The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1932: Horrible imprisonment

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The Taomu sword and the silver gun hit hard together.

The majestic air wave was hit by two weapons and swept to the four sides. Long Yan suddenly withdrew a big step, while Chen Du suddenly withdrew more than ten steps at once.

Who is strong and who is weak, a face shot, already known!

"War Dragon Reappears-Mad Dragon Style!"

Long Yan did not give Chen Chen the chance to breathe and breathe. The second form of "Battle Dragon Eight Forms" followed with a sudden shot, a silver gun, and a fierce stab at Chen Du in front.

Each of the "Battle Dragon Eight Forms" has no bells and whistles, simple and straightforward, relying on that unparalleled domineering to win, which is very in line with Long Yan's temperament.

According to legend, in that distant immortal age, the Emperor of the Great Dragon, with a set of "Battle of the Eight Dragons", almost defeated the invincible hand of the world. The master shattered it eight times, and each type shattered the opponent directly once. How powerful it is, imaginable.

Of course, Longyan now is far from the height of his previous life, he still has a long way to go!

Longyan's silver spear, at this moment was as long as 100 feet, the silver awn was magnificent, dazzling, and the meteor was traversing the sky, and suddenly that moment, it pierced the eyes of Chen Du.

Dust Twist was horrified in his heart, and his figure hurried hurriedly, turning into a very faint phantom, violently swept to the side.

"call out!"

Longyan's silver spear pierced a sharp roar in the air, sticking to Chen Du's shirt.

Although this gun was evaded by him, the skin on his body was so hot that he was hurt by the powerful gunfire.

One shot stabbed the air, Long Yan's movements, without any pause, the head of the gun turned, the third form of "Battle Dragon Eight Styles" followed, and the silver gun went like a shadow, stabbing hard at the dust.

Long Yan's attack was too fast, and Chen Mu fixed his eyes. The hundred-foot-long silver gun had already pierced his eyes, and the "buzzing" trembling sharp gun head was full of monstrous murderous intent.

Looking at it, Hanmonsensen's gun head, and Dumu's heart, suddenly grew an unstoppable fear, and his hands and feet were cold.

At such a short distance, it was too late to evade. He could only hold the Taomu sword with both hands, and suddenly jumped.


A loud noise!

Longyan's silver gun was stabbed fiercely on the peach wood sword, and the gun barrel of the silver gun was bent between shots. Chen Mu only felt that the elasticity was enough for hundreds of millions of weights, as if it were a huge mountain, ruthless Hit the same on his chest.

He couldn't compete with this force at all. The whole person was shocked on the spot like a leaf in the sea, without a little weight, and flew straight out of the thousands of feet, "slammed" and fell to the ground.

His arms were numb and his chest was full of qi and blood, his throat was sweet, and a sip of blood was about to spit out, but he swallowed it back.

At this time, the other two disciples only recovered. Long Yan broke the Taoist seal directly before. They were completely stupid. They felt this scene was as unreal as dreaming.

They had n’t even thought about it before. They inherited the Taoist imprint of the endless years, and one day they would be crushed directly!

"Brother Chen Mu, how are you feeling?"

Chen Yan and Chen Dao both exclaimed, and hurried to the past. Chen Mu jumped from the ground and shook his head: "I'm fine. The fighting power of the boy Long Yan is too changeable, and we have to deal with it carefully."

"Haha, do you think it's okay to deal with it carefully? Today, all three of you must be my souls under the gun!"

Long Yan's laughter came from behind.

As the loud laughter sounded, a magnificent murderous intention came along like a huge wave.

"Fight against!"

Feeling this killing intent, the three disciples of Taoism knew that it was Longyan who had come to kill them. They all screamed together, and the three men ’s Taomu swords would suddenly come together and stab toward Longyan. Silver gun, quickly greeted.


The Taomu swords of the three Taoist disciples all stabbed at Longyan's spearpoint. In the mighty energy, both sides were violently overturned and flew out.

However, during the flying, the three Taoist disciples suddenly fell into the shape of "Pin", and immediately trapped Long Yan.

At the same time, the huge yin and yang array also appeared at the feet of everyone.

I have to say that Taoism's martial arts do have its mysteries. When the three Taoist disciples move at will, the formation of the formation is formed, and they are completely free in one go.

Of course, this is also closely related to the three Taoist disciples who have been practicing one breath and three cleanses for many years. If they are replaced by three other Taoist disciples, they may not be able to free themselves with one breath.

The three Taoist disciples stood in the shape of "Pin" and the yin and yang patterns appeared under their feet. This situation has already returned to the beginning.

The difference is that the current Dragon Flame, the Dragon Blood lineage in the body, has been activated again!

"At this moment, I am very different from the last moment, but you still use the skills of carving insects like Qi and Qingqing to fight me.

In the face of the three disciples of Taoism, Long Yan sneered.

next moment.

He attacked.

"War Dragon Reappears-Counter Dragon Style!"

Long shouting, Long Yan stabs away with a silver gun.

Goal: It's still Master Dusk!

The three Taoist disciples, as long as one of them is killed, cleared in one fell swoop and resolved naturally, cannot be formed again.

With the formation of three qualities in one breath, the fighting power of the three Taoist disciples seems to have improved a lot in an instant.

Looking at the fourth form of "Dragon Warrior Eight Styles" from Longyan's stab, Chen Du didn't dare to have any slight slack, his figure swayed, and turned into layers, and Longyan's silver gun pierced, that layer The cascading shadows are all shattered, and Dust Twilight also appeared on the other side.

"This kid's fighting power seems to be a lot stronger. The seal of the preacher has imprisoned him!"

Chen Du shouted.

The three Taoist disciples, daring not to be negligent, reached out their hands in a hurry, and each suddenly produced a fingerprint.

As the fingerprints of the three of them came out, the Taoist mark was once again formed above Long Yan's head, just like gold was cast, a piece of golden light, a magnificent imprisonment force, from the above, suddenly fell down again, all at once Imprison Longyan.

Just the next moment.


In Long Yan's body, the blood of the fighting dragon was rolling, and a tremendous amount of inner strength of the Emperor's Dao was also revealed through it, and suddenly the Taoist mark above the head shattered and turned into a sky of golden awns.

"Haha, seeing it, your Taoist imprint can't hold me back."

Long Yan laughed loudly, his head full of silver hair, dancing wildly, his silver robe hunted, and his mind was full of war.

With a long spear in his hand, he was still moving towards Daoist disciple Chen Du, stab at the speed, and shouted in his mouth: "War Dragon Reappears-Dragon Extermination!"

The dragon-extinguishing style is the fifth style of "Battle Dragon Eight Styles"!

"Battle of the Eight Dragon Styles" are: hidden dragon style, crazy dragon style, battle dragon style, reverse dragon style, extermination dragon style, absolute dragon style, dragon style, dragon style, its power is stronger than one.

At this time, the silver gun in Long Yan's hand had already transformed into a huge silver dragon, the dragon's body was as long as a hundred feet, and it was constantly tumbling forward to the dust and twilight.

Feeling the power of this gun, Dumu ’s heart was so shocked that it was difficult to attach it. The peach wood sword in his hand also soared to tens of feet in an instant. The whole person suddenly floated from the ground, holding the peach wood sword in both hands and hitting hard. The silver gun that has been completely dragonized.


In the loud noise, Dust Twilight's mahogany sword was chopped over the silver spear, and the waves were violently blasting, striking the four directions, and flying sand and stones.

The tiger mouth of Chen Mu's hands was directly cracked and opened, and a flesh of blood was blurred. The air wave hit his chest, and the blood in his chest was churning, and he couldn't control it anymore, and a spit of blood burst out.

He was hit by Qi Lang!

"Brother Chen Mu!"

Seeing the dust smoke and dust road, both were surprised and hurried to drink.

"I'm fine!"

Chen Mu was also a man, and he sneered: "I don't believe our Taoism's anger and sanctity, and I can't help this kid, so I will hang him!"

The three Taoist disciples, once again carrying the Taomu sword to shuttle quickly, the body is very strange. Behind everyone, they are followed by a large stack of figures, hundreds of which are dazzling. , Can't tell the truth from the truth.

"Peng!" "Peng!"

Next, Long Yan played two types in a row, each of which played a direct role in smashing the dense phantom in front of his eyes and turning it into nothingness.

The Taoist disciples Chen Du, Chen Dao, and Chen Yan, who exhibited three qualities at once, were really mysterious and overbearing. If they were to become ordinary cultivators, they might have been strangled several times.

It's just a pity that Long Yan is not an ordinary cultivator, he is the reincarnation of the Emperor Xiangu the Great Dragon Emperor!

Up to now, the Hukous of the three Taoist disciples have all ruptured, their flesh and blood are vague, and their chests are full of blood and tumbling blood. This is the most difficult battle since they entered this divine tomb.

The dense phantoms of the three of them had broken down one after another, but they had already cultivated one breath and three cleansings, and they had just broken down. They had just shattered, and their physique changed, the dense phantoms , Appeared again, continually shuttled around Long Yan, killing millions.

"War Dragon Reappears-Tianlong Style!"

With anger, Long Yan played the last form in "Dragon's Eight Forms".

"Aohou ~"

The silver gun that had been completely dragonized long ago gave out a huge dragon roar, and the silver mansions sang the whole world into a piece of silver, full of dreamlike feeling.

And the coercion from the silver gun was like the ocean, rushing out, and the dense shadows around it were instantly crushed by this coercion and oppression.

The target of Longyan's last shot is still Dust Twilight!

Because Long Yan felt it, of these three Taoist disciples, Chen Mu's cultivation practice was the strongest.

With this last shot, the three people of Dusk, Dust and Dust all instantly smelled a breath of death. The three of them instantly rushed together in shock. Welcoming the silver gun that Long Yan had already turned into dragon.

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