The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1133: have a bee in one's bonnet

"Blue gift!"

The crisp and sweet sound rushed into the bright white light in the room for an instant, and then a group of fleshy figures flew towards Lan Li like a flame, as if dazzling and dazzling. The halo of scorching hot rolled over, and slammed into Lan Li's embrace.

The force of the collision was so great that Lan Li couldn't help taking two steps back. Then he stood reluctantly, then bent down and gently hugged the little guy in front of him. Before realizing it, the corners of his mouth The smile couldn't help but rose, "Annie, Annie, be careful, stand up, I'm about to fall, Annie?"

At this time, the little guy holding Lanli stubbornly was Annie Silliman, who, like a ray of sunlight, immediately dispelled the haze and darkness of New York, and wrinkled like a spring breeze in the severe cold winter. The lake water, even the hard ice could not help but begin to melt.

Lan Li lowered his eyes, and a self-deprecating helpless smile flashed under his eyes.

Sure enough, he has stayed in London for too long. The pressure and influence from the Hall family are so strong that he can't help but explore and extend the dark side of interpersonal relationships. It seems that he is full of Vanity Fair from the depths of his subconscious mind. Rejection and suspicion were eliminated, but the problem was that all the thoughts just now were just his own random thoughts, without any evidence to support it, so random doubts and guesses about a friend were really not upright.

Deep down, he is still a member of the Hall family.

With a gentle sigh, Lan Li dismissed all the negative thoughts in his mind. Before the truth is revealed, the best way is to watch the changes and sincerely hope that Jennifer will be well. After a sigh of breath in his chest poured out, his shoulders relaxed again.

Lowering his head, Lan Li's eyes fell on Annie's body. The little guy hugged his knees so tightly that he couldn't grasp his weight at all, and he was about to fall while swaying; moreover, lest he hurt him. Annie, Lan Li didn't dare to move too fiercely, so she could only pat Xiao Nizi's shoulder lightly, "Annie, I am falling, be careful, be careful of injury."

"No! No! I don't want it!" Annie just babbled, inexplicably, there was a hint of crying in her voice.

Lan Li couldn't help but was stunned. He didn't know. So, he bent down hard and tried to take a look at Annie's cheeks, but the little girl pressed her cheeks to Lan Li's thighs and couldn't see her expression clearly, "Annie, what's wrong ?What happened?"

"You lied to me, you lied to me, you all lied to me." With a thick nose, Annie complained that her body began to scuffle. This immediately made Lan Li's center of gravity no longer able to maintain, and she fell down embarrassedly.

Seeing that Annie was about to be injured, Lan Li could only hug Annie tightly with both hands, protect Annie in her arms, and land on her back; fortunately, her knees were slightly bent to cushion her strength. This prevented the zombie from collapsing like a corpse, but it just fell to the ground in an unsightly posture.

Stumbled to the ground, Annie also lost her center of gravity and jerked, as if her forehead hit Lan Li's chest, hard, and then started crying with a "wow".

Lanly suddenly became confused, not sure what the specific situation was, "Annie, are you injured? Annie, are you okay? Let me see." His hands gently grabbed Annie's shoulders and tried hard to pull Annie away. Some distance to see what is going on with her, but today Xiao Nizi seems to be determined and her temper is very stubborn, which makes Lan Li, who dare not exert her strength, really feel helpless.

"Annie, calm down, please calm down first, okay?" Lan Li tried to soften her voice and slowly calmed down the anxious and impulsive Annie.

Finally, Annie's strength finally relaxed, which made Lan Li finally be able to separate the two people, and take a good look at Annie's small face.

The white face was stained with two blushes, the nose and eyes were slightly red, and there were some red marks on the forehead, and the confusion of sweating profusely caused all the hair to stick to the forehead and temples. On, those watery eyes stared at Lan Li in a daze, and then big tears fell like this.

Lan Li got into a mess again, quickly raised his hand to wipe off the teardrops, and softly comforted, "What's wrong? Is there any pain? Do I need to ask the nurse to come over to see? Or is there any physical discomfort?" Lan Li panicked. The ground looked up and down Xiao Nizi, lest she would be injured accidentally.

"You lie to me, why are you lie to me? You are all lie to me." Annie didn't answer, she just cried out aggrievedly, and then beat Lan Li's chest again and again, but the fleshy fist was not at all. Without strength, he smashed down fiercely, venting all his dissatisfaction.

Lan Li was even more confused now, and didn't understand what was going on. He could only grab Annie's hands and continue to exert her strength like this, which might hurt herself, "Annie, what's the matter? What the **** is going on? Tell me, who lied to you? I will take you to teach that big villain!"

"It's you! You're the big villain!" Annie's words made Lan Li stunned again, without a clue, and then Annie waved her fists again and vented her dissatisfaction, crying violently, unable to help herself. , The nose and tears are all mixed together, the surging grievance makes people feel sad, "You lie to me, you all lie to me."

"You said, Heather will come back, what you said, what you said, but why is Heather no longer, Alex is no longer, father is no longer, and then you are no more. You lie to me, why are you You want to lie to me? I hate you, I hate you the most, why do you all lie to me, you are all big baddies! I hate you, oooo, oooo, why don't you come back? Why?"

Annie was sobbing and talking intermittently. The words full of grievance and sourness hit Lan Li's chest fiercely. She was caught off guard, and the tears slipped down like this. She let go of her hands and froze in place. At a loss.

Annie started beating Lan Li's chest again, as if she wanted to vent all her grievances, "I hate you, I hate you the most, why are you lying to me? Why are you all lying to me?"

I slapped, and finally lost my strength. I lay down in Lan Li’s arms and wept loudly, "I miss you, Lan Li, I miss you so much, but you have not been there, and my dad will not come back. Now...Mom, Mom...Woo, I miss you so much, why are you not by my side? Why can't you stay by my side forever and never leave? Why?"

Question after question, he completely defeated all of Lan Li’s defenses. He could not answer, nor could he answer. He could only stay stunned, tears in his eye sockets, and his nose was sour that he couldn’t speak, even. I can't think of a word of comfort.

In the end, Lan Li could only gently hug Anne in the bad, pat her back gently, and apologize again and again, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I'm really sorry."

I was so sad that even my voice couldn't continue to be strong, and my heart was broken.

The muffled cry was surging in his arms, no fists, no strength needed, and all the lines of defense could be easily defeated and people surrendered. Taking a deep breath, taking another deep breath, but still unable to control the falling tears, Lan Li finally could only grit his teeth tightly and swallow all the sorrows.

The nurses and other volunteers in the activity room came out one after another and cast inquiring glances at Lan Li, but Lan Li waved his hand and refused their help, only lip-synching, "I can. I can. can."

Lan Li just sat cross-legged on the ground, allowing Annie to vent all her emotions. She didn't leave or stand, just keeping her movements and sitting on the spot.

After a long time, Annie’s cries gradually calmed down, as if she fell asleep in Lan Li’s arms, Lan Li carefully adjusted her movements and moved her slightly numb limbs to the wall next to her. As a support point, he slowly stood up. Then he hugged Annie and walked towards her ward.

Annie is like a koala, hugging Lan Li tightly. Even in her sleep, her chubby little hands surround Lan and refuse to let go.

But Annie was also embarrassed, and Lan Li was also embarrassed. Finally, with the help of Anita, the koala was slowly unseal and laid flat on the bed, and then she saw Annie tightly. He hugged the pillow and fell asleep groggyly. The insecure appearance was like a frightened bird, which made his nose sore.

Anita stayed in the ward for the time being to take care of Annie, while Lan Li went to the dressing room and changed a coat. The coat had been thoroughly wet with tears and nasal mucus just now, and she was even sweating, making her whole body sweaty. , Very heavy. In such a cold winter, you may catch a cold if you are not careful.

But Lan Li didn't have the mind to take care of this at this time. After a quick cleaning, he returned to Annie's ward again. Fortunately, Xiao Nizi seemed to be really exhausted, still sleeping.

Anita looked at Lan Li, who was staring at Annie intently, her eyes were red, and she said softly, "She never said it. I mean, she asked about your development, but we really don’t know much. , We couldn’t even find it in the news reports, so we couldn’t answer. Every time, she expressed disappointment but didn’t say much. We don’t know.”

At this point, Anita's voice stopped, her eyes fell on the sleeping Anne, "It's just that in the past few months, she has become less talkative, and more often she stays in the activity room. We have arranged a psychiatrist to read the book, but there is no result for the time being, and we need more time to communicate slowly."

"We always think that children don't know anything, but in fact, children are much smarter than we thought." Lan Li replied softly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but it was bitter.

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