice it, she just firmly grasped Lan Li's left hand, and cast her eyes eagerly, keeping her eyes intent, lest her eyes flashed slightly, and Lan Li in front of her turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

Lan Li laughed blankly, adjusted his sitting posture, and put Annie's little hand in his palm, "This is reality, not a dream, don't worry, I am back in New York. Unfortunately, it has been raining outside today, otherwise I will take you. Going out to watch a movie."

Annie didn't speak, she just smiled shyly, shook her head, her gaze still fell on Lan Li's body motionless.

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