The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1493 God of War (please vote)

This time the safe zone was a bit far away, so Lu Li chose a gray car.

I originally thought about choosing the hard-top jeep next to me, but unfortunately it seemed to have been shot at. There were many traces of bullet holes on the body, and the car's health was not high.

The protection of the car is not as good as that of the Jeep, but the advantage is that the speed is pretty good.

How about I drive the car, and I'll focus on the logistics this time, the water elf said eagerly.

She has only killed one person so far and feels quite useless. about I go find another car to help everyone share the firepower, Water Elf's driving skills are obviously not a secret. Even Tong Yanwuji knows it, so he subconsciously gives it to himself. Found a perfect excuse.

It's really nice to drive two cars with four rows.

When encountering enemy firepower, four guns can easily blow up a vehicle, but if you want to blow up two vehicles at the same time, the difficulty is at least doubled.

I'll drive, get in the car and leave, Lu Li really wanted to give the water elf a chance to show off - if it was a double row, even if he died in the hands of this girl, it would be called a ghost's romance, but this is a four row , there are two outsiders present, it is best not to take such risks if you want to win.

Letting the water elf drive is more dangerous than parachuting into the airport.

Everyone was fighting out of the airport where 20 people had landed, but Lu Li was not sure whether he could survive after encountering the water elf's car.

The water elf had no choice but to let Lu Li leave the car. When he saw that it was Lu Li who was driving, Tong Yanwuji stopped looking for another car. The three of them got in the car and went straight to the safe area, leaving behind only a pile of boxes. , there are the Eleventh Young Master and others, there are innocent passers-by, and there is also Mo Wangfeng, a LYB.

It is indeed a pity that Mo Wangfeng died. The other teams only had four people, and they were the only ones with three.

The car drove across the grassland and was driven by Lu Li towards the hills. He planned to enter the safe zone from the mountains so that he could occupy the commanding heights and not be as easily targeted by others as on the plains.

This is not without risk. What if there is a group of people squatting on the mountain?

This is exactly what Lu Li and the others encountered.

There's someone! Tong Yanwuji shouted loudly.

Lu Li had already seen them. Four people popped up, obviously trying to hit his car. He kept adjusting the direction while looking for a position where they could avoid the bullets.

However, it is not unreasonable for these four people to choose to ambush here.

At least Lu Li didn't find any place to hide, and Lu Li was also shot. Although the damage caused by this shot to him was not high due to the existence of level 3 armor and level 3 skull, their car did not. Level 3 armor and level 3 skull.

Once the other party finds that it is not easy to hit the people in the car, they may use the car as a target.

Get ready to jump out of the car! Lu Li shouted.

He swung his tail suddenly, and then jumped out of the car. The car parked sideways became an artificial bunker. Tong Yanwuji and Water Elf also jumped out of the car. The car suddenly came from behind. Hiding three people, as long as the other party blows up the car, they will be wiped out immediately.

Moreover, during this process, the blood volume of the three people also decreased to a certain extent. If they were not all in level three suits, the group would probably be wiped out in this wave.

Press them down and move back. Xueer hit the car. The car could be blown up by the other party at any time. It's better to blow it up yourself. After the blowup, the car will become a scrap car, but a scrap car can be used as a safe bunker. .

Lu Li and Tong Yanwuji stood on the left and right, retreating while shooting at the location of those people.

As long as someone leaned out, they would be beaten back. One of them who had no time to retract was knocked to the ground. The others immediately did not dare to come forward. They were waiting, waiting for Lu Li and Tong Yanwuji to change their magazines. After all, even with the addition of an expanded magazine, the automatic rifle only has a capacity of forty rounds.


The water elf blew up the car, and the car burst into flames and exploded, followed by another puff of smoke after it landed.

Since the three people retreated to a safe distance, such an explosion did not cause any harm to everyone.

The next second, the three of them instantly retracted behind the scrap car. They were changing magazines and replenishing blood. While replenishing blood, they were watching to see if the people on the opposite side would suddenly rush out.

Fortunately, in this game, you can only see whether you have hit the opponent, and there is no way to see the opponent's health. Therefore, they have no idea whether the three of Lu Li are already out of health. If they rush out now, they can kill them in a group. It's hard to say for Lu Li and the others, but at least they have a better chance of winning than waiting until everyone has taken medicine before fighting again.

Lu Li used the first aid kit and drank a drink, and his blood volume gradually returned to a safe level.

He put away his gun and took out a fragmentation bomb. Seeing this, Tong Yanwuji and Water Elf did not hesitate to take out the grenades they had treasured for many years and threw them away!

Boom boom boom!

After throwing it, continue to throw it, with shock bombs mixed in. Fragmentation bombs mainly kill, but shock bombs can blind the opponent.

After the blast bombs were thrown out, Lu Li and Tong Yanwuji rushed over one after another. Only two people were left alive. One of them seemed to have lost his vision and was shooting randomly. Lu Li was really worried about him. His teammates were worried that if he fired randomly in this situation, wouldn't he be afraid of killing his teammates?

After collecting these four heads and randomly picking up some bullets, the poisonous circle had already touched them.

These four people didn't have cars. They obviously wanted to kill Lu Li and others, then grabbed their cars and drove to a safe area. Unfortunately, Lu Li and the others were too fierce and they couldn't eat it at all.

However, Lu Li's car was gone and they could only run to the safe area.

This battle was really a waste of money.

The level 3 armors of Lu Li and several others were more or less damaged. Everyone was already extremely rich and did not need any supplies. In addition, they also lost their own cars.

Fortunately, this wave of poison is not very powerful, and everyone has enough medicine on them, so they don't have to worry about not being able to escape to the safe zone.

There is a car, it's not just for fun, Lu Li said as he ran and looked into the distance, and he really saw a car.

How do you know it's not painted? Cars on the roadside are usually painted, Water Elf looked at it with a high-power lens. She really couldn't see anything wrong with the car.

The cars painted on the roadside in the wild all face the E direction; the bows of the boats painted all face the W direction. If not, it means that someone has moved it, and the car either ran out of gas and was abandoned. Either someone is using this car to fish, Lu Li said.

Tong Yan Wuji: ...

Water Spirit:……

There is such a pattern, even Tong Yanwuji, who often plays this game, is confused.

If it is true, then it can only be said that Lu Li is observing too carefully. After all, this person has only been playing Desperate Survival for a few days.

Then what should we do now? Tong Yanwuji asked. Although the poison is not very fatal, it is too painful to consume blood like this, and the next circle is about to be cleared.

Brother Ji, go up the slope on the left, pull the gun line, and say something when you get to the right position. Xue'er will drive, and I will set up the gun. Lu Li quickly formulated a strategy. One method will lead to all methods. , as one of Dawn's best commanders, it is not difficult for him to formulate such a simple strategy in a desperate situation.

Lu Li discovered gaming talent in his previous life.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to develop slowly after entering the game for a year late. As an independent player, it is actually quite remarkable to be able to survive without worrying about food and clothing.

In his previous life, he had no chance to explore his commanding talent until he formed his own team in this life.

Water Elf swaggered over and drove - if they knew Water Elf's driving skills, they would not think that Water Elf was stealing a car.

Anyone who uses a car to fish in a drug area is most afraid of having the car stolen.

So, when they saw the water elf jumping over to drive, they immediately came out from their hiding place to shoot the water elf.

At this time, two people with excellent marksmanship can come into play.

Lu Li killed one with one shot, and Tong Yanwuji also knocked down one. The person Lu Li knocked down jumped to kill him, which meant that the opponent's team might have been reduced in number due to the battle, and now only two people were left.

Let's go, stop licking the bag and get in the car. Lu Li glanced at the corpses on the ground. They were basically second-level rifles. The guns were M16 and SKS. They were probably worse than what Lu Li and others had. , there is no need to lick the bag at all, and they are now in a poisonous area, and any delay will be accompanied by blood loss.

The poison area was really far away, so I took two doses of medicine before I could escape.

After they came out, they immediately lay on the ground to fight for blood. However, at this moment, two grenades were thrown directly in front of them. It took time to get up. Even if there was still stiffness after getting up, even if the stiffness passed, they still had to face the enemy's attack. Straf.

Why are there so many LYBs? Anyone who wants to escape from the poison will have to hide under the eyes of others.

At this time, there is no other way but to accept fate.

The water elf was blown away and Tong Yanwuji was blown away. Lu Li survived because he was far away.

This is the result of his habits after being poisoned. He has discovered this rule long ago. If he lies on the edge of the safe zone, as long as his chest is in the safe zone, he will not take the poison. Even if he is in the poison zone from the waist down, it will be fine. , so he likes to only show half of his body in the safe zone.

There was no big problem with Lu Li's safety. He was very close to the car and all he had to do was hide behind the car.

The problem now is that Tong Yanwuji and Water Elf are exposed in front of others. They have no cover, and they are already knocked down. It's hard to say whether they can survive. Lu Li doesn't know how many people there are on the other side, and he doesn't know at all. There was no way to press the gun and let the two people climb to a safe position.

All we can do is fight.

Lu Li held the automatic rifle and rushed directly behind the tree where the bomb was thrown. Before he could see anyone, the automatic rifle opened fire.

Da da da!

A man held a gun and wanted to shoot Lu Li, but was knocked down by the dense bullets.

Another person behind the tree turned around to rescue his teammates, but was also killed suddenly by Lu Li.


With the sound of 98K, the bushes not far away revealed a little bit of the player's figure. This was a sniper dressed as a phantom tank. Although his reaction was not very fast, it was really good to be able to hit Lu Li with one shot at this time. .

Lu Li's helmet was shattered by this shot, but at least he himself had not been knocked down - if he was knocked down at this time, the three of them would be on the road together.

Lu Li jumped to the ground, but the gun in his hand did not stop firing. Even after lying on the ground, he still shot out the remaining dozen bullets in the gun until the opponent was killed by him. The bullets flew over his head and left a row of bullet holes in the car behind him.

The system directly prompted him to skip the kill, and Lu Li finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't have time to replenish his health on the ground, so he had to save his two teammates. There was such a noisy battle here, and someone quickly came over to take advantage.

Water Elf, Tong Yanwuji, and Mo Wangfeng, who was already dead and in spectator mode, all used two words in their live broadcast rooms.




When Lu Li played the game on his first day, some people started to marvel at this title. For someone who could play the game to that level on his first day, what's wrong with calling him the God of War?

Of course, this name comes with all kinds of ridicule.

Can you kill thirty people at once? Can you line up twenty people in a row to win the chicken game? Can you kill seven in a row?

He dares to be called the God of War with just a few achievements. That is something more noble than titles like Gun King, Dog King, Car King, etc. It’s not like no one has done this before, but it’s a pity that the anchors they support cannot support it at all. The weight contained in this name.

Now, Lu Li reappeared in front of the audience - although Lu Li came in and played the game many times after playing with the water elf, he didn't broadcast live, so no one knew about it.

Whether it was shooting left and right on the roof, rushing into the room to rescue Mo Wangfeng, or killing three people head-on here.

Lu Li's style of seemingly not caring about anything and charging head-on was very popular with people, especially those watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room. They watched with excitement and felt that Lu Li had simply become the number one person in this game.

In fact, Lu Li's shooting skills are not necessarily better than Tong Yan Wuji's, his consciousness is not necessarily better than Mo Wangfeng's, his driving skills are not necessarily as good as those of Yue Guang, a king of driving skills, and there are many people who are better than him in moving positions.

But none of their styles are as passionate as Lu Li's.

Rush up and sweep directly, killing people when you see them. Gods will kill gods and Buddhas if they block them!

This style is most suitable for live broadcasts and attracts fans the most, so many people in the live broadcast rooms of his three teammates asked Lu Li where he was live broadcasting and how they could watch the battle from Lu Li's perspective.

The three people stood up again and were reborn after the disaster.

Now they had to lick their bags. Although there was no shortage of medicines and firearms, the body armor and helmets were all beaten to pieces. Lu Li's helmet was directly smashed. In this game, it is impossible to have a helmet. It's a very scary thing. An automatic rifle hits a person without a head and even knocks him down with one shot.

Lu Li picked up a second-level weapon, which lost half of its durability.

The water elf used the excuse that Lu Li wanted to go sniping and gave him his relatively complete third-level head.

Tong Yanwuji really wanted to say something, my head was also smashed, and I was also a sniper. Unfortunately, his performance just now was not as good as Lu Li's, so he couldn't say this at all, let alone two people spreading dog food there. He went up to join in the fun.

Lu Li looked at the circle closing time and decided to continue driving.

It's a waste of time to run over there. If someone stops you halfway, you might be poisoned again.

I have marked a yellow dot on the map. We will block that house directly. If there is someone inside, we will fight. If there is no one, we will squat in that house for a while. Lu Li formulated the next strategy. He had studied that house and could start from it. A continuous slope approaches, and it is not easy to sweep the car if there are people in the house.

It's up to you, Tong Yanwuji had no objection.

He likes fighting but doesn't like thinking. This is true for both Dawn and Desperate Survival. In Dawn, he is not responsible for any command, but in Desperate Survival, Mo Wangfeng takes command.

Lu Li kept accelerating and kept pumping air. The car rushed up from the low slope at an extremely fast speed. When Lu Li made a sharp turn, the car almost hit the wall of the house with a smash, and then the three people jumped immediately. stand up,

Tong Yanwuji's previous performance was mediocre. As a spear king, he was almost completely overshadowed by Lu Li.

Even if Lu Li is his boss in the future, he can't hold back his competitive spirit at the moment. Besides, if you want your boss to value you, you must at least show matching strength.

When the doorman opened the door, Yan Wuji did a 360-degree spin and jump, then quickly pointed the gun in his hand at the back of the door and fired.

This poor kid thought he could kill his opponent by hiding behind the door, but he didn't expect his opponent's shooting speed to be so fast, so he completely GGed him before even firing a shot. Tong Yanwuji squatted down and pointed the gun at the stairs. In such a position, once someone comes down the stairs, he will be shot at.

Da da da!

Wow, I knocked one down, and someone jumped directly in front of me outside, which scared me, the water elf said in surprise.

What is pie in the sky? This is pie in the sky. This man jumped from the second floor window, but was directly beaten to death by the water elf in the blind corner of his field of vision. He must have been very painful in his heart.

Brother Ji, be careful of bombs, Lu Li threw a bomb from the window into the second floor.

I'll throw it too, I'll throw it in the bathroom, the water elf had a few bombs herself, and the corpse she just killed also had a lot of bombs on it. Why hesitate? The dog man and woman instantly transformed into bombardiers, a Another bomb was thrown in from various angles.

Tong Yanwuji squatted on the stairs to prevent anyone from running out.

He listened to the chaotic and hasty footsteps upstairs, and he couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy for the other party in his heart. It was so miserable.

It was indeed tragic. The four brothers did not provoke anyone. They were squatting in the house and hatching eggs. However, someone rushed over to kill them. In just ten seconds, they lost two brothers. Now underneath Someone was guarding me, so I couldn't get out, and someone was ambushing me outside the window, so I could only huddle inside the house.

But the house is not safe either. What exactly are these bombs going to do?

The farce-like battle ended quickly, and two people were killed one after another. In addition to donating their helmets and body armor, they also contributed the house that could be used as a temporary hiding place.

Oh, no, there's also the jeep parked downstairs.

Hey, why are there so few people, and the circle is so big, the water elf said in surprise.

Bah, you don't even look at how cruel your mouth is. Count how many people he killed by himself. It's good to have eighteen people left now, Mo Wangfeng, who was watching the battle, said angrily. Such an exciting battle, and He can only be a spectator.

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