The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 425 The bribed security inspector Eric

Harry hesitated no longer and placed a finger on the portkey.

As the white light lit up, the three figures disappeared in place, and arrived at the hall of the British Ministry of Magic in an instant.

The location where Lynn, Irina and Harry appeared was not far from a fireplace. Under the cover of Lynn's magic, no one noticed the abnormal appearance of the three people. They just thought that the three people came through the fireplace. of.

When Harry followed Linn and Irina and walked a few steps toward the hall, and saw the scene in the center of the hall, his face was filled with wonder, and his mouth was slightly open.

At this time, the three of them were standing at one end of this long and splendid hall, with dark wooden floors that had been polished brightly.

The peacock blue ceiling is inlaid with sparkling golden symbols, which are constantly moving and changing, like a huge high-altitude bulletin board.

The walls on all sides of the hall are lined with glossy dark wooden boards, and many gilded fireplaces are embedded in the wooden boards, including the fireplace not far away when Lynn, Irina and Harry came with the portkey.

On average, a wizard would pop up from a fireplace on the left every few seconds, while there were several wizards queuing up in front of the fireplace on the right, waiting to leave.

Harry stared at a fountain in the center of the hall, a circular pool with a set of larger-than-life solid gold statues erected in the center.

Among this group of pure gold statues, the tallest one is a noble wizard, holding his wand high and pointing straight to the sky. Surrounding him are a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin and a house elf.

The centaurs, goblins and house elves all looked up at the two wizards with infinite admiration. Sparkling water columns came from the top of the wizard's wand, from the centaur's arrow, from the tip of the goblin's hat, and from the house elf's. Squirts came out of both ears.

When passing the Magic Brothers Fountain, Harry also saw many sparkling silver Sickles and Copper Knuts at the bottom of the pool. A stained small sign next to the fountain read: "All proceeds from the Magic Brothers Fountain are donated." To St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Magical Injuries."

Noticing Harry's gaze, Linn sneered and said, "If 60% to 70% of the money here can be sent to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies, thank God!"

Although the Silver Sickles and Copper Nuts at the bottom of the pool were nominally donated to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, Linn knew very well what the Ministry of Magic would do with the money.

Things like handling fees are good, and some pure-blood families that control the real power in the Ministry of Magic even have people transport the money directly to their own warehouses!

Of course, the pure-blood family is not short of money, but they don't want to use it to treat those mudbloods and mixed-blood wizards!

After hearing Linn's words, Harry, who had originally planned to throw gold Galleons into the pool, immediately gave up his thoughts, and he obediently followed Linn and Irina's pace.

The three of them came to a table marked "Security Check". Behind this table sat a somewhat slovenly-looking wizard.


Linn shouted calmly.

Hearing Linn's voice, the wizard immediately raised his head. After seeing Linn, he immediately showed a respectful look.

Just listen to him whisper: "Dear Mr. Rolle, welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Is there anything I can do for you?!"

Yes, this wizard named Eric is one of the employees of the Ministry of Magic recruited by the Rolle family.

In fact, given Eric's identity and status in the Ministry of Magic, he is not qualified to be recruited by the Rolle family. After all, the Rolle family does not want every kitten or puppy.

However, Eric's job was to check visitors' wands. This special position made the Rolle family choose to recruit him.

If the Rolle family can bribe these Ministry of Magic employees in positions such as security inspectors, then even if the Rolle family mobilizes an army of wizards to enter the Ministry of Magic in the future, they will be able to do so without hindrance!

You know, the only early warning button in the Ministry of Magic hall is in the hands of security inspectors like Eric.

Lynn said: "I took Harry Potter to the Inquisition and I was his defence."

Listening to Linn's words, Eric nodded repeatedly at first, but after hearing that Linn was Harry's defender, he suddenly raised his head.

Eric said solemnly: "Mr. Rowle, I didn't expect you to be Harry Potter's defender, so I must tell you this information! Minister Fudge has changed the opening time of Harry Potter's trial to eight o'clock, and they plan to send Harry Potter a letter to change the time at seven fifty-five!"

Hearing this, Harry's expression suddenly changed. If Eric hadn't told him about this in advance, I'm afraid he would have been tricked by Fudge!

Harry said angrily: "I didn't expect that Fudge would do this. He would do anything to blackmail Dumbledore!"

Linn and Irina were not surprised by Eric's words. Linn asked: "Is there any other information?"

Eric's voice lowered, and he whispered: "According to the brothers in the office next to Fudge's minister's office, they also plan to change the location of the trial to the old tenth courtroom to ensure that even if you accept When the letter arrived, it was too late to reach the courtroom!”

The anger in Harry's eyes became even more intense.

Lynn asked, "Do we need to get a wand check?"

Eric said quickly: "Of course not. Dear Mr. Rohr, as well as Miss Lowell and Mr. Potter, please go inside!"

Eric naturally did not dare to check the wand of his father, his financial sponsor, so he stepped aside and motioned for Lynn and the others to go in directly.

Fortunately, Lin En and Irina called Harry out at seven o'clock. Even though they had been delayed for a while, the time now was only half past seven.

The three of them came to the elevator, and Lin En pressed the button representing the Department of Mysteries.

As the elevator moved, when the elevator door opened, the three of them were in an empty corridor with only a black door at the end.

However, Linn and Irina did not take Harry inside. As if they had been here countless times, Irina directly pulled Harry to a gap on the left that led to a staircase.

When the three of them came to the end of the stairs, they were surrounded by a dungeon-like scene, with rough stone walls on both sides, and primitive torches stuck on brackets.

There are many heavy wooden doors on both sides with iron bolts and keyholes embedded in them.

Soon, the three of them found the location of the tenth courtroom, which was a gloomy black door with a large iron lock.

"This is it, prepare for the trial later."

Lynn said with a smile.

He turned his head to the side, nodded slightly to Irina, and showed a reassuring look.

"come on!"

Irina nodded vigorously to Linn, then rubbed an illegal door key in her hand and left.

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