Peep into other people's live streaming rooms, and then run over to trick them.

There is no doubt whether this kind of thing is good or bad. For Mo Wangfeng, these are not absolute. If he ran to trick Young Master Eleven, it would be logical and reasonable. The key now is that Young Master Eleven came to trick him. Got him.

Don't make any noise. Brother Ji, check if they are all behind the abandoned car. I'll look for the others, Lu Li said.

I only saw two people, and I could hit their feet from under the scrap car, Tong Yanwuji said. The SKS in his hand has a four-fold lens, which has an unmatched advantage in observing the enemy's situation.

You fight first, I can't see you here, Lu Li said.

Tong Yanwuji found a position and lay on the ground, shooting at the blurry car in the distance. The car was on its side and there was a gap underneath. Someone with good marksmanship could hit the person behind through this gap. people.

There was a bang of a gunshot, and a spark flew up in front of the abandoned car where Lu Li was hiding. This was caused by the bullet hitting the metal.

If Lu Li hadn't been moving convulsively, this shot might have hit him in the head.

98K, this position... Lu Li was a little confused at first. He didn't think the Eleventh Young Master on the opposite side could hit the bullet to this position. However, this confusion was very short-lived. He quickly shouted loudly: There is someone on the iron frame of the bridge, direction NE60, look up!

The others first looked in the direction Lu Li said, and then looked up as he said. Sure enough, they saw the person who had climbed onto the shelf.

Fight him, Mo Wangfeng shouted after taking the medicine and regaining full health.

The iron frame on this kind of bridge is really hard for most people to climb up. There are certainly more shooting angles when looking down from the top. However, it is not without its flaws, that is, it does not have so many bunkers.

I knocked him down, the water elf didn't know whether it was his real ability or an accident. In short, the head was his.

He fell, but he's not dead. He will probably be rescued, Lu Li was not so optimistic.

We can't do this. If someone comes from behind later, we will be attacked from both sides. Mo Wangfeng also fired a few shots, but because he didn't have a high-power scope, he couldn't knock down anyone.

What's even more disgusting is that Young Master Eleven and others obviously knew the situation of Lu Li and others. They hid very well. Tong Yanwuji only shot one of them twice, and the guy moved to another place to hide.

Why don't we rush in? If we drive, we won't be beaten down, Tong Yanwuji suggested.

No, don't take this kind of luck. Our opponents are no weaker than us. This is four rows, with four rifles firing at full automatic and sweeping all the cars at once. They can blow up any car for you.

Then what should I do? Aren't you the first commander of Shuguang? You take command, Mo Wangfeng said.

Brother Ji and you stay here, Xue'er and I go into the water and swim to the other side. We'll attack from both sides, Lu Li said without hesitation. This kind of action is not without risks. It takes time to swim over, and what happened during this period It's hard to say what happened, and there is also the problem of dispersed troops. No one can guarantee whether they can defeat it.

Let's just do as you say. Let's be a little more careful. Sister Feng, look behind you and don't let anyone take a backseat. Tong Yanwuji felt that Lu Li's attention was at least better than his own.

Lu Li retreated quietly, then slowly climbed to the side of the bridge under the cover of grass, then entered the water from under the bridge and swam to the other side.

What if Young Master Eleven is shamelessly watching my live broadcast? Water Elf expressed concern.

That's too shameless. If he does that, I will go to Dawn to assassinate him, Lu Li said jokingly. The Eleventh Young Master is also a master in Dawn, and he is also a plate armor fanatic with high attack power and thick defense. However, I don’t know what kind of evil he was possessed by. Basically, whenever he touched Lu Li, he would die. Sometimes it was Lu Li who did it, and sometimes it was someone else who did it.

This is probably why Young Master Eleven is so keen on sniping at them.

Fortunately, the Eleventh Young Master still wanted to save face, or he didn't expect that these people on the opposite side would dare to split into two groups when facing a team of experts like them.

This was not the first time that Young Master Eleven had intercepted a bridge. He was keen on intercepting bridges and robbing them. Perhaps his mentality of robbing all day long made him ignore Lu Li's strategy. After all, even if someone got behind them, they could easily deal with such a situation. scene.

After swimming to the other side, Lu Li checked to see if there was anyone on the shore. After confirming that no one was there, he went ashore. Only when it was truly safe did he ask his wife to follow him.

Why play games with Tong Yanwuji? The one who really needs to be taken seriously should be his wife-in-law.

How do we fight now? The water elf was a little excited. Although she liked confrontation, it was quite exciting to sneak up to the opponent's rear and launch a sneak attack. However, Lu Li's image was too tall in her mind, so she wanted to get Lu Li. The shot will only be fired after receiving permission.

Wait a moment. I'll first check to see if there is anyone around here. Lu Li carefully explored this end of the bridge.

Then they found a bunker that could hit the Eleventh Major and others. If they suddenly fired from this angle, they would be able to knock down one or two. On the opposite side, there were three people behind the scrap car, and one person climbed to a high place. , it was a pity that the midnight ghost from high up was exposed and beaten, and now the four of them were huddled behind the car.

After confirming with Mo Wangfeng and Tong Yanwuji that the move was ready, Lu Li fired the first shot on the 98K in his hand.

There was a gunshot, and the system prompted that the hornet's nest was knocked down by Lu Li with 98K.

At the same time, the water elf also fired. She didn't have a high-power lens, but just sweeping randomly could achieve the effect of disturbing the Eleventh Young Master and the others. As long as the Eleventh Young Master and the others ran, they could provide Tong Yanwuji on the other end with Shooting angle.

The system prompts that the ghost figure was knocked down by Tong Yanwuji in the middle of the night.

Lu Li pulled the bolt of his gun and fired at the next target. He chose a snake-skinned guy.

But instead of shooting, he pulled his head back.

The next second, a bullet whizzed past his head. This gunshot sound was very familiar. It was the 98K he had just used.

In fact, if Lu Li had not given up, he might have hit the target first, but in that case, he would never be able to dodge this fatal shot. Lu Li had no intention of exchanging one life for another.

Don't show your head, they have high-power lenses, Lu Li called to the water elf: Now it's their turn for the anxious ones.

Those scrap cars were originally very good bunkers. From Tong Yanwuji's perspective, there was no chance of shooting. But when there are people at both ends of the bridge and they can't easily deal with one end, it becomes more difficult. Embarrassed.

They saved people, the water elf said. The angle of view was blocked and he could easily observe the opponent's movements.

I'll fight. Throw me your rifle. Lu Li threw down the car king. He was not familiar with this gun, and its accuracy against medium and long-range targets was not as accurate as that of an automatic rifle.

Lu Li didn't aim and fire after getting the automatic rifle. He just fired in bursts. Anyway, they searched the entire airport, and the most indispensable thing was bullets. The water elf carried more than 300 rounds of 5.56 bullets.

The test at this time is to press the gun.

If you don't press the gun, the muzzle of the gun will move up involuntarily when you pull the trigger.

The Eleventh Young Master and the remaining Menghui Thirteen immediately ran away. The two poor people were swept to death before they could be rescued. They fell to the ground and died, a complete death.

I'm here to help you set up the guns. Come over here, Lu Li finally felt relieved. The remaining two people hid in the corner and didn't dare to show their heads. If they did, they would be beaten by him.

Tong Yanwuji and Mo Wangfeng also felt that the time was ripe. They took advantage of the opportunity when the two did not dare to show their faces and quickly came over to resolve the battle. Otherwise, other players would rush over later. If someone else took advantage of them, they would Can be pissed to death.

At this moment, someone released a big move.

Wucao, don't come here, I was wrong, Eleventh Young Master turned on the voice in the game and begged loudly for mercy.

Sound is very important in the game Desperate Survival. There are gunshots and footsteps, as well as the communication and command of the team members. Players from different teams cannot communicate. Unless you turn on the voice, everyone around you can hear what you say. Eleven Shao is now Even if he chooses to turn on voice, his voice can be heard by everyone around him.

Begging for mercy? Why did you go there earlier? You hit me very hard, didn't you? Mo Wangfeng laughed loudly. The situation was changing, and he never thought that Young Master Eleven would be here today.

Sister, sister, it's okay if I'm wrong, adults don't remember villains' faults, Young Master Eleven shrank and shouted loudly.

Little boy, there's no point calling me daddy. You're dead. I'm going to kill you with my own hands!


At this moment, a man suddenly jumped out from behind the bunker and shot Mo Wangfeng. The Eleventh Young Master was obviously angry because of his embarrassment, and probably wanted to support this guy before he died.

Mo Wangfeng got carried away and took a swaggering route, leaving no room for escape.

However, the man who jumped out failed because Lu Li shot at him.

The system prompts that Meng Hui Shisan was knocked down by Lu Li with 98K.

Not Eleven Master?

What about Master Eleven?

Sure enough, almost as soon as Lu left the shooting and returned to Thirteen, there was a sound of gunfire. Another person took advantage of the opportunity when Lu left to shoot, knocking down Mo Wangfeng again, and he also faced the already knocked down Mo Wangfeng fired wildly, obviously intending to kill this guy directly.

I've been working overtime these days and get off work after ten o'clock every day. I'm so hungry.

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