The little brother next to him rushed over and said, "President Dao, do you want us to go together?" This kid is too arrogant!

"That's it, Mr. Dao, when did we get this kind of anger!"

"Kill him! There are so many of us, I don't believe that he still has three heads and six arms! Listening

to the shouts of the younger brothers around him, Wang Dao was also angry to death.

But at this time, his brother's instructions sounded in his ears again.

Don't look at him usually so arrogant, but Wang Dao knows best in his heart, if he doesn't have his brother, he is nothing.

You can be arrogant, but you must listen to your brother.

This is the way of kings.

He almost crushed his teeth, and immediately squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "Let's go!"

There was a new little brother next to him who was still a little unbelievable, "President Dao? We, we're gone? "


Wang Dao slapped his little brother on the face and scolded angrily: "You don't listen to Laozi's words? I said, go!

The little brother covered his face, very puzzled, but he could only nod and said: "Okay, well, I listen to the general, I'll just go!" The

rest of the junior brothers were very puzzled in their hearts, and their eyes looking at Chen Yao were full of anger, but there was a trace of fear.

This is Daxian County, and I have never heard of who Wang Dao will let before.

Today this matter spread, and the name Chen Yao must be famous at once.

Why doesn't Wang Dao know this?

But he had no other choice but to comfort himself that he couldn't bear to make a big plan, and he took people away very humiliated.

Ge Yueyun on the side was dumbfounded.

Although she has seen how powerful her old classmates are in the past two days.

But, but the old classmate can still make Wang Dao turn his head and leave?

Ge Yueyun's body itched, and she stuck to Chen Yao's body and said, "Chen Yao, you, you are too powerful."

Chen Yao smiled, put his arm around Ge Yueyun and turned upstairs.

He saw the difficulty of his opponent from Wang Dao's hands.

But it doesn't matter, for him, things that can be settled with money are not a thing.

After going upstairs, Ge Yueyun had already prepared the dishes and specially opened a bottle of red wine.

After arranging, she looked at Chen Yao with affection and asked, "Chen Yao, you, do you have a girlfriend now?"

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Yes, which one are you asking?"

Ge Yueyun's face froze for a moment, and she wondered, "Girlfriend, are there still many more?" There should be only one, right?

Chen Yao smiled and said, "I don't understand other people, I'm different here."

Ge Yueyun was a little unhappy, but then she made an excuse in her heart.

He and Chen Yao have not seen each other for so many years, and it is normal for a man as good as him to have many girlfriends.

But it doesn't matter, he is now by his side, and he has the best chance!

Ge Yueyun raised her glass and said seriously: "Thank you for saving me in the past two days, I toast you a glass!" "

Two people you have a drink, and I drank it for a while.

Ge Yueyun also had two red clouds on her face, and she was about to bring a plate to add dishes, but her body was crooked and she almost fell to the ground.

Chen Yao stretched out his hand to support Ge Yueyun, "Are you okay?"

Ge Yueyun leaned into Chen Yao's arms and looked up, "Chen Yao, what are you going to do next?" I heard you're planning to invest in the new district?

Chen Yao said with a smile: "That's all later, I'm going to go back to Xuanxian tomorrow to see how my mother is doing."

Ge Yueyun's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he got up and said, "Such a coincidence? I also just took a leave of absence and am going to Xuanxian to see my grandmother, or else, let's go together? Chen

Yao couldn't see Ge Yueyun's mind anywhere, but he was also happy to have a beautiful person as a company.

At the moment, Ge Yueyun, who had drunk alcohol, was completely different from the serious appearance in the hospital, and there was a contrasting beauty.

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Yes, will it bother you?"

Ge Yueyun shook his head and said, "How could it be, if I have you with me, I won't be afraid to go back, then I won't buy a ticket, just drive back."

Chen Yao shook his glass and said, "Then I have to leave again tomorrow, I'll go back to rest first."

Ge Yueyun said, "No hurry, have you eaten enough?" Would you like to watch a movie in the afternoon? You are such a big boss, and you are still busy with what you do. If

this scene is seen by the suitors outside, they will be surprised how their goddess has become a different appearance in front of others.

Chen Yao stretched out his hand to pick up Ge Yueyun's chin and said, "However, I don't have a place to rest here, I can't sleep on the sofa." "

This room is Ge Yueyun's one-bedroom dormitory, just a bed, and the sofa is also small.

Hearing Chen Yao's blunt words, Ge Yueyun blushed and said, "Either you rest in my bed, my bed is very large, enough for two people to sleep."

Chen Yao withdrew his hand and smiled, Ge Yueyun's face was hot and hot, and it was estimated that he would not be able to hang up if he teased it, he nodded and said: "Okay, I want to sleep for a while when I am full."

Ge Yueyun was very happy, nodded and said, "Yes, yes, then you go to rest first, and I'll clean up the table." "

Her clean-up movements are very sharp, and at a glance she knows that she is a good wife and mother.

Chen Yao walked into Ge Yueyun's bedroom, as soon as he opened the door, he smelled the rich girlish fragrance, the things in the room were neatly arranged and orderly, and the sheets on the bed were also very clean, making people very comfortable at a glance.

However, the underwear that had just been changed by the bed was still on the side, and the lace was still curled.

Ge Yueyun had just finished cleaning up, and suddenly thought of the clothes he had changed when he changed his house clothes earlier, and quickly ran in with a red face and put them away: "Don't show it, don't show it, I'll go get you a pillow."

Chen Yao smiled, sat on the edge of the bed and sent a message to Wan Man and Liu Changlin to explain, he was ready to go back tomorrow to see his mother, by the way to give her a preventive vaccination for the old man, and when the overbearing group was taken down, after reaching the safety of the county, let her old man come to enjoy the blessing, and also experience the feeling of managing people.

After a while, Ge Yueyun helplessly held his clothes and walked over: "I have a pillow, or you sleep on the pillow, I can sleep on my clothes, the same, you have a good rest."

Chen Yao looked at the clothes that Ge Yueyun was holding, there were coats and underwear, stretched out his hand to hug them and put them aside: "No need, pajamas can't sleep well, a pillow is enough, let's sleep together."

Ge Yueyun was surprised: "Huh? Can you still sleep like this?

Chen Yao smiled and said, "How about you try it?" Or I'll ask someone to buy another pillow and send it.

Ge Yueyun waved his hand and said, "No need, I have no one else, and multiple pillows are wasted, then, let's try it."

Chen Yao smiled, took off his outer pants and lay on the bed, lying generously in the middle of the pillow.

When Ge Yueyun saw Chen Yao like this, his face turned red, he turned his back and took off his house clothes, lifted the quilt and got in, lying next to Chen Yao.

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