The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1492 Double Guns

Don't kill me, don't kill me, dad, Mo Wangfeng watched as his blood volume became less and less after he fell to the ground. He was completely frightened. But after all, he is a racer and his game operation awareness is very slippery. Even if he falls down, On the ground, he was also twisting his body to avoid the bullets hitting him as much as possible.

However, calling daddy so casually was obviously not the first time this happened.


The system prompted Lu Li to use 98K to knock down the Eleventh Young Master. The gun in the Eleventh Young Master's hand stopped firing suddenly.

Look at Mo Wangfeng again, he only has a trace of health. If this amount of health is exhausted, this guy will be eliminated. The Eleventh Young Master's desperate jump over the wall before he died is actually very powerful. Use it first. One person attracts everyone's firepower and attention, and then he takes the opportunity to kill one of them.

This move will not allow them to turn defeat into victory. After all, most of their people are dead, and their position is also very embarrassing.

But this can at least ruin the game experience of Mo Wangfeng, the old enemy, and reduce the number of four of them. In the final battle, they may miss the final victory due to attrition.

Hurry up and save me, I fell to the ground for the second time, Mo Wangfeng shouted.

You actually called me daddy. Now call me a few words and listen, otherwise I won't save you. Tong Yanwuji squatted in front of Mo Wangfeng, with a look of contempt for him. If he died, he would die. Is it necessary to ask for mercy? This guy is so shameless and shameless that there is no limit to it.

Wucao, you damn faggot, are you itchy? Believe it or not, I'm really going to PK you, Mo Wangfeng said with indescribable grief and anger.

Tsk, Tong Yanwuji was extremely disdainful of this, but he still squatted down and started to save people.

As for Lu Li and the water elf, they were happily adding to their bags.

I don’t know where the Eleventh Young Master and the others found them from, or they must have killed a lot of people. In short, they are unparalleledly fat.

Lu Li switched to a fully equipped M16 - in fact, he didn't particularly like the M4. He personally felt that only a fully equipped M4 was what he wanted. In the absence of accessories, the M4's rate of fire and stability were higher than Not as good as the M16, especially when hitting short-range targets.

This subtle feeling can only be distinguished by experts.

Under normal circumstances, there is not much difference between several automatic rifles. You can use whatever you like and there will be absolutely no fatal problems.

The off-hand weapon is outstanding. This is the top sniper rifle in the desperate survival game. It was found from Menghui Shisan and its name is AWM. AWM does not use general-purpose bullets, but special bullets with increased charges, which are famous for their high power.

This kind of gun cannot be found in regular places. It can only be harvested from airdrop supply boxes dropped by airplanes.

As a result, Lu Li immediately became extremely rich.

The only regret is that the bullets are a little short, with only thirteen bullets left. This is probably the reason why Menghui Shisan didn't shoot much.

Lu Li gave 98K to the water elf and put on the gun himself. As for Tong Yanwuji, he could naturally get the Eleventh Young Master's gun. Mo Wangfeng didn't like using snipers very much. He had used one many times. M4 fights to the end.


Wucao, throw away the cigarette quickly! Tong Yanwuji was knocked down.

He was rescuing people, but he was almost knocked down. This action of rescuing people was naturally interrupted, and Mo Wangfeng, who had no time in the first place, completely lost the possibility of saving him.

But Tong Yanwuji, who was knocked down, still had hope of survival. Before Tong Yanwuji could finish his words, Lu Li had already thrown a smoke bomb at his feet, and soon the smoke filled the area: Xue'er, please save me. , I'll set up the gun, if someone hits you, don't force him to save you.

Lu Li soon found their attacker on a high tower not far from the bridge.

Judging from the distance, being able to kill Tong Yanwuji in the head with one blow, even if he was hitting a stationary target, shows that the opponent's shooting skills are good. As for the gun in the opponent's hand, judging from the sound and power, it is probably the same as the gun in his own hand. One of them is exactly the same, both are AWM, otherwise Tong Yanwuji, who is in the third level and the third level, would not be knocked down with one shot.

Lu Li held his breath and shot directly.

Unfortunately, the window lattice over there is a metal fence, and the shot did not hit the target.

Lu Li's goal was achieved. Even if he couldn't kill the opponent, the huge gunshot of AWM scared the opponent back. In this way, the water elf could rescue Tong Yanwuji relatively safely.

I'll drive, and you guys spray the medicine, Lu Li switched to the rifle and fired a few shots at the muzzle. When he was licking the bag just now, he took the quadruple scope, and now he is using it on the blade.

In fact, for those with good marksmanship, using a rifle at this distance is not inferior at all.

What should we do? We are blocked. The water elf also picked up a lot of things. She obviously realized her position in this battle, so she picked up a level three backpack, seven medical kits, and Fourteen bottles of drinks, the rest were bullets and scopes. In order to save space, she even only carried twenty rounds of sniper rifle bullets.

Anyway, they kill people easily, and the same goes for picking them up after using them.

The one on the tower actually doesn't matter. Just take turns setting up guns. The key is where this person's teammates are. Lu Li fired another shot, hitting a bloody flower on the opponent's head, but it was a pity that he didn't have it in his hand. It's not AWM, otherwise the opponent would have fallen.

If it were me, I would provide fire support at the stone in the 60th direction. We can't be hit there right now, so we haven't fired yet, Tong Yanwuji made a professional judgment.

There is always only one place to hit them, which means that only one person on the other side can hit Lu Li, and the other positions can be guessed slowly.

Poison is coming soon, I'll set up the gun, you go first, Lu Li switched out AWM.

He was determined to kill his opponent. The location of the tower was too high. Once occupied by his opponent, they had no chance to leave.

Brother Ji, show your face a little and give the people on the tower a chance. This opponent was really too calm. He was so calm that Lu Li was a little impatient. The most annoying thing about playing this game is that He was held up on the edge of the poison circle.

Tong Yanwuji's positioning was so good that he had no chance to make a move in the eyes of the opponent.

Tong Yanwuji understood this in his heart, and his route deviated slightly from a safe direction.

The man on the tower really couldn't help it. The opponent had an AWM in his hand, and he was quite proud of his marksmanship. As long as he was given a chance, he could take away a life, so he couldn't wait to set up the gun at the window.


With a loud noise similar to a roar, Lu Li's big sniper fired.

Just one shot!

The number of people on the other side was reduced by one, but Lu Li noticed that there were still figures moving around the window.


After pulling the bolt, another shot was fired. One person fell to the ground. It turned out that there were two people on the tower. After one person fell to the ground, the other ran to the window to rescue his teammates. He actually knew that he was not safe like this. So I started to get shorter while running.

What Lu Li captured was the feeling of this moment. He didn't even aim carefully at that time, just like a flash sniper to shoot the opponent's head.

There were only two people left below the tower. Two people fell to the ground in succession, and the two people below could no longer squat.

They jumped out from behind the bunker, trying to knock down Tong Yanwuji and Water Elf first.

Tong Yanwuji is known as the gun king. He has no choice but to always have a shooting angle. Once he is given a chance to shoot, his marksmanship is at least as good as Lu Li's. After practicing shooting, two kills were recorded. Lu Li also jumped. Two kill numbers came out.

Only the water elf was still twisting her small waist selflessly and walking like a snake, and she didn't stop until Lu Li reminded her that she was dead.

I continued licking the bag until I couldn't fit it anymore, and so many good things were left behind.

If you kill people later, you don't need to collect loot, because all the necessary and unnecessary things are already there.

It's a pity that Mo Wangfeng's body was already cold. Tong Yanwuji picked up his level 4 armor, the frying pan, and inherited his will to continue fighting.

The limit I have set for myself is a minimum of 80,000 words per month. There is still a lot less than this month, and I will make up for it later.

The overtime work has come to an end for the time being, but my teeth are completely damaged. I made an appointment with the doctor at the end of the month. I want to die.

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