The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 898 Professional

No matter what, this is a fifteen-point mission, and shrinking will only miss the opportunity.

Lu Li confirmed that he had accepted the mission, then turned his eyes away from Mr. A, and carefully observed the reactions of the people around him when Mr. A came in. He obviously would not satisfy Mr. A's fifteen points. His goal was to win Mr. A. The player being targeted.

A player was squeezing to get closer to Mr. A, and Lu Li was on his path.

Lu Li didn't stare at him. He only cursed when he bumped into him: XX, what are you going to do if you hit him? You want to die, don't you?

He said and pushed the other person.

The player didn't pay much attention to the foul language spoken by the natives. All he saw was the fifteen points, so he apologized profusely and didn't even move away the hand that pushed him.

A sharp pain hit him, and when he went to look for the original celebrity who had pushed him, he found that there was no trace of the other person around him anymore.

The last bitter smile remained at the corner of his mouth, and another player was eliminated from the game.

Mr. A has become Lu Li's best helper. He can kill almost everyone who moves towards him or stares at him, and he doesn't have to worry about killing NPCs by mistake.

In just a few minutes, Lu Li killed seven more people, bringing his total points to thirty-two.

The bodyguards escorted Mr. A into the venue, chose a table and settled down, and soon there were several beautiful girls accompanying him to wait on him.

Lu Li was hovering at least a hundred yards away from him, never really getting close from beginning to end, even though he had several chances to miss his target.

He won't do that. The first reason is to continue to hunt for points, and the second reason is because he knows that after killing the target, he will be in a red name state for at least five minutes. In such a crowded place, the red name will definitely die without a burial. place.

So while he was hunting his companions, he was also looking for an escape route after completing the mission.

Finally, a player successfully approached Mr. A. He walked over pretending to be nonchalant, as if he wanted to talk to Mr. A about something.

Mr. A's bodyguard started staring at the player as soon as he appeared.

Lu Li shook his head in the dark, his heart full of sympathy for this player, because this person was so smart.

Mr. A is obviously a powerful person. Judging from the tattoos that cover almost all his body, he probably has a dark background. If it is really an ordinary person who wants to talk to him, how can he really act as if nothing has happened.

What would it be like for an ordinary person to meet a black boss?

Humility, nervousness, apprehension, and perhaps some whimsical expectations, otherwise why would this ordinary person want to contact the black boss who usually avoids him?

Just when the player thought that he had gained a short period of trust and might come into contact with Mr. A, two bodyguards suddenly held him up, one on the left and one on the right. Another, stronger bodyguard came over and clenched his fists bitterly. Punched him several times in the chest.


Lu Li couldn't help but gasp. Even in a game, seeing such a scene was a bit unbearable.

This poor player was already vomiting blood when he was punched the second time, and he may not have felt the next few punches.

The corpse was still lying nearby, and the aborigines who watched this scene had no reaction. They continued to express their enthusiasm and kindness in this noisy and decadent nightclub, as if the scene before them did not exist at all.

The other two players who were already approaching suddenly stopped, and they began to think about more effective ways to approach the target.

Lu Li, on the other hand, had no similar worries because these two players had already become his targets.

Of course, he was not careless. Even if the players in this field focused their attention on Mr. A, if his actions were too obvious, he might still be exposed.

After taking out the two exposed players one after another, Lu Li's total points had reached fifty points.

From eleven to fifty points, nearly forty points were earned in such a short period of time, and the profit was more than twice as rich as assassinating Mr. A.

These people have all set their sights on Mr. A, completely sacrificing the foundation for the end.

Lu Li continued to hunt in this nightclub, and as time passed, he still couldn't find a safe passage through which he could escape despite his red name.

He looked at the time, wiped the blood on the knife, put the knife back into his pocket, then found a T-shirt on a sofa to change out of the blood-stained clothes, and finally planned to leave the nightclub like this.

There is no punishment for failing to complete the task, so it is not worth continuing to take risks for him.

After leaving the nightclub, Lu Li stood on the side of the road and smoked for a while, and finally confirmed that Mr. A would not leave the nightclub soon.

There are still many differences between this and the real world. He was assassinated one after another, and one of his bodyguards was killed. It is unreasonable for him to continue to stay in the nightclub and have fun, okay?

While complaining, Lu Li waved for a taxi.

In the next few hours, he wandered around the city, visiting bars, nightclubs, clubs and other places where nightlife was prevalent.

There were several missions similar to assassinating Mr. A. Only one was taken advantage of by Lu Li because all the people around the target were killed, and it was easier to escape at that time. The remaining missions were not completed. .

Lu Li's principle is safety first, points second, and missions not even ranked third.

The total points were three hundred and sixty-three, which was the result of his one night's work.

If I remember correctly, the champion of the first city killing competition seemed to have only more than 200 points, and it was not that there were no more than 300 points, but a few of them had more than 300 points, all because they could not withstand the temptation of the championship. Wan Li The Great Wall fell at the last step.

It becomes more dangerous towards the end, as if the system is specifically designed to work against the players.

Three gangsters found the alley where Lu Li was hiding.

These are all aborigines, but they will not show mercy just because Lu Li pretends to be an aboriginal. As for the reason for the fight, it was nothing more than handing over the money he had on him. Lu Li was a grown man, so they could only steal money at this time.

Lu Li didn't say anything like begging for mercy. Before the other party could finish speaking, he went up and punched him.

When it comes to fighting, he can do it better than a thief!

He has only been playing Thief for three months, and he has only been playing the game for two years, but he has been playing for more than ten years since he was a child, and he has played against all kinds of opponents.

The three gangsters in front of him soon all lay on the ground. Lu Li took out a knife and cruelly cut off their hand tendons and hamstrings, then gagged their mouths and threw them into the trash. This way, at least for the next few hours They will not die.

If they didn't die, Lu Li wouldn't be famous, and he could continue to hide in this alley until the end of the game.

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