The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 427 This is what I mean

Hearing Harry's words, Fudge was stunned. He thought Harry was deceiving him, so he said angrily: "Harry Potter! This is the Wizengamot Court. Please tell the truth about your crime. Don't lie!"

Harry frowned and said coldly: "I didn't lie. It was my godfather, Sirius Black, who released the Patronus. I did not cast magic."

Fudge shouted loudly: "The traces of the Ministry of Magic can detect the traces of the little wizard's magic. Don't try to shift the responsibility to others!"

Before Harry could speak, Linn stepped forward and said calmly: "Minister Fudge, as far as I know, the traces of the Ministry of Magic can detect the casting of spells in a very small range near the little wizard's wand. Traces, not just spells from the little wizard's wand."

"If Sirius Black is within one meter of Harry when he casts the Patronus Charm, then the Ministry of Magic's trace will also sound an alarm. Therefore, the alarm from the Ministry of Magic's trace alone is not enough. Convict Harry!"

Linn looked at Fudge indifferently and said this.

Fudge choked up again. Lin En's words really made him unable to find fault.

He could only say: "Then, please ask the defense witness Sirius Black to tell us whether the defendant's testimony is true? If it is true, why did the defense witness cast the Patronus Charm in the Muggle community?"

Hearing this, Sirius, who was sitting in the hearing room, stood up and said in a calm tone: "The defendant, my godson, and I encountered six animals at 4:44 pm on August 28th. When dementors attack, I release the patron saint to drive away the dementors. Is this reasonable?"

"After all, I have never heard that wizards cannot use magic to protect themselves when they are attacked by evil dark creatures."

Sirius said.

Many Wizengamot wizards looked surprised when they heard the word "dementors".

At this time, Ms. Bones, Director of the Legal Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic, had a look of disbelief on her face. She exclaimed and asked: "Dementors appeared in Little Whinging?! I don't understand..."

Before Ms. Bones could finish her words, Fudge said with a mocking look on his face: "Don't you understand, Amelia? Let me explain. They really took great pains to discover that dementors can become A brilliant excuse, indeed. Muggles can't see Dementors, can they, Mr. Black? Very clever, very clever... So it's just a one-sided statement on your part..."

Linn interrupted Fudge and said with cold eyes: "In fact, not only the defense and the defense witnesses, but also I was attacked by dementors at the same time, but the attack on me There are as many as twenty dementors!"

Hearing Linn's words, the entire court was in an uproar.

If Harry was attacked by six dementors because some dementors had defected, then there were only two possibilities for the attack by more than twenty dementors.

One is that these dementors have completely defected to the Ministry of Magic, and they are no longer willing to serve the Ministry of Magic; the other is that a traitor has appeared among the top officials of the Ministry of Magic, and it was the traitor who ordered the dementors to attack the young wizard!

After all, the number of more than twenty Dementors is already two to three times the number of all the Dementors guarding Azkaban Prison!

Whether it is the former possibility or the latter possibility, it is extremely serious for the Ministry of Magic today!

Of course, there is a third possibility, that is, Linn is lying, there are not more than twenty dementors appearing in the Muggle world!

But none of the Wizengamot wizards wanted to believe that Linn, a wizard with demon king-level combat power, would lie about such a thing.

"Lynn Roll, I think you're crazy! More than twenty dementors have appeared in the Muggle world. How is that possible?! I bet even Bagman wouldn't dare to bet on such an issue. !”

Fudge seemed to have heard something funny, and he laughed and said.

Hearing this, Lin En chuckled and waved his wand, and a curtain of light suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

What was displayed on the light screen was the scene of more than twenty dementors appearing in front of Lin En and Irina, causing the entire sky to become filled with dark clouds!

Linn said in an indifferent tone: "I don't care where these dementors come from, but as long as the dementors still obey the call of the Ministry of Magic, I think the Ministry of Magic should give them to me and Harry Potter." Give Sirius Black an explanation!"

"Perhaps you will think that wizards' memories can be tampered with, and my memory may be false. But you can ask Professor Dumbledore if there is anyone in the world who has the ability to tamper with my memory."

Lynn said softly.

As Linn's words fell, Dumbledore stood up from the hearing seat. He bowed slightly towards the wizards of the Wizengamot and said, "I admit that even I am not capable of Linn's current magic level. Tampering with his memory."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, these Wizengamot wizards suddenly understood again.

Who is Dumbledore? The greatest white wizard of this century, and a master of Legilimency!

If even Dumbledore can't tamper with Lynn's memory, then even if the resurrected mysterious man comes here, he probably won't be able to touch Lynn's memory at all!

As the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, although Dumbledore was only present as a witness for the defense this time, his prestige in the Wizengamot made these wizards believe what he said without hesitation. .

"Explanation? Sorry, Mr. Rolle, I don't think I understand what you mean."

Fudge said coldly.

Lynn said without hesitation: "I mean, I think someone sent them. Of course, I never doubted that the dementors still obey the orders of the Ministry of Magic, but I think the Ministry of Magic has to figure out, Why would someone at the Ministry of Magic order more than twenty dementors into the Muggle world on the afternoon of August 28th!"

As Linn's words fell, the court fell silent.

Umbridge, who was sitting on Fudge's right hand side, leaned forward. She looked short and fat, with a wide, saggy face and a big ugly mouth that stretched downward.

Her eyes were wide and round, slightly bulging outward, like a toad ready to prey on prey.

Noticing Umbridge's movement, Fudge said: "The host has given permission for Senior Undersecretary Dolores Jane Umbridge to speak."

So, Umbridge said in a high-pitched and fussy voice like a little girl: "I think I must have misunderstood you, Mr. Rowe, but I felt that for a moment just now, you seemed to be The implication is that the Ministry of Magic ordered the attack on you."

Umbridge's voice was sickeningly sweet, and even Linn had a look of disgust on his face.

Faced with Umbridge's question, Linn said bluntly: "Yes, that's what I meant!" (End of Chapter)

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