The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1306 Peach Blossom (please vote for recommendation)

If there are students from the normal school here, they will bow respectfully and call them principal.

Of course, he is not the current principal. This old man with a beard and white hair has retired for many years. The principals behind him have changed several times, but no one can have the prestige of this old man.

As the saying goes, a retired principal should be left in the cold as a matter of course. He has nothing to ask for from you, so why should he give you a good look?

As for the saying that once a teacher is always a father, it is all the imagination of the teachers themselves. In ancient times, Confucian scholars secretly coined such sentences when compiling textbooks, and they were instilled in them over and over again by these teachers. Society, unfortunately, has had little effect. What is grateful is called sentiment, and what is indifferent is called reality.

The old principal is an exception.

Because he has been in business, because he has been in politics, and because he has been the principal of many schools. It is not scary for people to grow old, but they are still so smart after they grow old.

To be too old to die is to be a thief!

Many people came to visit in the name of studying under their mentor many years ago, but most of them were turned away.

However, the water elf can come and go at will, and can even live here as long as he wants. The old principal not only does not dislike it, but also wants it. The reason is not important, just because the water elf is his granddaughter.

Grandpa, it's normal that I can't beat you, the water elf said with a smile.

Hmph, you have something on your mind, don't think I can't tell, the old principal was also helpless. Since his granddaughter didn't want to talk about it, and he wasn't willing to scold her, naturally he couldn't ask anything.

It’s just that along the way, she has become a mature person, and this little girl can always guess her thoughts. She can’t help but sigh that the little baby who walked around her knees back then has actually reached the age of falling in love, but she didn’t know that she was letting him go. How can a person in my heart receive such an honor?

I told you it's because of my dad. I hate him. The water elf almost never acts coquettishly in front of anyone, including his father. He only does this in front of his grandfather.

Your dad called me and said that you met a bad boy in the game. What's his name? It seems to be Lu Li. He is decorated with Xili and Lu Li is wearing a white dress. Lu Li is a beautiful jade. What a good name. . The old principal sat down cross-legged, slowly and methodically picked up a few leaves and shook them into the teacup. As expected, he saw his granddaughter's expression change.

My dad is really too much!

He's really over the top, so I told him not to set foot in Jiangnan for the rest of his life. Even if the plane flies over, he has to make a detour for me, the old principal said, slowly making new tea.

I want to sever the father-daughter relationship with him! The water elf shook his fist.

Hmph, don't change the subject casually. Who is that Lu Li? The old principal was smart, and it was not so easy for a junior to change the topic.

I...we met in the game, the water elf did not deny the relationship between her and Lu Li. Although they did not have any unspeakable relationship, Lu Li's idiot had never confessed it - if he If you know there is such a thing as confession in this world.

Haven't we met in real life? The old principal is no stranger to virtual reality. In fact, virtual reality is not just used for playing games, but is used more in education.

I've seen it, several times, the water elf said dully.

Oh, that boy is so virtuous and capable, why should he attract our little Xue'er? The old principal was obviously very worried.

Grandpa, why did you attract grandma in the first place?

Because I am very smart. Many people say that I am the smartest person in the world. The old principal nodded his head and laughed happily.

I don't know either. I always feel that there is no need for a reason. Maybe he is different from everyone else I have met. The water elf tilted his head and thought for a while, but still didn't come to a conclusion. Maybe he could give some reasons. But if I think about it carefully, I always feel that it fails to touch the most critical issue.

Could it be because he is the poorest boy you have ever seen? the old principal snorted again.

He had a deep grudge with President Shen. If he hadn't promised his daughter who passed away back then and had to consider the position of his granddaughter, the old principal would have even wanted to find someone to kill his son-in-law. However, regarding his granddaughter's life-long matter, the old principal temporarily decided to go with him. President Shen also had reservations.

Grandpa, you found out everything, and you still tested me. Humph, I'm ignoring you!

I don't know. Your father told me that for someone at such an old age to still kill people with borrowed knives, I would have long said that he is a scheming bitch.

Ever since that woman got pregnant, it's like my dad has been drugged. Before, she might have said a few words to defend her father, but now she just feels cold: If he wants to give away all the family property, His son, let him be. Lu Li started from a place like a slum. He couldn't even afford a helmet at that time, and now he is in this situation. I have more capital than him, so why can't I create a world on my own.

Oh, you girl, you are also very stubborn. You look just like your mother, the old principal lamented.

He still had many questions about Lu Li's words, but when he saw his granddaughter like this, he could no longer say it. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. This was the difference between him and President Shen, because he had a heart that was smarter than normal people. head.

Actually, we are nothing, just friends. We have never held hands, I promise!

Hey, actually, it doesn't matter to fall in love. Grandpa is not an antique. Bring him over to me when you have time. As for your father, everyone has their own retribution. You can only bear the responsibility for the choices you make. It’s just that I may not be able to see that day,” the old principal sighed.

Grandpa, you are not old. People in our family live long lives, and some have lived to be one hundred and twenty years old, the water elf said.

He who does not lose his place will live long, and he who does not die will live long. Grandpa has long been indifferent to life and death. I just hope that my little Xue'er will not be like your mother. You have to be careful when choosing people. Maybe people are like this when they get old, even if Even if you are not confused, it is difficult to avoid the habit of nagging over and over again.

Listening to such chatter, the water elf didn't feel annoyed at all.

Tea, peach blossoms, and spring scenery.

Can Meng on Lu Li's side has already touched two pieces of equipment, both of which are gold, which is very disappointing.

If these two pieces of golden equipment are so bad that they have no lower limit, forget it. The key is that the special effects on them are very good, especially one of the mail clothes. It can be said to be the best of the best. It's just that the special effects of such a best are wrong. He had a miscarriage and fell into a piece of golden equipment.

The basic attributes of gold equipment are too poor, and the other two special effects are almost useless. Such a special effect alone cannot support the foundation of a level 60 equipment.

So these two pieces of equipment made everyone criticize the game designers.

Although Lu Li also echoed a few words, he was somewhat disapproving of the behavior that everyone criticized. This is nothing at all. Only after the system is updated in a few days will you see what a trap is.

In the early stages of the game, although the level of equipment is not high and the basic attributes are relatively weak, at least most of them are usable.

This kind of good thing will no longer happen in the future. If a very high-quality legendary equipment comes with a rubbish special effect like reduces damage when falling from high places by 50% which is worthless for combat, please be patient. Don't be surprised, you'll get used to it the more you see it.

Then it started with dark gold equipment. The first one was used by warlocks. It was given to Maomao Loves Meat. Its attributes are better than what she had. I will keep them with her for the time being. If she doesn’t get a better one by the time she reaches level 60. , then naturally this is the only way to use it.

As for inserting a demand-reducing stone before level 60 and wearing it on your body in advance, that's completely unnecessary.

The stone that reduces demand is very expensive, and few people use it to inlay dark gold equipment anymore.

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