The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1494 Competition

The safe zone was refreshed again, and the house Lu Li and the others were in was no longer a safe zone.

The brush is not too far away. Let's run and walk along the poisonous circle. Brother Ji, you look inside the circle, and I look outside the circle. Xue'er... well, you look ahead. Lu Li decided to give up the protective car. It's a nice Jeep, but it's too noisy and is a target of public criticism wherever it goes.

Okay, don't worry, the water elf felt that he was being slighted.

The main reason was that she had little practice in this game. Not long after the game was launched, Shuguang came out. Not only did she need to level up and buy equipment, but she also had to manage the club, so naturally she didn't have the energy to play this game.

However, considering that Lu Li had only played a few times, she felt a little discouraged.

Direction S210, one, two, more than two, they are still running drugs, Brother Ji, have you seen it? Lu Li was the first to spot the person.

I saw it! After knowing the direction, Tong Yanwuji found the target without difficulty.

Find a bunker first. I'll call one, two, three to start the fight. Lu Li found a rock that was not too high to use as a bunker. Although it was not high, it would be enough to provide shelter for this battle if he leaned down a little. Once in the open, he began counting down and fired.

There are three goals in total.

In fact, when it comes to these three people, Lu Li is no stranger to them.

There were a total of twenty people jumping into the airport, a total of five teams. Lu Li and Tong Yanwuji went on a killing spree, clearing out the airport in a very short time.

One of the team members was knocked down by Tong Yanwuji's headshot from a long distance on the elevated road.

Others who went up to the rescue were also knocked down. The first one to fall was quickly killed with a few more shots. These people compared the distance between the elevated highway and them, then listened to the fierce gunfire at the airport, and then took a look. That kill almost wiped out the entire screen, and they immediately became timid.


After rescuing their teammates, the three found a car and fled immediately.

They grew up in the wild and barely had the minimum equipment, weapons and supplies. Originally, they had no hope of escaping from the poisonous circle. Fortunately, they met four idiots. After beating these four idiots to death, they took A pitiful supply arrived.

Relying on this little supply, they trekked over mountains and ridges, and finally saw the safe zone and the hope of getting out.

However, the nightmare came so suddenly, and before they even left the safe zone, the smile froze on their faces.

Looking at these familiar IDs, Tong Yan Wuji and Lu Li, they shed tears instantly. If they had known this, they might as well have died at the airport. Why bother after traveling so far and still die at the hands of these people!

Of course, Lu Li and the others didn't know the sadness in the hearts of these players. To them, these three players meant nothing more than three heads.

There are eleven people left. The circle is so big that we can't touch anyone, Tong Yanwuji said helplessly.

Gunshot, direction S195, about 600 meters. In addition to the technical aspects, this game also pays attention to hearing and eyesight. The eyesight can detect the hidden LYB immediately. For hearing, one is listening to footsteps, and the other is On the one hand, it’s just listening to gunshots.

First listen to the direction of the gunfire, use a high-power lens to look at it, and after seeing the person, compare it with the map to determine the distance of the person.

I saw it, it's so far away. How about we compete to see who can knock this person down first? Tong Yanwuji looked at his head count and knew that he had no chance to match Lu Li, so why not? Compare each other's shooting skills.

The target six hundred meters away seemed to be fighting with someone else and did not notice Lu Li or the others.

Moreover, this man is a sniper and often stays still. Even if he is 600 meters away, he is still a target that can be killed. As for further distances, although it is not that no one has set a higher record, the element of luck begins. Takes the bulk of it.

Okay, Xue'er, do you want to participate? Lu Li wanted to play games but also take care of his own relationship.

As a qualified boyfriend, you can’t just enjoy yourself while playing games. Your girlfriend’s gaming experience is obviously more important.

Okay, the water elf switched to 98K, and three snipers were aimed at this guy at the same time.

If you want to kill enemies at long distances with a sniper rifle, ranging, density adjustment and prediction are indispensable. In addition, you also need the experience accumulated from bullets. A seemingly random shot reflects the basic skills of many shooters. It is said that In the future, this game will also add factors such as wind speed and weather, but it is not that complicated yet.

This man was still holding a gun and fighting with his teammates. He didn't know that he had become a target.

Bang bang bang!

The sounds of the three snipers came to mind almost at the same time. A ball of blood sprang up on the man in the distance, but strangely he did not fall down.

It failed, Lu Li said calmly.

Although this man was hit by a gun, it was impossible to tell whether it was the water elf who shot him or Tong Yanwuji, but it was definitely not shot by Lu Li, because the one in Lu Li's hand was AWM. If he had shot the other person, Even a level three suit is bound to fall to the ground.

I didn't hit him, the water elf admitted proactively.

Not dead yet, Tong Yanwuji said calmly. He had made it clear before that the competition was about who could knock down the target, not just hit it.

Then let's continue. This person has moved and it's not easy to fight. Lu Li pulled the gun's bolt and held his breath.

The water elf simply switched to the rifle. Her sniping was not good to begin with, and there was no chance of hitting her from such a long distance.

The target obviously knew that someone was sniping at him, but he didn't know from which direction these bullets were coming. Changing cover rashly might expose him to more targets, so he kept moving in place, trying to use This is a way to avoid bullets that might hit you.

Bang bang, da da da!

The two sounds were snipers. Tong Yanwuji's 98K had a silencer added to it, which made it look duller. Lu Li's big sniper was the original sound. The other sound was the water elf's M4 equipped with a compensator. Then the system prompted...

Someone was killed by a water elf with an M4 headshot.

A headshot from such a distance!

Water Elf's live broadcast room was immediately dominated by 666. Her own goddess is so V587, so she didn't even give her a gift to express it.

Of course, even the most idiotic fans actually know that the water elves are blind. From such a long distance, few people can kill a moving target with an automatic rifle headshot. The power of bullets exceeding 500 meters begins. Decreased.

It turns out that the most powerful one is the girl, and I lost, Tong Yanwuji was not depressed.

Yes, we all lost. This result was more satisfying than Lu Li winning. The water elf himself was also very happy. Even if he was fooled, he had hit the mark, right?

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