After Lin Feng and the

two walked away, everyone

in the team looked at each other! At this time, the person who was the leader looked at Lin Feng and the others who were leaving

, and his face was extremely ugly! A person next to him asked in a low voice:

"Boss, do you want to chase after you?"

"Chase Nima's head! You can't beat it at a glance!" The

man was scolded and suddenly didn't dare to speak again!

The man in the lead couldn't help frowning as he looked at the two who had gradually disappeared into the distance!

Lin Feng had already run thousands of miles away with Feng Shan, and according to Feng Shan's guidance, there should be the nearest city in front of him!

In fact, Lin Feng was also more curious, this divine realm was completely different from what he imagined, and there was such a thing as a city, which was something that only existed in the world.

And what exactly did that battlefield mean just now, why were there two waves of men and horses fighting? Could this divine realm really be so unpeaceful?

At this time, Lin Feng's heart was full of questions, but now is an extraordinary period, even if he wants to figure it out, he doesn't have time!

And Feng Shan, who followed behind, couldn't say a word in shock!

The strength displayed by this newly ascended person has exceeded his imagination, and even the existence of

the Heavenly God Realm has suffered in his hands! Therefore, this person's cultivation is at least the Heavenly God Realm

! But I have never heard of anyone who can cultivate to the Heavenly God Realm in the Nether Realm!

Not long after, the two of them came to a city, which was a real city!

Lin Feng raised his eyes and looked at the city, and found that this was really similar to the mortal cities in his memory

! The difference was that the materials used in these cities were extraordinary, even if they looked as if they had gone through countless eras, they were still very tough

! This was a strong

city! And there were three big characters written on the top of the city

! "Demon Suppression City!" The

handwriting looked simple and vicissitudes and full of murderous aura!

But why does

the Divine Realm need this kind of city? At this time, Feng Shan had already walked to the front, handed a jade plaque to the person guarding the door, and then whispered a few words, the man waved his hand, signaling the two of them to enter the city, and Lin Feng who looked directly was amazed!

I don't know whether he has ascended to the Divine Realm or the Mortal Realm, all this is simply incredible!

He didn't have time to take a closer look at this city of the Divine Realm, so Feng Shan pulled

Lin Feng all the way and walked directly to a City Lord's Mansion in the center of the city! Lin Feng looked at this City Lord's Mansion, which was a complete eye-opener, and he was even speculating in his heart whether it was a set of things made by a fellow countryman!

After entering the City Lord's Mansion, Feng Shan took Lin Feng all the way through several gates, and this was the only way to stop before a big hall!

Feng Shan reported again, and after a while, Feng Shan breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the

main hall with Lin Feng! As soon as he walked into the main hall, Lin Feng found that there was only one person in the main hall, and it was a woman, who was sitting on a chair at the highest place, looking down at a jade slip!

Seeing this, Feng Shan hurriedly saluted and said

, "Qiqi City Lord, the Ascendant of the Chaos Domain No. 9527 has been picked up!"

However, the woman didn't even raise her head

when she heard this, she just said lightly, "You haven't encountered any

trouble, have you?" Feng Shan swallowed his saliva when he heard

this, "I've encountered a little trouble, the location of this ascension happens to be on a battlefield thousands of miles away to fight the Fallen Legion!"

"Oh? You actually appeared there, so how did you come back?"

Feng Shan glanced at Lin Feng and said,

"Yes... Thanks to this fellow Daoist, he returned safely..."

The woman suddenly raised her head violently when she heard this

! Then she stared at

Lin Feng with burning eyes! Lin Feng was suddenly a little hairy, not that the woman in front of him gave him a great deterrent, but the kind of eyes that seemed to want to see through him really made him a little uncomfortable

! The female city lord put down the jade slip in her hand and slowly walked towards Lin Feng!

At this time, Lin Feng noticed that this city lord was actually wearing a suit similar to armor, which was simply too cautious!

That kind of aura gave people the feeling that it was... It's

too big! That's right, it's really too big! But for Lin Feng's gaze, the female city lord didn't seem to care at all, and soon came to Lin Feng's body, a pair of beautiful eyes full of heroic spirit kept looking

Lin Feng up and down! "The peak of the Heavenly God Realm!"

Although it was said that his cultivation was broken all at once, Lin Feng's face did not fluctuate in the slightest!

This person is actually a cultivator at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, this is too outrageous, and he actually needs to be escorted by himself in a true immortal realm, and the spread of the word must not let others laugh off their big teeth!

The female city lord seemed to be very curious about Lin Feng, and asked,

"What's your name?"

Lin Feng said lightly:

"Under Lin Feng!"

Good name, people are also good-looking, but what I'm more curious about is how you cultivated to the peak of the Heavenly God Realm in the Nether Realm

!" Lin Feng was also quite helpless when he heard the other party's words!

How can he cultivate, isn't it just such a boring cultivation

!"Less trouble, more low-key, less falling in love and sleeping more!"

The female city lord was a little stunned when she heard Lin Feng's words! But then she said with a cold face:

"Are you teasing me?"

Lin Feng spread his hands

! It's okay if you obviously tell the truth

! As for whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway

! But soon the female city lord also calmed down

! After all, everyone has their own secrets, and the other party can cultivate to this point in the nether realm, which means that there is another chance, and it is not good for her to forcibly inquire about it

! But the secret can not be inquired, but she has other thoughts!

"According to the rules, all those who have ascended to the Divine Realm should be under the jurisdiction of the place where they have ascended, and if you have ascended from the Nine Five-Twenty-Seven Chaos Domain, then it will naturally belong to my Demon City, and after everyone ascends, there is a hundred years of adaptation, and there is no restriction during this time, but after the expiration of the hundred years, you must join the army of my City Lord's Mansion and resist the fallen legions in the future

!" "However, I see that your cultivation is so high now, there should be no need for an adaptation period, it is better to take up a post directly, I can give you a position of commander!"

When Lin Feng heard this, he immediately understood

! After his ascension, it seemed that he had signed a deed of sale! What kind of thing was going to enter the City Lord's Mansion after a hundred years, and what kind of degenerate army would he have to resist

! It was simply inexplicable

! As for what kind of commanderial position? Lin Feng was not interested at all

! I thought that he would come to the god realm to be chic, but in the end, he actually had to work as a coolie!

"That... The city lord's kindness is in his heart, but when he first arrives, let's get used to it first, as for the matter

of the commander, another day, another day!" Seeing that the other party said this, the female city lord suddenly showed a trace of disappointment in her eyes, and said to Feng Shan on the side:

"In this case, I am not reluctant, Feng Shan, you take this fellow Daoist to go through the formalities!"

Feng Shan arched his hand, and then pulled Lin Feng out of the main hall.

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