The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 899 Lu Li roasted sweet potatoes

Lu Li was squatting in the alley to waste time when a piercing siren suddenly sounded in his ears.

Only then did he suddenly remember that there was one thing that he had overlooked, and that was that the last two hours of the killing game were the most difficult. It was fine to find a place to hide, but it was not a place to hide from these bastards.

The sound of sirens alerted him, and now police officers throughout the city began to mobilize.

Ignoring his annoyance, Lu Li quickly walked out of the alley - this was a dead end, and if he was blocked in it, he would die or not. Besides, he couldn't explain why he wanted to stay in an alley.

After coming out, police cars roared past on the road from time to time. These are vehicles that have been eliminated long ago. It is said that they flourished more than two hundred years ago.

Lu Li avoided it as much as possible, because no matter how nonchalant he pretended to be at this time, he would be questioned while walking on the street in the middle of the night. If any flaws were discovered, all the points he had accumulated so hard might be wasted. .

At first there were only a few occasionally, but then there were more and more.

Lu Li even saw a few players being stopped by the police and eventually beaten to death after their flaws were discovered, or shot to death while running away, and he began to feel a little panicked.

For this game, Lu Li believes that his biggest advantage is his psychological quality, and then his familiarity with some game rules. The strategies he has read in his previous life are actually of little use. After all, this is a highly intelligent killing game. .

Now, even if you have a high psychological quality, you can’t remain calm.

One time, the police even saw him. Fortunately, when he was about to come up for questioning, other players suddenly ran away, successfully helping Lu Li attract hatred.

Lu Li had to escape to a more remote part of the city. Behind him, those players who had hid in nooks and crannies of the wall and thought they could escape were all pulled out and shot on the spot. The scene was not ordinary miserable.

Dawn is not a game that abuses players - the game still has to attract players after all.

But in this type of special scenario, players are no longer treated like customers, and the game company is just trying to kill the players.

Some people may think that this may be resisted by players, but in fact, this type of death game has extremely high popularity. The more bloody and cruel it is, the more it attracts players.

For example, the plot missions that will be opened one after another in the future are similar to a small dungeon, or a novel scene, or a movie. After entering, players must complete certain tasks to obtain rewards. Most of these dungeons are full of death and blood.

While thinking about it, Lu Li had almost finished running down the street.

At the end of the road is a wider road with dense police cars. They even began to enter residential areas and conduct thorough door-to-door investigations. It seemed that they did not intend to leave any way for the players to survive.

Lu Li checked the time and saw that there was still more than an hour left.

At this time, he suddenly saw a small stall on the roadside, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

This is an old man - definitely an NPC - standing in the cold wind shivering roasted sweet potatoes. There are almost no pedestrians on the street in the middle of the night. However, in order to survive, he can only continue to persevere and strive to bake the already roasted sweet potatoes. Sold out, if you can sell one more, you will lose less.

Uncle, I want to discuss something with you, Lu Li walked over, picked up a sweet potato and started eating it.

What do you want to do? Freeloading is not an option, the old man looked at Lu Li warily. The favorite thing for such a powerful young man to do was to take things without paying for them.

They don't lack the money of a piece of sweet potato, but they mainly want the pleasure of bullying the old and the weak. The ugliness of human nature does not need any reason at all.

I have some money here to buy your stall. You can come and push it back tomorrow morning. Lu Li took out all the money from his pocket, which amounted to several thousand yuan. He picked up these red goods easily. The bright banknotes meant nothing to him.

What are you going to do with my stall? The old man was very nervous.

His shabby stall is indeed not worth thousands of dollars, but it is what he eats. If he didn't have this stall, how would he be able to support his old wife?

I also give you this watch. When I was little, the man I envied the most was the man who baked sweet potatoes on the street. I thought he was the richest man in the world, so I planned to dress up as a man who bakes sweet potatoes tonight. If you don't want to If so, I won’t force it,” Lu Li said retreating instead of advancing.

Okay, okay, I'll leave it to you today, don't break my dick, the old man hesitated, but in the end he couldn't refuse the temptation of the red Grandpa Mao.

Seeing the old man walking further and further away, Lu Li finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He skillfully picked up a few pieces of charcoal and threw them into the stove, then slowly added two sweet potatoes and roasted them. As the firepower increased, the fragrance of the sweet potatoes became more intense.

Who are you, the old man who roasted sweet potatoes just now? A policeman who had just checked out Lu Li from a residential area walked over cautiously when he saw Lu Li. He seriously suspected that Lu Li was an outsider. These outsiders were very dangerous and could kill people easily. .

My dad has gone back. He is too old to stay up late, Lu Li replied calmly.

Your dad? The policeman looked at Lu Li suspiciously, trying to find some flaws in him. He couldn't find anything, but he continued to ask unwillingly: You look like a white-collar worker, that's right. You can still make a small amount of money, and there are not many people selling sweet potatoes now.”

My father is from a rural area and is very kind. The ones that are not sold today will not taste good when baked tomorrow, and he is reluctant to throw away these baked sweet potatoes, so I can only try to sell these as much as possible.

Lu Li picked up a roasted sweet potato and turned it over skillfully.

Give me one, the policeman said, seeing Lu Li's skillful movements in roasting sweet potatoes, his suspicions were mostly eliminated, and he actually planned to buy one in the end.

Okay, Lu Li took out the paper bag next to him, put it in without bearing any weight, and handed it directly to the policeman: Brother, take it and eat it. As you know, I don't lack these few dollars. My dad and I both feel like throwing it away. What a pity.”

How can this be done? the policeman said, feeling even more embarrassed. He had doubted Lu Li before.

It's so hard at night, so just take it. I can go home early if I sell out earlier. I have to go to work tomorrow, Lu Li smiled and insisted on handing it over.

It's not okay if you don't charge money. It's against the rules. The policeman handed over a twenty-yuan note: It doesn't matter if it's enough or not, that's all.

Okay, I won't be polite to you anymore. Just take it and pay attention to safety. Lu Li took the money and stuffed it into his pocket without mentioning the change. He looked very generous, which made the police have a good impression of him. increase.

There were a few policemen in the distance who had just killed a player. When they saw the scene here, they came over together. Before they could question him, the policeman who was buying sweet potatoes pointed at Lu Li and said, My friend, help me here. His dad sells sweet potatoes, so why don’t you come over and sell out some of them as soon as possible so that you can close the stall?”

Sorry, this update is too late today

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