The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1490 Shameless

No communication was needed, and the two masters almost completed this level of cooperation subconsciously.

Lu Li checked the backpack of the deceased and found a first aid kit and a can of drink. The other items were only a submachine gun known as Che Wang. Lu Li threw away the troll and replaced it with this submachine gun - because this man not only had submachine guns. Double magazine, and also has a silencer.

In this way, Lu Li has a car king and 98K. He cannot compare with rich people like Tong Yanwuji, but at least he can cope with all possible situations.

Bang bang bang, there was a burst of gunfire, and Lu Li saw the prompt that Mo Wangfeng had killed an enemy at the system prompt. He glanced over and saw this guy squatting in a pile of bushes acting as a phantom tank. , it was outrageously obscene, and he did not lick the bag, obviously worried that someone might shoot him down while licking the bag.

How many have been killed, Sister Feng, Tong Yanwuji fired another shot, killing the people still crawling on the ground. The number of kills that popped up showed 4, which was equivalent to one person destroying a team.

No, you have the ability to compete with Lu Li. How many have Lu Li killed? Mo Wangfeng asked.

Eight, Lu Li replied.

Beasts, we seem to have jumped four teams here. You two killed three teams. I killed one, and there are only three left. Mo Wangfeng felt that these two were not good people, and it simply ruined the game experience. .

I haven't killed anyone yet, said the water spirit.

I'm going to find someone, you can search with peace of mind. There will be a chance later, Lu Li comforted his wife. If he wasn't afraid of hurting her self-esteem, he would have said to let the water elf Zero kill the chicken.

There's no need to look for them. They drove away and I only shot down one person, Tong Yanwuji said regretfully.

Wow, you can search at will, Mo Wangfeng said immediately. So many people jumped in the entire airport, and in the end they escaped to death, and only their group was left.

I don't lack anything except a high-magnification scope and a three-stage lens. We are surrounded by people. What will we do after searching? Tong Yanwuji asked.

Find someone to kill, there is nothing to say. They are just a bunch of people in this game.

There are a lot of people in my live broadcast room playing with Eleven Shao, Water Elf said, I don't know if he is lined up with us.

You search, I will go to his live broadcast room to see who he is lining up with, Mo Wangfeng said.

He must have gone to provoke, Tong Yanwuji knew Mo Wangfeng very well.

How are you playing, Master Eleven? Lu Li occasionally enters this game by himself to practice his marksmanship, but he has not met many masters of this game. After all, everyone is randomly assigned to the game by the system, and there is no more than one player per game. Hundreds of people, not sure who will line up with whom.

Young Master Eleven is quite strong. Anyway, Sister Feng was killed several times by him, Tong Yanwuji paused and added, I was also killed several times.

He is currently ranked first in the Chinese region of Desperate Survival, but being first does not mean that he can persist to the end of every game to win the chicken. In fact, his winning rate is not much better than other teams in the top ten.

Haha, it's indeed them. I just saw it. The ones they played with were Midnight Ghost, Menghui Thirteen, and Hornet's Nest. We must torture them today, Mo Wangfeng was full of confidence, and Tong Yan Wuji No less than Shi Shi, Lu Li is also comparable to Midnight Ghost, and the hornet's nest is worse than the water elf. He, the dog king, can easily crush Meng Hui Shi San.

Lu Li was too lazy to pay attention to him. He didn't have a high-power lens in his hand, especially an eight-power lens. Having 98K without an eight-power lens was nothing.

Lu Li, I have an eight-fold mirror here. I'll hold it for you first. You can get whatever you want. This is definitely a voice-activated game. Just when Lu Li thought that he didn't have an eight-fold mirror, the water elf picked it up.

I don't have an eight-fold mirror either, Mo Wangfeng said in a resentful tone.

I don't have an eight-fold lens either, Tong Yanwuji followed suit.

Making fun of Lu Li and the water elf, ordinary people, especially newcomers who want to join the Sword of Judgment, probably wouldn't have the guts to do this. But Tong Yan Wuji is different. With his status today, he is already qualified to joke.

However, it also depends on what kind of joke it is. There is no harm in following Mo Wangfeng in making such a joke, but it would be bad if Tong Yan Wuji shrinks back.

You don't have 98K, why should we give you an eight times lens? the water elf said confidently.

Although the airport is large, there are a lot of people landing. After a few minutes of searching, the search is basically completed. It seems that there are more level 3 bosses in this round. Lu Li himself saw at least three level 3 heads, and others also It's not uncommon for everyone to have a third-level armor. Except for Mo Wangfeng who doesn't want to take the third-level package, everyone else has it.

The only regret is that there is an extreme shortage of high-power lenses. Normally, everyone should have a four-power lens.

When I got off the airport, I didn't even see the second quadruple scope.

Go kill people and rob them. Lu Li looked at the second poisonous circle and felt that it would be better for everyone to leave the airport.

With so many people at the airport, someone must have intercepted the bridge, Tong Yanwuji made his own judgment.

Jieqiao, haha, welcome here, I am worried that no one will rob them, Mo Wangfeng said that he was very arrogant: How about I go and take a sneak peek at where Young Master Eleven and the others are, and we will rob them.

Uh, Sister Feng, do you have any moral integrity at all? Water Elf complained: How can you watch the live broadcast and snipe?

Although he is not a professional anchor, the water elf is also afraid of those who refuse to watch the live broadcast. They know where the anchor is, and then sneak over to either send him to death or to kill the anchor. The latter is usually It can scare the anchor.

Okay, okay, Mo Wangfeng raised his hand to apologize.

A group of people found a car and headed straight for the bridge. As for finding a boat along the coastline and crossing the river obscenely, Lu Li and the others never thought about it.

Although Mo Wangfeng's words were arrogant, they were actually not unreasonable. With their level, even if someone intercepted the bridge, they would be able to fight back as long as they were prepared.

The black car reached the end of the bridge and immediately swerved to a stop.

The four people filed out and immediately looked for cover, preparing to observe the abandoned cars in the center of the bridge for any ambush. However, at this moment a gunshot rang out and Mo Wangfeng fell to the ground.


Lu Li took the chariot king and fired wildly at a location, directly suppressing the man so that he couldn't lift his head, so that Mo Wangfeng had time to crawl to a more hidden place.

If he didn't climb to a safe position, the enemy would probably kill him.

I didn't expect that the people who robbed people on the bridge were so skilled. One shot knocked down one person.

Damn it, Young Master Eleven, you idiot, you actually sniped at me, Mo Wangfeng yelled while crawling.

Eleven less?

Only then did everyone see the prompt from the system. It said that Mo Wangfeng was knocked down by Eleventh Master with a 98K headshot. No wonder Mo Wangfeng was so angry, because in this situation, it was very likely that Eleventh Master had secretly killed him. He ran to the water elves and took a look at Lu Li's position, and then ran to the bridge in advance to rob them.

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