Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, Chen Yao asked Liu Haolin to drive him to Ge Yunyue.

At the same time, Ge Yueyun left work early, bought side dishes, and rushed home in a happy mood.

Before going to work in the morning, she stewed the chicken soup at home, and when she went back later, she steamed a fish and stir-fried some side dishes, although it was not very hearty, but it was enough for two people.

More importantly, I don't know what kind of further development she and Chen Yao will have...

Ge Yueyun thought about it, unconsciously showed a sweet smile, and quickened her pace, wanting to get home quickly to cook.

As a result, as soon as she reached the downstairs of the community, she was surrounded by a group of men who jumped out of the flower garden.

Standing in the middle of this group of men was the royal road that had entangled Ge Yueyun for a long time.

Of course, Wang Dao did not miss the sweet smile on Ge Yueyun's face, and couldn't help but say with a yin and yang strange anger: "I think a man wants to be like this, and he pretended to be a chaste and martyr with me before, to put it bluntly, he is just a slut who wants to pick and choose!" Ge

Yueyun wanted to turn around and run away the moment she saw Wang Dao, but Wang Dao brought too many people, directly sealing her retreat, and she could only be forced to stay where she was.

Even so, she didn't give Wang Dao a good look, and sneered: "It's not more than three, I thought you knew it was time to give up after last night's incident, but I didn't expect it to be like those flies in the toilet that can't die, buzzing and panicking!" Hearing

her describe herself as a fly in the toilet, Wang Dao was like eating a fly, and her face was so ugly that it was about to drip ink.

It's normal for beauty to do a little, but if you do it too much, you have to be careful to kill yourself!

Soon, Wang Dao thought of one thing, and smiled compassionately: "Men, the nature is the same, when you get it, you are not interested, you slut, want men to think like this, last night must have taken the initiative to dedicate himself, Chen Yao after eating dry wipe, must be too lazy to care about you, so say, even if I kidnap you now, no one will come to help you..."

Ge Yueyun's face turned white after hearing this, and he quickly scanned the surroundings.

It was obviously noon, but there was no one in the community, even the security booth was empty, and I don't know if Wang Dao played any tricks, so if Wang Dao really took advantage of this time to take her away, she really had no way at all.

Ge Yueyun subconsciously took a step back and said nervously: "Chen Yao will arrive soon, don't think about messing around!" Seeing

Ge Yueyun showing a scared expression, Wang Dao was so relieved that he laughed, and arrogantly crossed his waist: "Chaos? I still don't dislike that you slut, messing around with people ruined my interest, are you still embarrassed to say that I messed around? But don't worry, although I dislike it, for the sake of your face, I will still give you a chance to serve me well, as long as you are obedient..."

Before he could speak, he was interrupted by a voice.

"In the broad daylight, where are the toads croaking, affecting the appearance of the city!"

Chen Yao got out of the car and walked unhurriedly to the side of the royal road.

Every time he took a step forward, Wang Dao's subordinates took a step back, and the scene looked quite funny.

But this can't be helped, just one night, Chen Yao's fame spread throughout Daxian County, and these people now know that Chen Yao has dozens of Red Wolf and Huang Yu under his hands, and has become a force that cannot be ignored in Daxian County.

Not only that, Chen Yao's own combat power is also considerable, I heard that one person can reach more than a dozen people.

Although I don't know if it's true or not, these people saw Chen Yao walking over alone and still had such momentum, and they didn't look afraid at all, and subconsciously took this news as true.

Ge Yueyun looked back at Chen Yao, so excited that tears flowed out, trotted to him, and hugged him tightly.

"Chen Yao, it's good that you came, you saved me again!"

Ge Yueyun felt Chen Yao's warm embrace, and felt relieved in her heart.

Although only one night has passed, she really felt what it means to "not see one day like three autumns", and the thoughts of Chen Yao in her heart were about to overflow, and she couldn't help it when she saw Chen Yao.

Chen Yao patted Ge Yueyun's head, saw that she was still carrying fresh side dishes in her hand, and had a very warm feeling, and said with a smile: "Okay, you go up and make the dishes first, these people are handed over to me." Seeing

that Chen Yao's tone was rampant, and his subordinates were as instigated as soft eggs, Wang Dao exploded in anger and roared angrily: "I can't even stop a woman, is it to feed you to eat dry food?"

Chen Yao sneered and said to him, "What is the ability to embarrass a woman?" Didn't you have eggs?

Wang Dao was blocked by this sentence, and he couldn't think of how to fight back for a while, and his face turned red with anger.

Looking at this scene, Ge Yueyun was completely fascinated by Chen Yao's counterattack, and couldn't help but tiptoe, hooked his hands around Chen Yao's neck, and came to a very hot kiss.

She wore a newly bought dress today, the upper body was a short T that just reached the belly button, the lower body was a long floral skirt, and her hair was tied in a twisted braid that was obliquely on the side, which looked very pure.

But when she raised her arm, the short T moved up slightly, revealing a delicate waist, just enough to be covered by Chen Yao with one hand, allowing Chen Yao to enjoy a good benefit.

The appearance of pure love beauty going crazy is really enjoyable, especially in the current environment, Ge Yueyun sacrifices her lips selflessly, just like a saint who actively sacrifices to the gods.

Chen Yao enjoyed the kiss well, and after that, he patted Ge Yueyun's waist and said with a smile: "The technique is average, but the attitude is in place."

Ge Yueyun was a little embarrassed by Chen Yao's words, and said shyly and actively: "The more we practice, my skills will become better..."

After speaking, she covered her face and said: "Then I will go up and cook first." Seeing

Ge Yueyun running upstairs with a red face, Chen Yao smiled.

Ge Yueyun's sense of contrast that is cold and pure in front of outsiders, but passionate and crazy in front of him, is the best thing about Ge Yueyun.

And Chen Yao knew that this was not deliberately pretended by Ge Yueyun, but caused by her own experience.

Such a Ge Yueyun is to betray no one and it is impossible to betray Chen Yao.

When Chen Yao was sweet and sweet here, Wang Dao's eyes were about to breathe fire when he saw it over there.

He chased Ge Yueyun for so long, he hadn't even seen Ge Yueyun's smiling face, and as soon as Chen Yao appeared, he let Ge Yueyun take the initiative to give him a hug, and even gave a hot kiss in front of so many people!

This slut! If he wants money, he has money, he has power, why don't you choose him, choose this Chen Yao who doesn't know where to pop up!

From childhood to adulthood, when did he receive such bird qi?

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