Thinking of this,

Lin Feng walked out of the Chaos Temple directly

! He wasn't worried at all about someone guessing that all the godheads were taken away by him, after all, his movements were too fast!

Moreover, most of the realm masters actually couldn't pass the test at all, so he didn't have to worry about this problem at all.

The most important thing is that when Lin Feng finally obtained the godhead, a voice appeared in his heart, which should also be a kind of prohibition.

The voice told himself that after obtaining the godhead, he would fuse as soon as possible, and after ten days, the Chaos Temple would open the passage of the god realm and lead him to the god realm! Lin Feng was still a little shocked when he heard the news

! This is also too anxious

! It only left people ten days

! But thinking that it seemed that it only took a few hours to fuse the godhead at the beginning, it was nothing!

But now I only have ten days left

! I want to say goodbye to Master and the others, but I don't know how to speak

! Lin Feng is sitting in the thatched house, holding and sighing

! "Haha, when the time comes, you have to go up with my brother, as the saying goes, if a person gets the Tao and the chicken dog ascends to heaven, you must follow!" Haha

was hugged by Lin Feng, and suddenly there was no love in life!

In fact

, Lin Feng was not joking, he did want to take Haha to the upper realm, you must know that Haha is his first "friend" who came to this world, and when he thought that the Ascension God Realm was a lonely person, he was suddenly a little lost in his heart, so Lin Feng wanted to go up with Haha, it stands to reason that Haha is Lin Feng's contract spirit beast, and it is reasonable to take a piece of Ascension, as for the other divine beasts, Lin Feng still decided not to bring them, and this group of guys will stay in the Three Thousand Realms to retire!

And haha's cultivation has now entered the chaos realm, although he still can't gnaw on the god king bone, but I have to say that haha has indeed gotten great benefits on the god king bone, and he actually succeeded in cultivating further

! So Lin Feng divided the other bones to the gods and beasts, so that the qi was finally fed to this group of divine beasts, and it is estimated that a bone can be gnawed for a lifetime!

Haha seems to be reluctant, which makes Lin Feng a little depressed!

This dog thing is really embarrassing for himself when he is addicted to women's sex and can't extricate

himself! Can't he learn from himself and seek the Tao wholeheartedly?

Women will only affect my cultivation speed!

In the remaining ten days, Lin Feng did not sleep again, and went to ask the master twice a day to say goodbye, which made Chen Chengren a little suspicious of life

! So when Lin Feng went again, Chen Chengren began to mention the matter of letting Lin Feng take over

! Lin Feng sighed in his heart!

He doesn't mind taking over now, but he really can't help himself! If he doesn't go anymore, the system will explode!

And seeing Lin Feng so active in the past few days, the little junior sister Chen Ling'er no longer retreats and cultivates, and begins to accompany Lin Feng every day.

Maybe it's a woman's sixth sense, she always feels that Lin Feng seems to be explaining what happened

in the future! But she knocked on the side and asked many times, and Lin Feng just prevaricated and passed

! And as the day got closer and closer, Lin Feng's heart became more and more melancholy

! This day finally came!

Lin Feng first went to Master Chen Chengren's residence alone, and after leaving a bunch of small blue pills for Master, he then told Master that he would go out for a trip and that it might take a long time to come back.

Chen Chengren didn't have the slightest doubt

about Lin Feng's words, and after telling him to pay attention to safety, he let Lin Feng leave! After leaving the master's room, Lin Feng went to Lianhua's residence again, and Lin Feng had already passed through the bottom of

Lianhua! At that time, when Lianhua heard that Lin Feng was ready to ascend to the divine realm, her whole person was stunned

! Later, when she asked about what realm she needed for ascension, Lin Feng also told the truth!

At that time, Lianhua almost collapsed

! She didn't expect that she was in a hurry, but as a result, the gap between her and Lin Feng was actually getting

bigger and bigger! And it seemed that she would never be able to catch up

! Lin Feng looked at the other party's faint eyes, and didn't say any more nonsense, and threw the other party a box of mustard seed magic weapons, which contained all kinds of things, all of which Lin Feng couldn't use for a long time!

Lin Feng didn't know if the Mercy Flower, who had already been in harmony with the world, could break through the limit of cultivation, although the God King Bone seemed to have this effect, but he couldn't give Mercy Flower a bone to gnaw,

right? He didn't dare to look at it

! In the end, Lin Feng came to the door of the little junior sister Chen Ling'er's room, with a look of hesitation

! And just as he was wandering, suddenly the little junior sister's unusually cold voice came from the room! "It's the senior brother, come in and sit!" Lin

Feng was shocked when he heard the little junior sister's voice!

Little sister, this is ready again? Won't they all have been taken off...

Although he said that he was ready, it didn't seem to be good to do so! Even though the "Tao Te Ching" had already been memorized, it still made Lin Feng a little apprehensive when he really wanted to do

it! But there was not much time left for

Lin Feng! In the end, Lin Feng pushed open the door and was about to untie his clothes directly

! As a result, he suddenly found that the little junior sister was actually kneeling in front of the table, fiddling with a set of tea sets

! ???

what was the situation!

The little junior sister actually played the tea ceremony? And how could the appearance of the little junior

sister be different from what she expected! Could this cold appearance be deliberately put on display for herself?

Lin Feng looked at Chen Ling'er and smiled awkwardly, and said,

"When did the junior sister learn to make tea?"

Chen Ling'er said without raising her head:

"I just learned it from Sister Lianhua two days ago!" Lin

Feng was stunned in his heart!

The more Lin Feng thought about it, the more he felt that it was very likely

! But at the moment, he didn't have time to teach Lianhua a lesson, so he just stepped forward, sat opposite Chen Ling'er, and drank a cup of

tea! "Good tea!"

Lin Feng didn't deliberately compliment, although the little junior sister had only studied for a few days, the tea brewed was indeed a little interesting!

Lin Feng put down the teacup, looked at the little junior sister who didn't say a word, and whispered,

"That... Senior sister, senior brother, I'm going to go out for a trip, and I may not come back after a while!" Chen

Ling'er still didn't look up, just fiddling with the fire of the tea there.

"How long will it take for Senior Brother to come back?" Lin

Feng thought about it, he really didn't know when he would come back, and he probably wouldn't be able to come back!"

It should be soon

!" At this time, Chen Ling'er suddenly raised her head, staring at Lin Feng tightly with a pair of red

eyes! Lin Feng looked at the other party's tears and was about to burst out of his eyes, wanting to say something but not knowing how to speak

!"Senior brother, you said you would take me with you this time!"

Lin Feng suddenly felt a little dry!

"That... Ling'er, next time... Surely, Senior Brother will promise you?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chen Ling'er finally couldn't hold back her tears, and Lin Feng hurriedly stepped forward to hug her into her arms! Chen Ling'er

cried and said:

"Senior brother, if you don't go, you can't do it..."

An hour later.

Lin Feng left Chen Ling'er's room.

At this time, he was standing in the back mountain

! He felt that the Chaos Temple's connection was about to arrive! Lin Feng beckoned to the Nine-Tails who was saying goodbye not far away, and the other party walked towards him

step by step! A moment later,

a golden pillar of light directly passed through the Chaos Sea, passed through the Three Thousand Realms, and shone on Lin Feng's body!

Lin Feng felt that his body was being attracted by this pillar of light! He turned his head and looked at his thatched house with some reluctance

! At this time, he found that a group of people were looking at him not far away!

Little junior sister, master, master, Changsheng, Lianhua and the five sons of the Yang family...

Lin Feng suddenly felt a little stunned, and at the same time, there seemed to be tears about to gush out

of his eyes! Alas! I was really a little reluctant

! Little junior sister Chen Ling'er suddenly heard with a crying voice

! "Senior brother, don't forget what you promised me

!" Lin Feng nodded at the other party, his mouth moved as if to say:

"Ling'er, next time, it must be!"

Then his figure disappeared directly with the pillar of light!

Lin Feng only felt that his body seemed to have been carried to the place of the Chaos Temple by the pillar of light, and suddenly the huge temple in front of him disappeared, leaving only a golden light gate in place

! Lin Feng's figure was also dragged into it, Lin Feng knew that this should be the entrance to the Divine Realm, so he didn't resist

! But at this time, Lin Feng suddenly felt that he seemed to have forgotten something!

"Hey, what is it?"

As its figure entered the golden light gate, a voice instantly resounded throughout the Chaos Sea!

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