The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1931: Horrible imprisonment

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What is particularly incredible is that the demon lying in the left hand quietly is actually the previous life of his previous life.

The left hand covered with blood is his own left hand.

Until now, thinking of this, Qin Yi still has a dreamlike unreal feeling!

Shaking his head and throwing away these chaotic thoughts, Qin Yi began to concentrate on refining the bronze mother tripod in front of him.

Thousands of kilometers away from them, the three former Taoist masters were standing there in the shape of "Pin" at this moment, and a huge yin and yang pattern still appeared at their feet.

And in the center of the Yin-Yang array, Long Yan wearing silver robe, Huo Ran stood there, and the Taoist mark above his head had not disappeared, and still appeared quietly there, revealing an incomparable imprisonment Long Yan was imprisoned so tightly that he couldn't move at all.

"Dust Twilight, you are a brother, how do you deal with this kid?"

One of the Taoist disciples said to another Taoist disciple, and the third Taoist disciple also looked at the Taoist disciple named Chen Du.

"The power of imprisonment imprinted by Taoism did not expect to be so overbearing, and imprisoned the boy in front of him so immobilized."

The Taoist disciple named Chen Du looked coldly at Long Yan in the middle of the Yin-Yang array, and said, "What else can we do, we will use the power of Taoism's imprint to imprison him to death, imprison him?" After dying, we go to find the tomb owner again, and they turn with the tomb owner. "

"Go back to the tomb owner again?"

Wen Yan said that the other two Taoist disciples immediately shook their heads, and one of them said: "Brother Chen Mu, I do n’t approve of finding them again. First, we do n’t have ghost eagles on our hands, we have to find the tomb. It ’s not easy for the Lord. Secondly, if Qin Yi and theirs join forces, their strength ca n’t be underestimated. I do n’t know why, I have a feeling. This time, the tomb owner is afraid of being fierce. ”

"Yi Shiyan's words are very true."

Another Taoist disciple named Chen Dao nodded his head deeply: "Besides, the tomb owner is the guardian of the Kyushu Holy See, and several of them are also the guardians of the Kyushu Holy See. To put it bluntly, this is their Kyushu The fight within the Holy See, what do we Taoists blend in with? At the beginning, the three of us were also recruited by the tomb owner. It was purely a mutually beneficial relationship. We did not need to be loyal to the tomb owner. In my opinion, kill the kid in front of me After the fall, we will look for that miracle in the east, and the three of us should join forces. It should also be a contest. "

"Haha, just by the three of you, and wanting to compete for that miracle, it's a huge joke."

Hearing the conversation of the three Taoist disciples, Long Yan in the center of the Yin-Yang array, could not help laughing out loud.

At this moment, he felt the power of imprisonment revealed by the Taoist mark above his head, and the abnormal hegemony made him unable to move.

However, he was not panic. His body was full of belligerent blood. The stronger the opponent, the more he could arouse his belligerent heart.

Faced with Long Yan's sneer, the three Taoist disciples didn't pay any attention to it, and then Chen Mulu groaned, saying, "Since neither of you agrees to find the grave owner again, let's just go and find it. Let's do it." , To send this kid on the road, we can act easily. "

"it is good!"

Dust smoke and dust channel both responded.

Immediately, the three of them no longer said anything, inserted the peach sword in their hands on their backs, and then each extended their hands slowly, squeezed their fingers continuously, and began to slowly seal.

As the Taoist handprint was knotted, on the ten fingers of the three people, a golden awn was shot at the same time, rushing towards the Taoist mark above Long Yan's head. Suddenly, the golden awn that was revealed on the Taoist mark became more and more Grand, the world is reflected in a piece of gold.

"Boy, die!"

The Taoist disciple named Chen Du drank coldly, and the speed of the three people's seal was getting faster and faster. Finally, they couldn't see their fingers completely.

And the imprisonment power revealed in the Taoist seal is getting stronger and stronger. Long Yan only feels that he is trapped in the mountains surrounded by the four sides, and the mountains on the four sides are slowly pressed over, unstoppable.

"What a terrible imprisonment!"

At this moment, Long Yan really smelled a strong breath of death, only to feel as if there was an invisible hand of death, and he immediately choked his throat.

"Pappa ..."

The bones in Long Yan's body were squeezed and made a series of sounds, almost breaking and crushed into pieces. His face was pale, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and the whole person seemed to be imprisoned. The power was imprisoned for a circle.

The Taoist mark is the essence of the Taoism inheriting the endless years. How powerful is it. It is conceivable that the dragon blood in the dragon's body, the mad surge, resisted this overbearing imprisonment, but it still could not Resistant.

He felt that life was losing rapidly, and the whole person was completely silent.

"Brother Chen Mu, is this kid dead?"

Seeing the dragon inflammation in the middle of the Yin-Yang array, his eyes closed tightly, his face pale, standing there motionless, the Taoist disciple named Chen Yan asked.

"This kid is really abnormal. We tried our best to urge the Taoist imprint and imprison him for so long before he was completely quiet. I don't know if he died? But even if he didn't die, it was almost the same. . "

Chen Duchang breathed out a breath and said.

The faces of the three of them were also pale. Although the Taoist seal was overbearing, it urged him all the time, and it also consumed the Taoist immortal energy extremely. They have been urging the Taoist imprint all the time for so long.

In fact, as long as the Taoist imprint urges enough people to be strong, the power of imprisonment is infinite. Even a large mountain can be imprisoned into a cloud of smoke, and finally disappear completely.

Fortunately, the skills of these three Taoist disciples are obviously far from enough. Otherwise, they will be truly invincible. Once they meet the strong, they will be marked with Taoism and imprisoned indefinitely. Who can resist it?

"It has never been so crazy to urge the Taoist seal to imprison a person. It is really too much gas. If I keep this way, I am afraid that the gas will be exhausted and die."

Another Taoist disciple named Chen Dao said.

Three Taoist disciples, Chen Du, Chen Yan, and Chen Dao, among which Chen Du is the master brother, Chen Dao is the second brother, and Chen Chen is the third brother.

However, only the three of them can distinguish clearly. Others ca n’t tell who they are from, because the appearance of the three of them is the same if they are not carefully identified. Even Tian Yu, who has been with them for many years before , They are all indistinguishable and only call them "the three great disciples of Taoism".

"In this case, let's put away the mark. Even if the boy is not dead now, he is determined to be on the verge of death, and he has lost the fighting power. It is not for us to slaughter."

Grand Master Chen Du said a little, and said.

Long Yan was always restrained by the overbearing imprisonment force, and was always imprisoned to move. Even if he died, he still stood there quietly.

Moreover, the diameter of the Yin-Yang array is hundreds of feet. He is standing in the center of the Yin-Yang array. There is a certain distance from the three Taoist disciples on the side, and it is more difficult for these three Taoist disciples to distinguish whether he is Dead.

Long Yan, dressed in a silver robe, still holding a silver gun in his hand, always stood there quietly, without the slightest breath, the whole person was like a statue.

The three Taoist disciples were also cautious, and after watching it carefully for a while, it was determined that Long Yan could no longer have combat power. Master Chen Du, then nodded: "Dust Road, Dust Smoke, ready to put away the mark."

"it is good!"

The dust channel and dust smoke both nodded.


At this moment--


There was a loud noise.

But Longyan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly broke out, revealing an incomparable coercion in his body, which directly shattered the extremely overbearing imprisonment.

With the shattering of the imprisoned force, the Taoist mark above Long Yan's head also shattered with a loud noise, turning into a sky of golden awns.

Even the yin and yang arrays under his feet are directly broken!

The majestic air wave threw three Taoist disciples into the air and flew out.

"Haha, Taoist worms and tricks also want to destroy me, really dreaming!"

Long Yan laughed loudly with a silver gun, his head was full of silver hair without wind, and the whole person was full of enthusiasm: "Hey, speaking of it, I really should thank you three Daoist clowns who jumped on the beam. It's really difficult. "

That's right, just because he was threatened with death, he had to urge the dragon blood in his body, endless madness, who wanted to be blessed by the disaster, let him break through the shackles of the body again, and the dragon blood line was activated again.

Now, the War Dragon bloodline in his body has been activated for three quarters, only one quarter has not been activated.

"Your Taoist imprint did not directly imprison me for death, then the three who died should be the three of you."

In Long Yan's chest, a monstrous fighting spirit was burning, a silver gun in his hand, and toward the Taoist disciple Chen Du, burst out of a stab: "War Dragon Reappears-Hidden Dragon Style!"

As soon as he strikes, it is "Battle of the Eight Dragons"!

It was still a thousand miles away, and Dumu felt a great pressure. With the piercing of Longyan's gun, it came like a huge wave, and it came from the chest. A little pain, seems to have been pierced by the silver gun that is still thousands of feet away.

The three Taoist disciples in Fangcai wanted to use the Taoist imprint to directly imprison the death of Longyan. Although Longyan was blessed by misfortune and the dragon blood lineage in his body was further activated, it also made him suffer.

At this time, Long Yan was obviously moved to kill his thoughts, and his killing heart was strong!

Feeling the dominance of Longyan's gun, Chen Du was shocked in front of his heart, daring not to be neglected, and hurriedly pulled out the peach wood sword on his back, and the peach wood sword in his hand also surged again in an instant. Around three feet, there was a mysterious charm.

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