At this time, Chen Yao smiled and did not speak, and did not talk to the dishes.

After eating and drinking, he asked Lao Guo to drive over to pick up a few people.

After getting into the car, he was also thinking about the time to buy a few more cars, and Rafa was a little overwhelmed when he encountered such a large number of people.

Turn around and ask Yang Jiaru to buy a Cullinan.

I haven't looked for this little nizi for a long time, and I still want to think about it.

Needless to say, the process of shopping is that Chen Yao was generous, and directly spent more than 200,000 yuan to go out, and the two women became happy at once.

After bidding farewell to Wan Xiaoyun, the two stood on the side of the road.

Wan Man turned to Chen Yao and said seriously: "Chen Yao, your card number was sent to me."

Chen Yao smiled and said, "How?" Director Wan is ready to take care of me?

Wan Man snorted, "I can't afford to support you, Xiaoyun is here to help me this time, I'll transfer you 100,000 over, and I'll pay the money."

Chen Yao smiled and shook his head: "Sister Man, you are not interesting, accompany women to go shopping, how can there be a reason to let women pay, just be happy."

Wan Man asked for it a few more times, but Chen Yao never gave it, and when it came to the back, he said simply: "Sister Man, why are you in such a hurry?" Could it be that you want to go back now?

Wan Man nodded and said, "Everything is done, where can I go if I don't go back to Daxian?" It doesn't matter if you don't want this money, go back to Daxian and I'll spend it on you.

When she said this, she was still a little reluctant, but at this time she couldn't tell what kind of reluctance it was.

Chen Yao was just about to say that two skateboarding children suddenly rushed out from the side, who looked like elementary school students, and the speed of sliding was very fast, and they rushed straight towards Wanman.

At the critical moment, Chen Yao bent down and held Wan Man in his arms, and at the same time reached out to grab the neck of the child who rushed over, and directly grabbed him.

The person was grabbed, the skateboard tube could not be stopped, and flew directly to the side.

The child's parents hurriedly ran over, they also knew that they were wrong, and then looked at the expensive clothes worn by Chen Yao and Wan Man, and there was a driver next to him taking things, and when they saw that they were rich people, they quickly bowed their heads and apologized.

Chen Yao let go of the child, waved his hand, and didn't say anything.

After getting this, he looked down at Wan Man in his arms, but found that Wan Man's face was hot and hot, red and even a little scary, and his eyelids were a little shaky.

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Director Wan, is it so comfortable in my arms? Why are you still reluctant to get up? I didn't let you lie down today.

Wan Man stretched out his hand and patted the mountain: "Scared me to death, what's going on today, how can I be hit all the time, no, I have to go quickly, this place is not right."

After that, she barely got up from Chen Yao's arms, but before she could get up, she fell back into Chen Yao's arms, this time her eyes were closed.

"I lean on, Director Wan? What happened to you?

This time Chen Yao was frightened, he first touched Wan Man's pulse, listened to the heartbeat, very slow, and had a feeling that it was about to stop.

He quickly carried Wan Man into the car, and tried to wake Wan Man while letting Lao Guo drive to the hospital.

But before he could get a few strokes, Wanman's breathing suddenly stopped.

"I'm leaning, wake up!"

Chen Yao couldn't care so much, and there was no ventilator at the moment, so he reached out and took out Wanman's little fragrant tongue, and came up to artificial respiration.

Fortunately, he had been trained in first aid before and remembered the movements.

Rescue breaths are followed by chest compressions.

At this time, he can't care so much, and it is important to save people.

After pressing it, Wan Man really breathed slowly, suddenly coughed violently a few times, and spit out a peanut rice.

Chen Yao was also taken aback, and sat next to him: "Grandma, you can be considered awake, if you die in my hands, I really have nowhere to reason." Before

Wan Man could slow down, he turned his head to look around, and then looked down at the red handprint on his chest, and instantly understood.

But she couldn't blame Chen Yao, and she even had to be grateful to Chen Yao.

If it weren't for Chen Yao's help, she might really be choked to death by this peanut rice now.

As soon as the car stopped, Lao Guo reported: "Boss, it's time to the hospital."

Chen Yao was also anxious: "Go, Director Wan, let's see what the doctor says, don't throw that peanut rice." Wan

Man's chest was still wide open at this time, although the old Guo in front of him did not squint, and the rearview mirror had long been covered with a cloth.

But there is Chen Yao next to him.

She was anxious to sort out her clothes, but she was now soft, so she could only quickly call Chen Yao: "Quickly help me get my clothes."

Chen Yao said, "You wear it yourself, it's not all awake."

Wan Man said weakly: "I have no strength, hurry up, I'm about to die again."

When Chen Yao heard this, he couldn't care that Wan Man was looking at himself with wide eyes, his hands were fast, covering the lid, tying the straps, buttoning the buttons, and when he came down, Wan Man's face turned even redder.

She wiped the corners of her mouth and found that it was slimy, and combined with the previous things, she immediately understood.

Chen Yao said helplessly: "Director Wan, I don't have wet wipes in my pocket, you can put them down first."

Wan Man nodded, leaned on Chen Yao and got out of the car.

At the door, Dr. Wang from Huashan Hospital was already waiting at the door.

Wanman got on the cart directly and pushed all the way to the examination room.

After a check, Dr. Wang gave a conclusion: "According to what you said, she should have been shocked after many times of fright, her stomach was stimulated to contract, just ejected the peanut rice, stuck in the trachea, in addition, she still has symptoms of frightened fever and needs to recuperate."

Hearing this, Wan Man hurriedly said: "Doctor, I don't want to be hospitalized, can I go home and recuperate?"

Chen Yao frowned, "No, you can only stay in the hospital like this, Director Wan, shouldn't you still think about returning to Daxian County?" Dr. Wang, can she fly in her current physical condition?

Dr. Wang shook his head and said, "If you insist that you want to go home and recuperate, then it is okay to stay in the magic capital, and it is not recommended to go far."

Wan Man sighed, she also felt a little feverish now, chaotic, and her ability to think had declined.

Looking at her pitiful appearance, Chen Yao couldn't bear to harden his heart, so he could only thank Dr. Wang and let Lao Guo drive after prescribing medicine.

In the car, Wan Man said weakly: "Chen Yao, let me go back to Daxian, don't tell Xiaoyun, she is actually very busy, it's always not good for us to go to the army, let me go home, go home and someone will take care of me."

Chen Yao shook his head, this kind of Wan Man definitely can't let her two unreliable subordinates take care of it.

He is also unjustified and has no time to take care of Wan Man all the time.

Thinking about it, Chen Yao felt that he should simply send Wan Man to Yin Huimin first, just taking this opportunity to take Sister Min to buy a noon break room closer to the school, and it was not so convenient to live in the teacher's apartment all the time.

Among so many women, his feelings for Sister Min are the deepest and the most trusting.

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