After Yin Huimin heard those things about Wan Man, she immediately took care of it enthusiastically, and the sheets were replaced with new ones, allowing Wan Man to rest at ease.

"Director Wan, I'm a little simple here, you can rest assured first."

Wan Man was embarrassed and kept shirking, but she was too weak now, and she fell asleep after a few words.

Over there, Yin Huimin had just cooked the meal, seeing that Wan Man was asleep, he could only call Chen Yao, and the two stood in the kitchen chatting and eating.

Chen Yao put the tomato eggs on the bowl, gulped down the rice, and soon had enough to eat and drink.

Although the beef at noon is delicious, no matter how delicious it is, nothing made by Sister Min is delicious.

After eating, he watched Yin Huimin eat.

Today Yin Huimin did not wear Chanel, dressed in home clothes, her hair was simply tied back, and the warmth on her body was very strong.

Yin Huimin had almost eaten, and when she saw Chen Yao's appearance, she blushed and reached out to hit Chen Yao's shoulder and said, "Look what, this Wanman is what you know in your hometown?" It's so beautiful, you won't do anything with people today! Chen

Yao's old face turned red, or Sister Min understood herself.

Fortunately, the kitchen was dimly lit, otherwise he would have shown his stuffing.

He stretched out his hand and hugged Sister Min in his arms and said: "Sister Min, my image in your mind is so vulnerable, I am a decent gentleman, the director of the bureau is here to attract investment, I just want my mother to change the working environment, it is good to manage a factory, by the way, did our previous seniors engage in automated breeding?"

Yin Huimin didn't want Chen Yao to hug her like this, but when she heard Chen Yao talking about business, she could only talk: "Yes, many of my classmates went to the pastoral institute, professional pig breeding, I tell you, automated breeding equipment is not cheap, people have capital investment to get up richly, you will have two hundred cattle, don't invest too much."

Chen Yao had his own plan in his heart, "Sister Na Min turned around and gave me a few contact information, and I will investigate."

Yin Huimin said: "No problem, originally you guys will go to the internship next semester, it's good to go over and see first."

After saying this, she stretched out her hand and pulled Chen Yao's hand up and said, "Don't make trouble, there are still outsiders on the bed, you are full, let's go."

Chen Yao put his arms around Yin Huimin's waist and said, "Sister Min, you are also too ruthless, Director Wan must be asleep, or will you go out with me to open a room?"

Yin Huimin shook her head and said: "That's not okay, there are still patients, I have to stare at ah, I sleep on the sofa just ha, you hurry up, tomorrow I have to go to the high math class, Su Fengye met me today and said that your homework is good, very smelly of learning mathematics." Hearing

this, Chen Yao immediately thought of the classroom of the math class.

Teacher Su is also too bold.

I have never handed in my homework in the high math class.

She also said what it smells like to learn math.

I think Teacher Su is gluttonous.

Chen Yao did not continue this topic, and diverged: "But I can't sleep when I go back, you see, I stayed with such a big beauty as Director Wan for a day, and now you let me go back to the empty room alone, it's too cruel." Saying

that, he pulled Yin Huimin and kissed her head down, and after a while, her breathing became heavier.

"Don't, it's really not possible today, you can't be too far away from Wanman."

Chen Yao glanced at it, and Wan Man on the bed slept very boldly, his hands were wide open, white and bright in the moonlight.

Yin Hui was sensitive to Chen Yao's wrongness, and also glanced at it, quickly walked over to help Wan Man cover the quilt, walked over and gestured to Chen Yao's eyes: "Don't look at it, you can't take advantage of people's danger!"

Chen Yao smiled and said, "You mean you can watch it when she wakes up?" Sister Min, you see that I am too uncomfortable to go back, help me." Seeing

Chen Yao's appearance, Yin Huimin couldn't say anything tough, sighed, and bent his legs.

"Hurry up!"

Chen Yao held Sister Min's hair, leaned on the refrigerator and looked up at the starry sky outside.

It's beautiful, it's so good-looking, it's so comfortable.

Half an hour later.

Yin Huimin hit Chen Yao angrily, got up and shook his head: "Don't get it, don't get it, your cheeks are sour, you are too tricky, get out."

Chen Yao took Sister Min's small fist with a grin, rolled over and pressed her in front of the cutting board.


Chen Yao said with a smile: "Sister Min, there are still people next to you, don't wake people up."

Yin Huimin forced her voice and said, "Chen Yao, you, you are too daring, quickly lock the door."

Chen Yao stretched out his hand to lock the door and held the handle with both hands.

Half an hour later.

Yin Huimin's legs were soft and she almost fell to the ground.

Chen Yao picked up Yin Huimin and said gently, "Sister Min, you are so good." Yin

Huimin had a thin layer of sweat on her face, her eyes were very moist, and she looked at Chen Yao and exhaled: "I know to bully Sister Min, Sister Min doesn't hurt you, in case you let Wan Man see it, Sister Min will be humiliated, you hurry up, you won't be allowed to come over for a week!"

Chen Yao smiled and did not speak, and pressed Yin Huimin in front of the cutting board with a flip of his hand.

"What? Isn't it over?

"Chen Yao! You belong to a donkey! "

Turn on the water heater!"

Another half hour passed, Chen Yao carried Yin Huimin into the bathroom with satisfaction, gently helped her change into her pajamas, and led her to the balcony.

Yin Huimin did not dare to complain at this time, she was worried that she would be pressed in the kitchen again.

It's exciting though.

Yin Huimin glanced back at the bed, feeling a little afraid, couldn't help but twist Chen Yao's arm again, and gently persuaded: "Chen Yao, you go back first, come back tomorrow, Sister Min will also sleep."

Chen Yao was also addicted, "Okay, then I'll come back tomorrow after class, Sister Min, you have a good rest, it's hard."

Yin Huimin snorted and said, "You also know that I have worked hard, you are comfortable yourself, and people still have to lie on their stomachs."

Chen Yao said with a smile: "Then next time you are on it, by the way, Sister Min, I will buy you a small house, closer to the school, now you also have a car, it is very convenient."

Yin Huimin quickly waved his hand and said: "No need, it's good that I live here, you can save some if you have money, don't spend it indiscriminately."

Chen Yao said, "How can buying a house for you be called chaohua?" That's it, I'll take you to the transfer after I look back.

Yin Huimin said resolutely: "I really don't want it, I don't want it if you buy it, Chen Yao, I know that you are good to Sister Min, but the house in the magic capital costs millions, it's too expensive, Sister Min really can't afford it, and I can't afford it, my mother's side is the grace of my parents, I can't refuse if you help me give money, but the house is not negotiable, Sister Min doesn't want it."

Chen Yao hugged Yin Huimin, and his heart was very moved.

You still have to buy a house, but it seems that it will be a different way.

He didn't continue, turned around and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he glanced at Wan Man on the bed again, and suddenly found something wrong.

Her phone was originally charged at the end of the bed.

Now, what's at the end of the bed?

Wanman, when did you wake up?

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