The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1308 The mobs are also crazy

After distributing the equipment, everyone took a rest. After all, they had been fighting for several hours.

Even the most impatient commander should understand that haste leads to waste. Playing games is also a job that consumes both physical and mental energy. Even now, it has been revealed that Dawn has limited the online time of the game from the beginning. There have been several incidents of sudden death in games.

In fact, sudden death may not necessarily be caused by being too tired from playing games. For example, sudden death while writing or sudden death while running may not necessarily have other causes.

People die every moment in the real world. With so many players, someone will always die in the game.

As for whether he died suddenly because of playing games, it is unknown. Maybe playing games is the culprit, or maybe he is an accomplice. Everything has to be done in a certain degree, and it is not good to do anything too well.

After resting for a while, Lu Li took the people and set off to where the next BOSS was.

Help me find a dragon named Obi. I have accepted a mission outside, Xiao Hachichan requested, pulling Lu Li's cloak.

Go find it yourself, there are no monsters here, Lu Li said.

No, I'm not very good at finding things, and I'm afraid I'll get lost, Xiao Hachiang's eyes widened. She really didn't expect Lu Li to reject her.

This road-crazy problem can be improved slowly. You have to have some confidence in yourself. There are only two or three days of roads in this area. If you can't find it, just go back the same way. How can you lose yourself?

Look at Lu Xin, she has never lost herself. When she was very young, she was almost abducted by a trafficker. Lu Li went crazy and searched everywhere, but in the end, this girl ran back by herself when the trafficker was not careful. This was nothing. What was even more impressive was that she could actually lead Lu Li back to find those traffickers.

A few days later, the traffickers who were abducting children had their hamstrings broken.

At that time, he was young and energetic. Later, when he thought about it, he might have gone too far. After all, human traffickers may have parents, wives and children, but Lu Li never regretted it.

If you ask me, it's really possible for Bacchan to get lost. Let me go with her. Not to mention just a few forks, she can show you how to get lost even if there are only two forks. I've never seen anyone who likes to get lost so much. Human, Luo Ying recalled leading Bajiang to help her find some Obi. Lu Li led the others forward to clean up the mobs first.

Maybe good people are rewarded, or maybe Hachi-chan is a master of tasks and has incredible powers. Luo Ying recalled that when she came back, she said that she had received a task that seemed to be very difficult to complete.

If Lu Li remembers correctly, if you continue this mission all the way, the final reward should be a very high-quality legendary equipment exclusive to the shaman profession. No matter what kind of equipment, the word exclusive means that the value will be greatly reduced, but it also means that The properties are much better.

After clearing out a few waves of mobs, turn around and go up the stairs to the left. There are several groups of orc warriors inside.

The group is destroyed!

It feels very bad when the mobs are wiped out. It makes people feel frustrated, but there is nothing you can do about it. Everyone did not make any mistakes. These orc warriors flew away randomly without taking any taunts, pushing players everywhere. It will inevitably attract other monsters, and if there are too many monsters, they will be easily destroyed.

Returning to the same place again, Azure Sea Breeze finally shamefully pulled the monster out and beat it again.

Lu Li said nothing from beginning to end. Some things are more convincing with reality than with sincere words. At least in a short time, Azure Sea Breeze will remember this lesson and will no longer be so arbitrary when pulling monsters.

Pulling to the corner to fight, pulling to the corner to fight, pulling out of the room to fight, these are all common ways to clear monsters. The common point of the collective is a waste of time and energy. The advantage is that the group will not be wiped out as easily as before.

After clearing it, there will be a long and narrow passage.

On the left side of the passage is the Black Wing Lair, which is still unbeatable, and on the right is the direction to continue.

The Blackwing Lair is the lair of Nefarian, the eldest son of Deathwing and the brother of the black dragon MM Onyxia. This dungeon requires forty people to participate in the strategy at the same time, including several dungeons at level 60. The five people were no longer satisfied, so Lu Li kept replacing the land reclamation personnel in order to select suitable and strong teammates.

When he first entered the game, he had to find his own players.

He doesn't seek the best, just the right fit. Even if he is a scumbag, he still needs it as long as it is useful. For example, Canmeng Hachi-chan, he must gradually train these two rookies into the capable little masters they are now. .

It's completely different now. As long as Lu Li is willing, he can call on a large number of manpower at his disposal.

There is another staircase on the right - since the Black Stone Tower is a tower, the terrain cannot be flat. There are many winding terrains, and a trail addict like Hachi-chan can go around it for three months without being able to get out. .

Going down the stairs on the right is a hall. Here... Normally, you need to kill the group, because the mobs are the strongest mobs besides the boss of this instance.

It's not unusual for a normal team to be wiped out seven or eight times here.

But the Sword of Judgment was an exception this time. Azure Sea Breeze was very cowardly this time. He hid outside the hall and poked his head in like a thief. When he saw a group of monsters patrolling to the entrance of the hall - this hall There were no fixed monsters inside, all the monsters were moving - he secretly shot an arrow at one of the orcs.

The orc immediately became angry.

Along with him were several of his friends who were angry. Seven or eight monsters rushed out of the hall in a majestic manner.

Mage Sheep Monster, Lu Li was very satisfied with Azure Sea Breeze's caution, but he knew that this caution was not enough. If these mobs were still treated as mobs, killing them three or two times would be more than enough. Some commanders emphasized the danger here. Every time, he directly warned his teammates that this was the seven or eight BOSS.

Lu Li didn't want to be alarmist, he chose to resolve the crisis in his own way.

When Fat Monkey and Huadi Liqing heard what Lu Li said, they decisively chose a monster to transform into a sheep. The originally vicious orc warrior immediately turned into a cute little sheep.

Two of the eight monsters were turned into sheep, leaving only six.

Piao Ling saw that Lu Li was treating it with such caution, so he also grabbed one. No matter how awesome the mob was, it was impossible to kill him in an instant. In the Sword of Judgment's land reclamation group, he was the deputy T. In fact, with his With his equipment and skill level, he is qualified to serve as the main tank in most clubs and guilds outside.

There were five left, so Lu Li went up and attacked and controlled one.

The remaining four monsters are not the real BOSS after all. They do not have the immunity control of the BOSS, nor the defense and health of the BOSS. No matter how powerful they are, as long as they are controlled and knocked out of all their health, they will only be defeated. Can become experience and equipment.

I recommend everyone to watch the Avatar anime. It’s very good. I never thought that games would be a genre like this! ! !

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