The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1930: More than 800,000 drops of Emperor Liquid

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At that time, if everyone is still too fragile, when the next world war of annihilation, I am afraid that it is impossible to escape the fate of the fall.

Qin Yi sighed secretly.

The people present, but could not know Qin Yi ’s thoughts at the moment, only to see the red-haired Xia Jiuyou, a pleasant smile: "If so, then it will be fun, Tian Yu and others, as well as those drifters who are doing it Excited to find miracles, but in the end, it is just an element seed, I am afraid that even the heart of death will have it, huh! "

Xia Jiuyou's temperament has always been a bit rebellious, eager for others to follow suit.

Indeed, a wood element seed has little effect on the average cultivator. The attribute of the wood element seed is blood. If you possess it, you can only double your energy.

But for Qin Yi, it is a priceless treasure, re-condensing the magic sword of Kyushu, the five major element seeds are indispensable.

"Since that miracle contains an element seed, then we should fight it over and never let it fall into the hands of other practitioners."

Wearing red armor, the heroic Dongzhizhi has a slightly firm look.

Wen Yan, Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang and others all nodded their heads clearly. They all realized the importance of wood element seeds to Qin Yi.

Next, Yan Meiniang took out the beast soul map and released the six remaining spirits, looking for the place where the miracle existed, and paying attention to all the movements in the eastern prairie.

There are so many emperor tombs here, so that miracle should be right here.

After releasing the six Lingwu, the people sat cross-legged on the bluestone board and waited for the news quietly. Only after those Lingwu brought back the news, they could start the next step, otherwise it would become nothing. Head flies.

"Bum ..."

In order to be safe, Qin Yi urged his left hand to draw out spiritual power and enveloped a range of about 80,000 square feet. Once an enemy broke into this range, he could immediately detect it.

"Before the war with Tian Yu and them, I and Sister Yang and Mei Niang have harvested more than 800,000 drops of Emperor Liquid here."

Qin Yi touched his nose and smiled to Dongfangzhi and others: "Then, these eight types of more than ten thousand drops of emperor liquid are now evenly distributed to you, or after you find the wood element seed present in that miracle, Is it evenly divided between you? "


Full ... more than 800,000 drops of Emperor Liquid!

It is said that the four people at Dongfangzhi, Yanzhuxin, and Xia Jiuyou Xuanlan all had their attractive rosy little mouths in a sudden, like a thunderbolt, sitting there, unable to move. The two big seats in the front are violent ups and downs, and the attractive ripples are rippling.

Even Dongfangzhi wearing armor can see the beautiful waves of waves, which shows how rough the waves are under the armor!


Finally, from the extreme shock, when I came back to my soul, the faces of everyone were all thick and happy, and even the crystal jade of Dongfangzhi appeared on the cheeks because of extreme excitement. Two blushes, Yan Zhuxin, Xuan Lan, and Xia Jiuyou were even more disdainful.

"Lying trough, paralyzed, I heard it right, more than 800,000 drops of emperor liquid."

The first sentence of Xia Jiuyou's recollection turned out to be such a swear word. Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi and Yan Mei Niang suddenly couldn't cry or laugh.

"It is indeed more than 800,000 drops of Emperor's Liquid. The seven of us divided equally, and each of us can get more than 100,000 drops."

Yang Shiqi, who was sitting next to Qin Yi, said with a smile: "Obviously, after refining this batch of emperor liquid, I think everyone has the strength to get out of here."

To get out of this fifth floor is to directly defeat the White Tiger, which sounds quite bluffing.

However, with more than 10,000 drops of Emperor Liquid, it is clear that everyone can make a lot of breakthroughs.

Dongfangzhi suppressed the excitement in his heart and frowned, thinking a little, and said, "These emperor liquids are still under your custody for a while. After the miracles appear, the situation here must be very confusing, in case anyone here suffers from us. People secretly calculated, then the emperor liquid on his body was also plundered by the other party? "

"Actually, I mean that too."

Qin Yi nodded and looked at Yan Zhuxin, rubbing her hair with pampering: "Bamboo Xin, among us, the one who should get out of this trap is you, you should take Yan Shi The totem of the tribe returned to the tribe. The Yan tribe lost the totem for too long. I really do n’t know what will happen. "


Yan Zhuxin lightly nodded her head, shot out the color of perseverance in her eyes, and clenched a small pink fist. In any case, she must defeat Bai Hu and get out of this cage of heaven and earth. The Yan tribe needed her.

Wen Yan, Yang Shiqi, Dongfangzhi and others all looked at Yan Zhuxin and Qin Yi with perplexed eyes. After spending so long with each other, they never knew how Yan Zhuxin came with them. I never asked about it.

"That's the case. At first, Qin Yi and Sister Mei Niang were enemies. When we were in the Yan tribe, we were already fighting. At that time, my cousin wholeheartedly wanted to be the generation of the northern wasteland of Kyushu Overlord, despondent, let me go to fetch the totem of our Yan tribe, and when I was young and ignorant, I really fetched the totem of our Yan tribe. As a result, it brought disaster to our Yan tribe. "

Yan Zhuxin said.

Was you young and ignorant?

It is said that everyone present, including Dongfangzhi and Yan Meiniang, subconsciously glanced at the two large seats of considerable size in front of Yan Zhuxin's chest, and vaguely swept and secretly whispered: I Look at you, you do n’t have to be anyone small here!

Touching everyone's eyes in front of their chests, Yan Zhuxin jade cheeks, could not help but a red, but the two subconsciously, subtly lighten up, swallowed, continued to say: " Later, Yin and Yang fell in love with this guy, and then, they betrayed Uncle Yongde and my cousin, together with Qin Yi and Mei Niang. "

"What happened afterwards, how did I feel that you were interesting to me while still in the Yan's tribe?"

Qin Yi touched his nose, smiled lightly, and then shook his head quite helplessly: "Once a person looks too handsome, he will always cause all kinds of trouble, alas, distress, it is really indescribable. distressed."

Seeing him look stinky, everyone present couldn't help but cover his mouth. "Poo" smirked out loud, and I saw shameless, shameless to the point where I saw it for the first time. .

Finally, laughing, Dongfangzhi, Xia Jiuyou, and Xuanlan, all looked at the strange faces of Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang, and Yan Zhuxin slowly.

"Hee hee, Shi Qi, how do you feel about this situation?"

Xuan Lan, who was so beautiful and charming, asked Yang Shiqi Jiao with a smile.

Among these people, she is most familiar with Yang Shiqi, and the relationship is also the best. Generally, you have to think carefully, and you like to talk to Yang Shiqi in private.

"What can I think? This only shows that this guy is so charming, hehe!"

Yang Shiqi is not an ordinary person, naturally has a very broad-minded, immediately smiled, charming white Qin Yi.

In the past, the Seven Kills in the world of the Great Desolation, learned that Qin Yi was with Yan Meiang, she was not angry, and now, naturally, she would not be angry.

Hearing Yang Shiqi's words, Yan Zhuxin breathed a sigh of relief, opened his arms and hugged Yang Shiqi: "Oh, sister Siqi, how are you!"

How to say, Yang Shiqi and Qin Yi are both green plums and horses. They came from the local Xiaozongmen into the Kyushu Holy See together. If she is senior, she is the boss. If Yang Shiqi is not happy, she and Qin Yi get along naturally. Not too comfortable.

"Well, after going out from here, we will destroy him together. Whoever let this villain hook and attract the girls of the good family, hum!"

Yang Shiqi sniffed the beautiful Qiongbi softly and gave Qin Yi another glance.

Do it well?

It is said that in the minds of the people present, some unhealthy pictures that could destroy each other emerged. Xia Jiuyou's temperament was bold, but it was nothing, but Dongfangzhi and Xuanlan were both jade cheeks. Red, secretly sipped: Bah, these people are really shameless, really shame the baby!

But Qin Yi scorned his lips in disdain: ruin me? At that time, it's really hard to say who is ruining who.

He shook his head hurriedly, and shattered some of the unhealthy and devastating pictures in his mind. Toshiba straightened his face and said, "Okay, don't rip these things out. Let's wait for news while meditating and practicing. . "

Don't forget, she is the former saint of Kuafu God Village. She has a sense of holiness and is not used to some ambiguous atmosphere.

Next, Qin Yixian gave 20 drops of emperor liquid to everyone and refined them. Although there were only 20 drops, it would take a certain amount of time to refine them.

Qin Yi himself took the bronze mother tripod out again, threw it into the air, and held it with a profound energy.

Then he slowly stretched out his left hand, palms towards the bronze mother tripod, and slightly swayed the profound energy in his left hand.


A purple flame of refining is from the palm of the left hand, rushing out, wrapping the bronze mother tripod, continuously refining.

Qin Yi looked into his left hand and found that the devil's body of the ancient devil was lying there quietly from beginning to end. The black hair kept dancing, and there was a lonely, powerful and mysterious breath.

The sound of my heartbeat also came from the left hand, and it was very stable, just like ordinary people.

Obviously, today's Demon has been completely resurrected.

"I really can't imagine that this person is the devil in the **** slaughter of millions of miles in the extremely distant wild time."

Looking at Tianmo's demon body, Qin Yi's heart slowly raised a strange feeling. The left hand he had obtained in Lingyu Gate in the past was originally Tianmo's left hand.

A **** left hand!

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