The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 426 No, I didn’t!

Lynn and Harry were the defenders and the persons on trial respectively, and could enter the tenth courtroom before the trial started, but Irina could not, so she could only return to Sirius' home in advance and wait for their triumphant return.

In the next half hour, Harry's body was soaked with sweat, but Linn still looked calm and calm.

Although Harry knew that he was basically certain to win this trial, he still couldn't help but feel nervous in this gloomy and depressing atmosphere.

At about 7:50, many Wizengamot wizards came down the stairs from which Lynn and Harry came, and filed into the tenth courtroom.

Fudge and Umbridge came here next. When they saw Lynn and Harry waiting outside the Tenth Courtroom, their eyes looked like they had seen a ghost.

After seeing the two figures, they immediately realized that there must be an undercover agent around them!

But Fudge and Umbridge had no other choice. After all, after the Battle of Little Hangleton Village was exposed by the Daily Prophet, the vast majority of Ministry of Magic staff were inclined to let Fudge step down.

The original protective gear of the Ministry of Magic was aimed at ordinary wizards and wizards, but now the official protective gear of the Ministry of Magic is aimed at him, the Minister of Magic!

But even so, Fudge, who is now like a street rat in the wizarding world, has nothing to do about it.

After everyone entered the tenth courtroom, Linn and Harry opened the door and walked in.

The scene in this courtroom was very familiar to both Lynn and Harry, who had seen exactly the same scene in the pensieve in Dumbledore's headmaster's office.

The walls surrounding the Tenth Courtroom were made of black stone, and the light from the torches was dim and eerie.

Entering the Tenth Courtroom, they were flanked by rows of empty benches that were gradually rising. In front of them, on the highest benches, were many dark figures sitting, who had walked in earlier. Those wizards of the Wizengamot in the Tenth Chamber.

Harry lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the chair in the center of the room. On the armrests of the chair were iron chains on the left and right. In Dumbledore's Pensieve, he had seen these iron chains suddenly jump up and throw the The person sitting on it was tied tightly.

Harry's feet echoed loudly across the stone floor, and he sat carefully on the edge of his chair, the chains clanking menacingly but not binding him.

Harry felt dizzy and nauseated, and after a while, he looked up at the people sitting on the bench above.

There were about fifty wizards of the Wizengamot in Harry's field of vision. They were wearing purple robes and had a delicate silver "W" embroidered on their left chest. They all looked down at him, and some With stern expressions, some did not hide their inner curiosity.

But there are also many Wizengamot wizards who have calm eyes and are indifferent to Harry's trial, as if the trial has already concluded.

Lynn once discussed the future of the wizarding world with her mother Rowena. Lynn told her in a more obscure way about the possible war in the wizarding world and the resistance that the extremely corrupt Ministry of Magic might cause.

After learning this, Rowena, as the only person in power of the Rolle family, did not hesitate to put the hands of the Rolle family into all aspects of the Ministry of Magic, and the Wizengamot was no exception.

These calm-eyed wizards of the Wizengamot are all guys who succumbed to the power of the Rolle family. The moment they saw Linn and Harry outside the Tenth Judgment Room, they understood in their hearts that they were going to be in the next step. The only choice in the vote.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, they did not say hello to Linn. Even after Linn and Harry entered the tenth courtroom, they deliberately kept a straight face to prevent their colleagues around them from discovering their position.

Sitting in the center of the row of stools directly in front of Harry was Cornelius Fudge.

When the clock reached eight o'clock, Fudge gave Harry a cold look and said, "The time is up, let's get started. Are you ready?"

Fudge asked loudly across the bench.

"Yes, sir."

Percy Weasley sounded with a bit of urgency. He was sitting on the edge of the front bench. His eyes hidden behind horn-rimmed glasses were staring intently at the parchment in front of him, a feather. Pen in hand, ready to record.

"The trial on August 30th," Fudge said in a loud voice, while Percy hurriedly started taking notes, "the trial was held against Harry James, who lived at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Potter's breach of the Reasonable Restraint of Minors and the International Statute of Secrecy."

"Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic; Amelia Susan Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary .Trial Recorder: Percy Ignatius Weasley; Defense Witness: Lynn Rohr!"

Fudge said this.

After he said Lin En's name, the wizards of the Wizengamot who had not yet been recruited by the Roll family all turned curious eyes towards Lin En.

They all saw Linn's performance in the Battle of Little Hangleton Village in the Daily Prophet. Judging from the pictures shown in the Daily Prophet, Linn indeed has the combat power of a demon king-level wizard.

However, a fifteen-year-old devil-level wizard is unheard of even in the entire magical world!

These Wizengamot wizards are very curious about Linn, an underage demon king-level wizard.

"Sorry, Minister Fudge, I think the address you just mentioned about Harry's residence is wrong. If I remember correctly, Harry's current address is 6 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey."

Linn said calmly, No. 6 Privet Drive was Sirius's house, and it was also where Harry lived during this time.

Although a slight mistake in his residential address was inconsequential in this trial, he wanted to preemptively show off his momentum.

Hearing Linn's words, Fudge was stunned. He gave Linn a cold look, and then ordered Percy to correct the wrong record.

While Percy was waving the quill, Linn raised his left hand slightly, and a gorgeous-looking, dark red seat appeared out of thin air. He chuckled and sat down on the seat.

Fudge's face turned colder when he saw Linn's seat, which was countless times better than the broken stool under him.

Fudge spoke loudly about the accusation against Harry: "The defendant is accused of the following crimes: The defendant has previously received a written warning from the Ministry of Magic for similar accusations, and this time, knowing full well that his actions were illegal, he deliberately, He knowingly cast a Patronus Charm in front of nineteen Muggles in a Muggle neighborhood at 4:44 pm on August 28th."

"This behavior violates Section 3 of the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act" promulgated in 1875 and Section 13 of the "International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy". You are a woman living in Little Whinging, Surrey. Harry James Potter from No. 6 Jane Road?"

Fudge asked, glaring at Harry.

"Yes." Harry replied calmly.

Fudge continued: "You were officially warned by the Ministry of Magic for illegal use of magic three years ago, right?"

Harry replied, "Yes."

The corners of Fudge's lips raised slightly, but he still stared at Harry and asked, "And you used magic to create a Patronus on the afternoon of August 28th?"

Harry chuckled and said lightly: "No, I didn't!" (End of Chapter)

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