On the bed, Wan Man did not know that he had exposed his horse's feet.

She woke up thirsty earlier, and after drinking saliva, she was about to use her phone to check the time.

As soon as I glanced at it, I heard movement in the kitchen.

Although she had never eaten meat, she also understood what kind of movement it was, and she could only lie back down in a panic, her heart pounding with excitement.

"No wonder President Chen sent me here."

"But, isn't this his counselor?"

Her heart was very chaotic, and suddenly she thought of the day's events again, listening to the movement next to her, and her hand unconsciously touched it.

A moment later, a muffled snort.

The next day, Tangong.

Chen Yao got up early, turned his head and glanced at the garden outside, the colors were bright, and he was in a much better mood when he saw it.

That's nice.

It's that the room is a bit empty.

He glanced at the class schedule, and there were still two hours of class, enough to buy Cullinan.

Just at this time, Yang Jiaru sent a message and asked early.

Chen Yao said, "Jiaru, how did Cullinan know last time?" Will you check it out later?

Yang Jiaru was doing morning yoga at this time, and after hearing the reply, she immediately called over and said: "Brother Chen, I understand everything, I have tested Cullinan twice, are you free?" I can arrange people right now.

Chen Yao said with a smile: "So early, the 4S store hasn't opened yet, right?"

Yang Jiaru smiled and said, "It is definitely not open for others, for Brother Chen, it is open 24 hours."

Chen Yao said, "Okay, then see you at Rolls-Royce." Hanging

up the phone, Yang Jiaru happily sighed and quickly called the good sisters to connect.

"Xiaoling, get up quickly, my brother Chen is coming to buy Cullinan!"

I thought it was a matter of stability, but Zhou Xiaoling on the other end of the phone was embarrassed, and pressed the phone and said: "Jiaru, this matter is a bit unfortunate, I just came to a big customer, said to charter the car to see, immediately people will see it, or else, you guys will come over another day?"

Yang Jiaru was not happy at once, "Zhou Xiaoling, didn't I tell you everything before?" And test drive where there is a reason to charter the venue, it's a big deal that you arrange a sales manager to drive the car to the test drive section, and I will take Brother Chen for a test drive.

Zhou Xiaoling refused: "Jiaru, this can't work, this car costs millions, what if it breaks down?" Moreover, you and I made an appointment about this matter last week, your brother Chen did not appear, who can wait for him all the time, I am a place to do business, always welcome guests, otherwise, you take Brother Chen to eat and shop first, I will see if I can arrange a time later.

Yang Jiaru was a little dissatisfied, but who let the magic capital be such a Rolls-Royce store, she didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet Chen Yao, she could only nod and said: "Then you hurry up and tell me when you're done."

Zhou Xiaoling hung up the phone and rolled her eyes at Yang Jiaru's name on the phone.

"I really thought that I would pretend to be with me if I got a big money, who can't get it, I want to command people with a little smelly money."

A moment later, a Cayenne stopped in the doorway.

Zhou Xiaoling hurriedly walked up with a lotus step and said with a smile: "Good morning President Zhao, do you want to eat some breakfast, I will contact the master to make it himself." "


On the other side, Yang Jiaru quickly took a bath, simplified a light makeup, quickly took a taxi to the necessary way to the Rolls-Royce store, and at the same time called Chen Yao and said: "Brother Chen, where have you been?" There is a problem to deal with at the Rolls-Royce store, or shall we go shopping first?

At this time, Chen Yao had already stopped at the door of the Rolls-Royce store with a brake, and after receiving the call, he glanced at the situation in the store, "You don't say earlier, I'm already at the door of the store, if there is a problem, forget it, let's go, accompany you to the street, I'll go back to school."

Yang Jiaru sighed, glanced at the map, and said, "Okay Brother Chen, I'll be there in three minutes."

Chen Yao opened the window of the car and looked at the store, judging from the reception in the store, the specifications were very high, as if some leader had come to inspect.

Chen Yao has always felt that catching up is not a deal, so he simply took Xiao Nizi to go shopping.

is waiting for Yang Jiaru.

Suddenly, someone next to him knocked on Chen Yao's car window and said politely: "Hello sir, there is no reception here today, please leave." "

Maybe it's because Chen Yao is driving Rafa, this person's attitude is very polite, and he is still bent over when he speaks.

But this did not prevent Chen Yao from smiling and saying, "Then what if I don't leave?" The

reason for saying this is simple, this person is Zhao Da.

Could it be that this Rolls-Royce is the Zhao family's industry?

It's interesting.

After robbing Zhao Feng's cattle yesterday, he still felt a little regretful that he couldn't see Zhao Feng's face with his own eyes.

Zhao Da subconsciously wanted to reach out and pull the car door, but he glanced at Chen Yao and immediately recognized it, and subconsciously took a step back, two steps, three steps.

What Chen Yao didn't expect was that Zhao Da turned around and ran, slipping into the 4S store with a cigarette.

A few seconds later, Zhao Da led more than a dozen black-clad bodyguards out in unison, holding sticks used as security guards in the store.

Chen Yao turned his head sideways and said, "Zhao Da? What are you doing? In broad daylight, you want to do it, huh?

Zhao Da waved the stick in his hand fiercely, and shouted very truthfully: "Chen Yao, if Laozi can beat you, he must beat you hard!"

He called the black-clad bodyguards to form a circle.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Feng walked out of the store quickly, and entered the circle of bodyguards.

His face was ugly, and his hands were still bandaged, which was a fresh injury.

Chen Yao was concerned: "Zhao Xiaoniao, how did you get it on your hands?" Does it hurt? Zhao

Feng hated Chen Yao and gritted his teeth hatefully, this is what he injured when he smashed the wall last night, "Chen Yao, I didn't see it, you still know the people of the military, even the military's logistics system can be mobilized, and I sent my cattle away overnight, and I can't stop it."

Chen Yao smiled, he also knew that Zhao Feng would definitely not be willing to give the cow like this.

Unexpectedly, he really gave up his face to stop the cow.

Fortunately, Wan Xiaoyun helped, and I have to thank you well.

Seeing Chen Yao's smiling face, Zhao Feng suddenly burst out: "Chen Yao, don't deceive people too much, I have already made amends for yesterday's incident, what are you doing here today to disrupt the situation?" Did my eldest brother come to you?

Chen Yao was confused, he pointed to the store and said: "Zhao Xiaoniao, there is something wrong with your brain, I must have come here early in the morning to buy a car, how?" Is this your shop? That's a loss, I already knew that yesterday I would drive Cullinan as a reparation!

At this moment, an extremely careless but gentle mellow female voice came from the store: "Xiao Zhao, what happened?" "

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