The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1929: Wood Element Seed

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"court death!"

Qin Yi angered, the profound energy in his body, mad surge, must be pursued as quickly as possible, however, a delicate and slender hand suddenly grabbed it.

Qin Yi stunned, turned his face, but found that there was a big red in front of him, it was Yan Mei Niang who was wearing a red robe. I did n’t know when he had come to his side. moving.

"Qin Yi, forget it, don't chase it."

Yan Meiniang raised her beautiful little face slightly, looked at Qin Yi shallowly and smiled.


Don't chase!

Qin Yi frowned at Mei Yu, looking at Yan Mei Niang puzzled.

"Oh, Qin Yi, don't you forget that Long Yan must constantly challenge and break through the shackles of his body to improve his cultivation?"

A soft voice rang from behind, it was Dongfangzhi wearing red armor and a blue tabard on his shoulders.

Dongfangzhi, Yang Shiqi, Yan Zhuxin, Xia Jiuyou and others also came to the side. Dongfangzhi exhaled lightly and said, "The three Taoist masters are very strong, and it is precisely because they are strong that they can become When Longyan really sharpened the knife, if they were very counseling, there was no meaning to Longyan. Rest assured, the stronger the three Taoist masters, the greater the effect on Longyan. They Definitely not killing Longyan. "

Makes sense!

Qin Yi recovered, and grinned a little embarrassedly: "I blame our side for being too impulsive, and it seems that Long Yan is taken prisoner, and there is only one thought in his mind, that he must be rescued anyway."

"You and the Longyan brothers are deeply affectionate, it will be like this, and it is normal."

Yan Mei-niang nodded her head suddenly, paused, and took out the beast soul map with her hand, and in one exhibition, a spirit Wu rushed out of the beast soul map and disappeared into the sky.

Obviously, Yan Meiniang used this Lingwu to track the three Taoist masters and master their whereabouts. Once Long Yan really encountered a danger on the hands of the three Taoist masters, they could also shoot the first time Save each other.

Next, Dongfangzhi also gave back the four Lingwu before to Yan Mei Niang. Now that everyone has joined together, Dongfangzhi does not need the four Lingwu.

"So, let's discuss our current situation and the next actions."

A group of seven people came to a huge bluestone and sat down. Yan Meiniang habitually touched her forehead. Her eyes glanced at everyone's face.

"Tian Yu has escaped, and our plan to kill him on both sides has been aborted. The current situation is obviously not good for us, and it has become a situation where we are in the light and the enemy is in the dark."

Dongfangzhi exhaled lightly and said, "Now, Tian Yu is surrounded by two yellow towel fighters and a strategist. As for the land wind and the three Taoist masters, at one and a half moments, I was afraid that it would be difficult to go back with them. , Lu Feng had just been defeated by Long Yan, and he would definitely be afraid of it. He would not dare to follow Tian Yu easily, and the three Taoist masters had one more Long Yan. If we all join hands, Tian Yu even has Three heads and six arms is definitely not our opponent, but the problem is that the open gun is easy to hide, the dark arrow is difficult to prevent. "

"It is said that, moreover, he was ordered by Qian Qiushui to squat here to kill me and Qin Yi. We will not die. He will never rest on this. Otherwise, how can he return to Qian Qiushui?"

Yan Mei-niang nodded her head deeply: "But you don't need to worry too much. I think Tian Yu will show up again soon."

The people listened carefully and did not interfere.

Among these people, Yan Mei Niang and Dongfang Zhi are the best in terms of intelligence, and everyone knows this well.

"indeed so."

Dongfangzhi smiled shallowly: "Do n’t forget, there is a high probability of the legendary miracle on the eastern prairie. Now, there are many drifters, I ’m afraid that I have realized this and are rushing Come here, of course, there are a few of them, originally with the mentality of looking for our accounts. Obviously, it wo n’t take long for this eastern prairie to become lively. "

After a pause, Dongfangzhi continued to say: "At that time, Tian Yu will definitely appear again, looking for that miracle, legend, there is the inheritance of the ancient immortal emperor in that miracle. If this is the case, I am afraid that there is no cultivation. Those who are not crazy about it, know that if there is an era to receive the inheritance of the ancient emperor, even if their qualifications are not good, in the future, they will at least grow into a semi-holy existence. "

"Cough ..."

Hearing Dongfangzhi's words, Qin Yi on the side coughed twice and touched his nose: "About that miracle, it does exist in the eastern prairie. Before we found Emperor's tombs one after another, It is indeed related to that miracle. So many emperor tombs exist here to nourish the miracle, but there is a possibility that the emperor will inherit the miracle.


It is said that all the people present looked at Qin Yi with confused eyes.

Obviously, Qin Yi's remarks were far beyond everyone's expectations.

At this moment, they suddenly felt that Qin Yi's body seemed to be covered with a mysterious veil and felt that he could not see through him.

Qin Yi ’s gaze swept away slowly on everyone ’s faces and exhaled: “After getting out of this divine tomb, a few of us will enter the world of Xuanhuang. Then, we will face The enemy is afraid of Qian Qiushui and the masters who were exiled in the ancient world of Xuanhuang. At this time, I do n’t want to hide anything from you. "

The eyes of everyone around me became more and more confused, and they were muttering in their hearts: Is there anything else this guy has been hiding from you all along?

Touching his nose, Qin Yi continued: "Actually, I have a mission and a mission to save hundreds of millions of lives. This mission was already shouldered when I was still in Lingyu Gate in the past."


Everyone's chin shattered, and he blinked in disbelief.

Especially Yang Shiqi, that tempting ruddy little mouth, stunned open, could not close for a long time, a pair of charming glazed eyes, blinking gently, looked at Qin Yi inconceivably, and his mind appeared leisurely At the time of Yumen, Qin Yi looked like.

At that time, Qin Yi was naive and stubborn, weak, and was constantly suppressed by fellow disciples, almost unable to lift his head.

"Did that time, the little shoulder of this guy already shouldered the mission of saving hundreds of millions of lives?"

In Yang Shiqi's heart, such a murmur appeared.

"Sister Yang, do you remember that our magical journey back then?"

Qin Yi looked at Yang Shiqi: "At that time I went to Xiangu inexplicably. In Xiangu, I met the King of Kyushu and witnessed the last World War. When the King of Kyushu gave me a task, let me Collect the seeds of the five elements of Golden Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, re-condensate the magic sword of Kyushu, summon the nine war souls of the mainland of Kyushu, and return the gods of Xiangu to the next world war. "

It is said that the expression on everyone's face is shocking and weird.

What is shocking is that Qin Yi has been shouldering the request of the King of Kyushu. He has never mentioned this matter.

Curiously, they all knew that King Kyushu was Qin Yi ’s past life. During his past journey to Xian Gu, he actually met his past life, and the body of the past life also ordered him to do things.

This matter is really too bloody!

However, it did happen, and it happened to the young man in front of him.


It was hard to recover from the shock, everyone breathed out a long breath.

Aside from Xia Jiuyou, his red eyelashes flickered lightly, looking at Qin Yi confusedly, "Then what do you say, does it have anything to do with the miracles we are discussing now?"

Yang Shiqi and others looked at Qin Yi with curiosity.

"Nature is related."

Qin Yi nodded: "Before that, I have collected four major element seeds, and there are still wood element seeds, which have never been collected. When collecting the previous four element seeds, I will have a very special feeling. . "

"That is to say, you now have that special feeling again? Do you think that what exists in that miracle might be a seed of wood elements?"

Yan Zhuxin, dressed in the traditional costumes of the Yan tribe, her beautiful eyes light up casually.

"Not both possible, but certain!"

Qin Yi smiled faintly.

Indeed, when watching the battle between Longyan and the masters of the Three Avenues, his left hand suddenly trembles for no reason, and then, the long-lost wonder also appeared in his mind, it seems In that extremely distant past, he had lost something here.

That is a very important thing.

Qin Yi has had experience for a long time. This feeling will only appear in two cases. The first case is that there is a cultivation method of "The Seven Forms of Devil" nearby, and the second case is that there are element seeds nearby.

The seven forms of "Tianmo Seven Forms" have already been collected by him.

Then, the existence of that miracle is only possible with wood element seeds.

Qin Yi secretly exhaled for a long time. The wood element seeds have been searching for so long. Fortunately, they are finally in sight.

As long as the wood element seed is collected, the five major element seeds are all collected, and you can start to condense the Kyushu magic knife. After the Kyushu magic knife is condensed again, summon the nine souls of war that exist on the mainland of Kyushu. , Let the gods of Xiangu return to the throne, and their mission is completed.

But at the moment, Qin Yi thought of another problem. Now, the seed of wood element has already got a glance, and it will become a thing in his own pocket, then it also shows that it is really not the next world war. Far.

"By the time the next World War II comes, will everyone have grown to a true pinnacle and have the power to fight against the powerful outsiders?"

Qin Yi's gaze slowly swept over the people around him, and such a question appeared in his heart.

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