Saying that, the two just opened the door.

When Chen Yao heard Wan Man say this, he directly pressed Wan Man on the door and kissed him with his head down.

"Sister Wan, shall I hurt you?"

Wan Man struggled: "Don't, close the door, there is still someone on the door."

Chen Yao stuck the door and smiled: "Sister Wan," I'll let you in after changing into that outfit."

Wan Man's face was flushed.

This is a family building.

She is surrounded by all her colleagues.

Although she asked Chen Yao to go home for dinner, she had already made this plan.

But you can't let Chen Yao come here like this.

Wan Man said angrily: "Make trouble again, make trouble again, I will ignore you."

With that, she turned around and walked towards the house.

Chen Yao smiled unhurriedly and said, "Okay, ignore me? Then I'm really gone!

With that, he descended two steps.

Seeing this, Wan Man quickly ran out and grabbed Chen Yao's arm, "Okay, well, listen to you, it's really a little wrongdoer!"

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Isn't this right."

Looking at his grinning look, Wan Man angrily reached out and twisted Chen Yao's arm.

Chen Yao didn't hurt either, but grabbed Wan Man's hand and said, "Go, change your clothes."

Wan Manjiao said with disgust: "What's the hurry!" People haven't finished cooking yet, and there is a back pot of meat, you just wait a minute.

After that, Wanman walked into the kitchen.

Chen Yao walked to the living room, and before he could see the dish, he already smelled the strong aroma.

Different from the light diet eaten in the magic capital, the diet on the hometown side is all heavy and spicy, full of aroma, and you can smell it before you get closer.

There were already several dishes on the table, mapo tofu, boiled beef, sweet and sour ribs, each of which was full of aroma, and Chen Yao couldn't help it when he smelled it.

He went to the kitchen and saw Wan Man cleanly stir-frying the back pot of meat, and served it: "Okay, let's eat."

Chen Yao said with a smile: "Sister Wan, your cooking skills are really good, it is very fragrant when you smell it."

Wan Man said proudly: "Of course, my dream when I was a child was to become a chef and specifically go to the teacher to learn."

Chen Yao smiled, "Then I have a blessing today."

Wan Man took a piece of beef and handed it to Chen Yao: "You taste the taste of beef first to see if it is good."

Chen Yao smiled and said, "I don't need to eat it, I know that this is my cow, and the taste will definitely not be bad." As he spoke, he took a slice of beef and tasted it.

Not to mention, today's butter aroma is more intense than before.

Presumably, it should be due to the fact that the bloodline of mutant cattle is constantly changing the meat quality of scalpers.

Wan Man said with a smile: "I really can't hide from you, this cow accidentally hit a forklift when transporting, died on the spot, the person in charge immediately arranged for slaughter, I just let the family take dozens of pounds back to treat it, there are still dozens of pounds of good parts frozen up, you just turn around and ask someone to take it away."

Chen Yao nodded, although Wan Man is a little older, but age naturally has the benefits of being old.

She knows more about people's feelings, and some things, even if Chen Yao is allowed to do it herself, she may not do it so well after handing it over to Wan Man.

Seeing that Chen Yao was happy, Wan Man said: "I have already reported today's matter to the leader, and after the capital verification certificate you asked Manager Liu to provide last time, the leader also believes in your strength, and explained that I want to sweep away all resistance, you don't have to worry about it, I will deal with the procedures or something."

Chen Yao said with a smile: "I will be responsible in the shadows, to be honest, I really haven't seen the overbearing group in my eyes, it's just a group worth 300 million."

Wan Man was worried: "Then you should also be careful, I heard that the overbearing group has connections in the city, maybe there are some moths behind, you have to pay attention to safety."

Chen Yao said with a smile: "That's a pity, in case I encounter some accident tomorrow, I haven't even tasted Sister Wan's taste."

Wan Man hummed: "Don't give the crow mouth!" I, I'm full and go to the shower, you go home by yourself when you're done.

Chen Yao smiled and tasted the delicacy slowly.

This woman is reserved.

Go home? It's not already home.

A moment later, Chen Yao was full of food and drink, and just saw Wan Man walking out in a bathrobe.

After seeing Chen Yao, Wan Man deliberately said, "Have you eaten enough?" I'm going to rest, don't send it ha.

Chen Yao said with a smile: "I'm tired for a day today, is it okay to borrow your place to take a bath?"

Wan Man hummed: "It's okay to take a bath, I'll go back after taking a bath, I'll sleep first."

Chen Yao took a shower without hurry, then walked to the door and deliberately opened and closed the door.

A few seconds after closing the door, Wan Man jumped out of bed in a hurry, she couldn't believe that Chen Yao was really gone?

I've changed my clothes!

The next second, the two met in the living room.

Wan Man is wearing purple lace erotic underwear, everything that should leak leaks out, what should not leak, also leaks out, the line is very charming.

"Ah! You, you lie!

Chen Yao pounced with a smile, picked up Wan Man on the spot and started working directly: "Sister Wan, you are so beautiful!" "

Moments later

" Ah!"

Early the next morning, Chen Yao received a call from the red wolf.

The red wolf looked very excited and said happily: "Boss! According to your orders, we took down the yellow-haired gang without much effort! Now we have fifty or sixty people!

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Yes, the little wolf is quite fast, and he gave you another 100,000 in the card, which should be the reward for this time." "

He doesn't worry about a lot of manpower, anyway, he has a lot of money, and he can accept a bunch of useful little brothers for a little money, and this transaction is not a loss."

Moreover, he will have to stay in Daxian for a long time after that, and all these people can be used.

The red wolf over there was even happier after hearing this, and quickly said: "Boss atmosphere, we must do a good job!" "

One hundred thousand eh! That's 100,000!

They have followed Deng Yunpeng to do the dirty work for so many years, and there is not a few money left in their pockets, and now they have only followed Chen Yao for one day, and they have 200,000 yuan at once, which is just like picking up money! Sure enough, it's too important to people!

Chen Yao let out a "hmm" and asked the matter: "How is Deng Yunpeng over there?" As soon as he lost two generals, you and Huang Yu, didn't react?

The red wolf laughed and patted his thigh: "He's going to be angry!" When I woke up, I became the commander of the light rod! Almost all the people under my hand were taken away by me, and the rest were useless, and in the end, I could only personally run to Xuanxian County to transfer people!

Chen Yao also smiled and said, "Okay, leave his side alone, this morning you took people to the slaughterhouse to guard, what if you encounter a stubble."

The red wolf nodded respectfully and led the way.

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