After a long time of whirlwind

! Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up! The Divine Realm had finally arrived

! At this time, Lin Feng's heart suddenly swelled with a sense of pride! He wanted to shout, "The Divine Realm, Lao Tzu is here!"

But just as he was standing firmly

, a figure suddenly appeared beside him, and he was directly pulling him and running!

Lin Feng's whole person was instantly stunned! However, he didn't feel any malice from that person, so he didn't have any resistance

! But his mind was full of question marks

! Suddenly, a huge black fist shadow was smashing towards the two of them

! "Run!"

Lin Feng heard that he was running away

! And he was surprised to find that he couldn't

resist the wind now! He could only run on the ground!


is the situation! Lin Feng looked around

as he ran! Suddenly he was a little suspicious

! I saw that the place where I came had become a mess, and there seemed to be two armies fighting not far away

! The battlefield was full of gunsmoke, and there were still people fighting in the air

! !

You told me that this is the Divine Realm!

This is completely different from what I

imagined! Lin Feng imagined the appearance of the Divine Realm countless times before ascending, but he immediately regretted it when he really came

! But at this time, the voice of the system suddenly sounded

! [Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the limited-time mission 'Ascension to the Divine Realm' and obtaining rewards: Godhead Experience Pack*50000, Absolute Divine Domain*1, Divine Dragon Palm*1, Divine Realm Refinery Pack*10, Divine Alchemy Pack*10, Divine Yuan Pill* 20000, "War Horse and Battle Armor Guide Book"*1...]

Good guy

! The reward is a bit powerful

! Lin Feng couldn't help but be happy in his heart

! This time he can also lie down in the God Realm

! But he didn't have time to look, the person who ran away with him before reappeared

! At this time, Lin Feng saw the person who came clearly!

It was actually a young man, he looked heroic, and he was wearing a bright silver armor, like a peerless fierce general in the world! However, his cultivation was not low, and he was a big realm lower than Lin

Feng! The man said anxiously:

"Fellow Daoist, in Xia Feng Mountain, it is a small scout under the command of the City Lord of Demon Suppression City, and this time he is taking the risk to pick up Daoyou! Why is there only one person in Daoyou?"

Lin Feng felt a pang of anger in his heart!

This is the pomp of picking up people? It's really outrageous! And before he could speak, the other party asked about himself first

! "Alas! I'm the only one who has ascended! Oh, no, there's a dog in the spirit beast bag!"

Feng Shan's heart was immediately relieved when he heard this

! As long as he didn't miss anyone!

Then Feng Shan said again:

" Presumably, Daoyou must have a lot of doubts in his heart, but now is not the time to speak, let's hurry up and evacuate this place first!" Lin

Feng felt 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart

! Not only did he have some doubts

! This divine realm was not the same thing as what he imagined

! He felt that he had been deceived!

It was really outrageous!

However, Lin Feng didn't say anything, this Feng Shan didn't lie to himself, it was indeed a place of right and wrong at the moment, as far as those who flew in the sky, their cultivation must have surpassed them one by one

! But the two of them didn't run far

, Feng Shan suddenly stopped! Pulling Lin Feng is hiding behind a big rock! Lin Feng saw that the other party's face was ugly, and hurriedly asked

, "What's the matter, Feng Daoyou?"

Feng Shan suddenly said with a wry smile on his face:

" Fellow Daoist, your luck is too bad, we may not be able to get out!" Lin

Feng's heart sank when he heard this!

" Feng Shan pointed to the other side

of the stone and said, "There is an enemy army coming, and the person at the head is a cultivator at the peak of the Heavenly God Realm, and the two of us are going to explain here!"


Feng suddenly felt relieved when he heard this!

I thought it was a big deal, look at this Feng Shan's scare

! Lin Feng said in a relaxed tone:

"Feng Daoyou, you tell me the specific direction, let's just break through

!" "Daoyou, how can you break through, there are so many people on the other side

!" "It's not a big problem, you and I will be!"

At this time, Feng Shan began to look at Lin Feng seriously, and then was surprised to find that he couldn't see through the cultivation of the person in front of him!

Could it be that the other party's cultivation is even higher than his own? How is this possible! Obviously, the other party has just soared up! He should have some magic weapon that can cover

up his cultivation! Well! It must be so

! But when he thought of this, he felt a sense of despair in his heart

! Seeing Feng Shan's appearance, Lin Feng suddenly hated that iron could not become steel

! How could such a heroic person actually chirp at this time!

"Feng Daoyou, don't ink!" Quickly show me the way

!" Feng Shan also cheered up when he heard this! Pointed out a direction to Lin

Feng! Then a set of golden battle armor appeared around his stealth body,

and a silver spear appeared in his hand! Then Feng Shan was stunned

! This momentum is even more than himself

! Lin Feng shouted angrily

! "Follow me!"

Then he directly held a spear around the boulder and killed the centaurs!

At this time, the centaur was searching for the enemy, and suddenly saw a person wearing golden armor popping out from behind a stone, and they were all stunned

! "Who is this guy?"

"I don't know, but it looks like a holy light dog that has just soared

!" "Indeed, that suit of armor doesn't seem to be theirs

!" "The leader saw Lin Feng rushing towards him, and his eyes immediately showed appreciation!"

"What a boldness! Just soared and dared to jump in the face! It's like a heifer's birthday—it's so big!" Everyone

immediately burst into laughter when they heard this, and they didn't seem to take Lin Feng in their eyes at all! And at this time, not far behind Lin Feng, Feng Shan also followed behind with an iron face

! Although Lin Feng couldn't control the sky, his running speed was also extremely fast

! Seeing that the other party's army didn't take themselves in their eyes at all,

they suddenly muttered in their hearts!

Is this group of people pretending to be like this?!

Sure enough, there is no shortage of fools everywhere! In

the blink of an eye, Lin Feng has already directly killed

! "God of War Trick!" Lin

Feng suddenly appeared with a monstrous battle intent around him

! A few miles away, he directly stabbed with a shot

! Then a golden dragon phantom appeared, directly rushing into the team of more than 100 people in front!

Suddenly, dozens of people were knocked away by the golden dragon phantom, and they forcibly fought their way out

of the crowd! At this time, Feng Shan was already looking stupid from behind

! Are all the people who have just ascended so fierce now

! What kind of joke are you kidding from the Divine Realm

! And at this time, the team was also stunned

! The person in the lead was even more incredulous!

! You told me that this person had just ascended?

Lin Feng saw that he had directly opened a passage with one shot, so his speed was also quickened, and he was about to break out of

it! And the person who was the leader was also a resolute person! Xiu Wei and Lin Feng were not far behind

! When he saw Lin Feng coming, he directly smashed it with one punch! Lin Feng

didn't even look at it, he directly handed it out with the same punch

! The two fists intersected!

Immediately, there was a loud noise!

The person who made the shot was directly shocked and flew hundreds of meters, but Lin Feng was not affected at all, and took Feng Shan behind him and left!

No one stepped forward to stop him!

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