The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1307 Chapter 1303 Land Clearing Group

After two pieces of dark gold equipment, a legendary piece of equipment was finally released.

This is a piece of leather armor for the thief profession. It is a standard level 60 legend with super high attributes. Although the special effects are not top-notch, they are not far behind.

Lu Li's previous leather jacket was called Scorched Leather Jacket, which was just a piece of dark gold.

Scorched Leather Jacket (Dark Gold): Armor 85, Agility 40, Constitution +20, Dodge +15%, Special Effect 1: Fire Resistance +10%, Special Effect 2: A certain probability of reflecting 30% of the damage, and Convert the remaining damage into the caster's health. Special Effect 3: Lava Shield. Used to provide the caster with a 60% damage resistance, and any enemy who makes a melee attack on the caster will be damaged for a period of time. 5 seconds, cooling time 30 minutes, equipment requirement level 50, durability 235/235.

It's not that he has never encountered better ones, but he has always been reluctant to use the two rebound special effects on the leather armor. I will hit whoever hits me. This is extremely important to Lu Li, who has always been pursuing the ultimate output.

In addition, the fire resistance is increased by 10%. How can the Blackstone Tower dungeon be played without fire resistance.

Now Lu Li must keep this bone-eating breastplate, because it is legendary equipment, and legendary equipment is still better than ordinary dark gold even if it is slightly worse.

Bone-Eating Breastplate (Legendary): Armor 135, Agility +70, Constitution +50, Groove 2, Special Effect 1: The damage received is reduced by 5%, Special Effect 2: After successfully blocking the enemy's attack, the damage received is reduced by 20 %, Special Effect 3: Iron Bone Cage, instant, covering the wearer's body with a layer of bone armor, lasting for 5 seconds. It can absorb a total damage limit of no more than 3,000 points. The cooling time is six minutes. The equipment level requirement is 60. Durability 285/285.

Except for chain armor and plate armor, Lu Li rarely saw equipment with an armor of more than 100. This bone-eating breastplate directly added 135, which is considered a very conscientious thing.

+10% fire resistance is indeed impressive, but armor does not simply increase defense value, it also increases resistance in an all-round way. Lu Li doesn't know the specific calculation formula - with his math skills, even if you show it to him He couldn't understand it, and no one taught him. After all, there was a physical education teacher who taught math.

The resistance increased by 135 armor is not as much as 10%, but don't forget that there is also 50 points of constitution. Among the four-dimensional attributes, constitution specifically adds resistance.

Taken together, it's actually not much different.

There is also a total of 70 points of agility, which is almost double the original 40 points of agility. As for the several special effects, they cannot be said to be awesome, but none of the special effects are useless.

The next item is a dark gold, legal hat, which is embarrassing.

Everyone thinks that since the last one is a legend, the next ones should naturally be legendary, but they forget that the game never guarantees that things will get better and better.

However, the attributes of this mage hat are really very good.

It is not as good as Legendary, but has advantages over most Unique Golds, especially the special effect of magic recovery speed. Fortunately, Lu Li does not rely on magic for food, otherwise he would be tempted.

Senior Brother, how about I give you an advantage? Lu Li asked.

No! Fat Monkey had a strange expression on his face and gritted his teeth, as if someone had robbed him of some treasure.

Did Huahua threaten you in private? Lu Li couldn't understand. Fire magic relies entirely on output skills, but output skills cannot be released without limit. Guns without bullets can only be sticks. Why would Fat Monkey refuse this? It's a piece of equipment.

No! Fat Monkey became even more depressed.

Hey, I just can't figure it out. Do you want it? If not, I'll give it to someone else. Huahua, do you want it?

No! Huadi Liqing's face didn't look very good either.

Lu Li was confused when he saw several girls staggering around laughing, so he quickly asked why.

Hahaha, because... because that's... It's hard to say that Maomao likes to eat meat.

Because that's a cuckold, Luo Ying recalled saying very forcefully.

Cuckold? Lu Li's eyes returned to the equipment in his hand. Not to mention, the color of this hat is really green, and it's green and shiny. If you wear this hat, you can probably go far away. You can see clearly, even brighter than a shiny bald head.

So they don't want it anymore, Luo Ying recalled, waving her hands innocently, I just said it casually.

Maomao, do you want this equipment? Lu Li was speechless.

No, no, no, although he is not a man and there is no such thing as a cuckold, but Cat loves to eat meat and does not want such a hat.

Okay, just throw it in the guild. The person who designed this equipment must be sick. Since the design has such good attributes and the appearance is exquisite and unique, why did it be given an emerald green color.

But there are people for everyone in this world. Even in reality, there are a lot of people wandering around with cuckolds. There is no need to worry about no one wanting such good equipment. These people in the wasteland development group were all killed by the dungeon. Whet your appetite.

After touching it again, there was actually another one, which was consistent with the identity of Red and Gass.

In fact, these are two BOSSs. If two such powerful BOSSs only produce one legend - that is normal. This is a dungeon after all, not an outside wild BOSS. The reason why the second piece of equipment is more likely to be produced is First kill.

This wasn't the first kill in the dungeon, but it was Reid's first kill in the nightmare difficulty.

This piece of legendary equipment is a weapon, a staff. In terms of attributes, it doesn’t have much professional relevance. Lu Li gave it to Qi Weika because his weapon is still dark gold. Others, regardless of whether it is top quality or not, At the very least, they are already legends.

As for giving equipment to fat monkeys or cats who love eating meat, and then letting fat monkeys or cats love eating meat and give their eliminated ones to Jiweika, that would be a bit bullying.

The relationship may be close or distant, but it should not be made too obvious.

Jiweika didn't expect that the equipment would fall on him. In fact, even if he got the weapon that Fat Monkey eliminated, he didn't feel aggrieved. Most of the team today are racers, and racers were eliminated. How could there be garbage in the equipment?

Of course, points will still be deducted. This is legendary equipment, and Lu Li and the others are not an independent wild group assigned according to needs.

Jiweika's points are not as high as those of Lu Li and others. Such a piece of equipment will almost wipe out all his savings, but he personally thinks it is worth it. With this new weapon, his strength has at least improved a lot. This is far from what he can Staying in the wasteland reclamation group is one step closer.

There are currently only eleven people in the land reclamation group, and the other four are temporarily selected.

In the eyes of the hundreds of people in the elite group of Sword of Judgment, these four quotas are completely valuable. Not only can they open up wasteland and obtain good equipment, but they are also the best way to build a good relationship with the top management.

There are people who only care about playing games, but there are definitely not as many as Silly Baitian thinks. People are all realistic. Everyone wants to go higher and get more attention, and joining the land reclamation group is the verdict. The fastest shortcut to the sword.

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