The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 900 All exchanged for experience

In fact, these police have many methods to make players reveal their true colors, and only one out of ten can escape in the hands of the police.

But just because of these words, the other policemen mistakenly thought that Lu Li knew the policeman who bought the sweet potatoes. Naturally, they would not use these methods on Lu Li anymore. Several policemen bought a few sweet potatoes to show their dignity, and then continued to look for the player.

Lu Li was roasting sweet potatoes very seriously and did not relax at all because the police left.

He didn't confirm his departure until the city killing game was completely over. Then people nearby saw a white light envelope the young man roasting sweet potatoes, and the next second he disappeared.

System: Congratulations on winning the city killing competition championship with a score of 363. You will be rewarded with 200 points, some reputation points, and some experience points.

Lu Li stood under the green trees in Darnassus and pulled up the points interface temporarily designed for the urban killing competition. Here there are things that points can be exchanged for, including experience points, reputation, equipment, materials, and some formula props.

He first looked at the rare materials and quickly skipped this item.

Not only were they all common materials, but the redemption prices were also extremely expensive. Lu Li earned 363 points in the competition, and the rewards later were only 563 points.

The best equipment inside is gold level, which may be a surprise for ordinary players, but how could Lu Li like it, so he didn't choose the equipment, and the prop formulas were not particularly rare. In the end, only experience points and reputation were left. .

There are actually many ways to gain reputation. As a reborn person, he is not worried about this.

Then, all 563 points should be converted into experience points.

Of course it's not enough for him to reach level 48, but it's not far off. After all, he already has a lot of experience. It's estimated that he can reach level 48 after completing the Stratholme dungeon.

Dawn is like this, high-end players can stay ahead of most players even if they don't upgrade all day long.

After the city killing game ended, Lu Li started to join his teammates and headed towards Stratholme. There was no competition in Sword of Judgment today, so their main task was to download the dungeon, and it was best to get the first kill directly.

It's actually nothing to play a dungeon for two days. Those dungeons with higher difficulty may even take several months before the guide is released.

Perhaps after discovering the Sword of Judgment and starting to attack Stratholme, countless players flooded into the Plagueland. The map was no longer as desolate as before, but the players did not gain any decisive advantage. The corpses of dead players were everywhere in the wild. All.

In order to ensure that the Xinxin mercenary group could enter the dungeon smoothly and safely, Lu Li did not dare to be careless.

The Guild PVP group of Sword of Judgment, led by Fat Monkey, arrived in Stratholme in advance and successfully gained the right to speak here.

Private venue?

Don't be kidding, Dawn's player base is so large, and this kind of big map - and it is a map shared by the two factions of the Alliance and Horde, there is no possibility of a private map, unless the Sword of Judgment doesn't want to mess around anymore and wants to be the enemy of all players.

However, Fat Monkey's few hundred people were enough to increase the safety of their land reclamation group.

After entering the dungeon, many mobs were spawned in front of them. Lu Li and others had to clean them up. Fortunately, the BOSS would not be spawned until the dungeon CD was updated.

They came back to where the mayor was, and the body had long since been refreshed and disappeared.

Come here and prepare to go through this door, Lu Li observed the route of the monsters inside the door. He had to make sure that he would not attract the hatred of the monsters immediately after entering.

Because of these monsters that have been wandering around, this door has trapped countless players to death.

Many times, people who enter will immediately attract monsters walking around. After attracting the monsters, the biggest problem is that the iron fence behind them will be put down immediately.

The worst thing is that the monsters and the iron gate are brought down. The worst thing is that everyone in the team is locked out and has not come in.

Lu Li had encountered this once in his previous life. That time, the healer was locked outside, and the few people inside faced the monsters that kept wandering around. In the end, they could only look at each other in tears through a door, and all the people who entered in the end died.

To prevent this situation, the team members must enter the door as soon as possible, but they must observe the monster's route and enter the battle as late as possible.

With Lu Li as an experienced driver, everyone in the Xinxin Mercenary Group will naturally not be so miserable.

After they all entered the big iron gate, the big iron gate fell as the monster approached. The blue sea breeze stepped forward to hold the monster, and the others dealt with it in an orderly manner.

Nowadays, when the master of game harmony is not working hard, monster models are generally made more realistic.

The previous mobs were all undead, so they were ugly, at least not enough to make people sick, but the mobs here don't even have the courage to take a second look.

Their bodies are sewn together from the limbs of various other creatures.

It is said that there is a kind of undead that is often bullied by other undead. They are weak and have no fighting skills.

They began to think of ways to transform themselves, trying to make themselves larger in size, so that perhaps they could then reach the peak of undead life and follow Arthas to become a higher level undead.

So these weak undead began to sew various corpse remains on themselves all the time. Slowly, their sizes became larger and larger. When they realized it, they realized that they and the flesh and skin bag had grown together, so They gave themselves a new name: Stitches.

Stitch monsters are indeed very powerful fighting machines for undead units. They often hold a hook in one hand and a heavy weapon in the other, hooking people over and hammering them to death.

Moreover, they have thick health and high defense. Killing such a suture monster requires even more time and energy than a wave of mobs outside.

Go a little further to the side, to that corner, Lu Li said.

Okay, Azure Sea Breeze also discovered the problem. The monsters here are all wandering around, and the entrance is the only way to go. Before you finish killing this wave of monsters, the next wave will wander here again. In this case There will be more and more monsters.

However, the corner of the wall is not the only way for monsters to pass through. Lu Li and the others can clean up the mobs at their leisure, and then just pull in a wave of them after they are done.

Occasionally, there are single patrol monsters. They are called 110 in the game. These 110s are actually not difficult to kill. What is difficult is to kill them before they sound the alarm, and if 110 is called a Bile Spurter - from the appearance It looked like his stomach was rotten and his huge mutated gallbladder was exposed.

Not only can this monster spray poison, but it can also emerge from its belly with many mobs.

Similar to spiders, they swarm in densely and many teams will be wiped out here - unless there is an AOE profession (group damage profession) to turn the tide, such as a powerful mage who can use arcane explosion.

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