The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 272 The Eve of the Quidditch World Cup

After killing the black-robed wizard, Irina came back with a cold face.

Lin En understood that Irina was affected by the negative emotions caused by the Unforgivable Curse, and he quickly put the pure heart he had refined around Irina's neck.

After putting on Qingxin, Irina's cold expression finally softened.

On the side, Green looked at Irina with some surprise. Unexpectedly, this little witch was even more decisive than Linn when she released the Unforgivable Curse for the first time.

Last year, when Linn cast the Unforgivable Curse on the wizard for the first time, he still needed to prepare his emotions. After accumulating enough negative emotions, he was able to cast the Unforgivable Curse.

But just now, after Irina used the Ice Phantom to shuttle behind the black-robed wizard, she released the life-killing curse without any pause.

However, Green did not notice the trembling hands of Irina behind her back.

In fact, Irina is not more decisive or brave than Lin En. She just doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of the person she cherishes. This allows her to suppress the fear in her heart when facing the black-robed wizard. and nausea, released the killing curse.

At this time, with the help of Qingxin, Irina alleviated the negative impact of the Unforgivable Curse on herself. She smiled at Lin En and said that she was fine.

After killing the black-robed wizard, in order to avoid alerting the enemy and attracting the joint pursuit of other black wizards in Lefei Alley, Linn and Irina did not continue to go deep into Lefei Alley. Instead, they disapparated under Green's apparition Back to the hut.

However, they did not give up their plan to practice the Unforgivable Curse in Lefei Alley. They all said that it was a dark and windy night that killed people. After nightfall, Green once again led the two of them to phantom into Lefei Alley.

The streets of Le Fei Lane were deserted at night, which was just conducive for Lynn and Irina to knock on doors door-to-door to "send warmth."

As green lights lit up the houses in Lefei Lane, Linn and Irina became more and more skilled in the Unforgivable Curse. Of course, in order to reduce the backlash of the Unforgivable Curse on the wizards themselves, After Linn and Irina each used the Unforgivable Curse once, they returned to the Green Cabin and used the Patronus Charm to clean up their negative emotions.

In the next half month, Linn and Irina completely reversed their schedules. They rested in Irina's box world during the day, and went to Le Fei Lane to "hunt" at night.

However, even if the total number of dark wizards killed by Lin En and Irina every night did not exceed two, after half a month, this was still an extremely huge number.

After all, the total number of dark wizards in Lefei Alley is only over a hundred, but in just half a month, the number has been reduced by nearly 30%. How could this not attract the attention of the dark wizards in Lefei Alley? ? !

On the night of August 16th, Green arrived at Lefei Lane early as usual, and when he discovered the strange movements of the dark wizards in Lefei Lane, he decisively stopped Linn and Irina from their actions tonight. .

Lynn and Irina expressed deep regret for this, but they were not too sad. After all, there was not much time left before the Quidditch World Cup, even if the dark wizards in Le Fei Lane did not After discovering an abnormality, they estimated that they would have to return to the UK after practicing for a few more days.

"Teacher, then Irina and I will return to the UK first. By the way, these are the first-class tickets for the top-level box that I entrusted people from the Ministry of Magic to help reserve in advance."

On the morning of August 17, Lynn and Irina said goodbye to Green, and before leaving, Lynn handed Green a ticket for the Quidditch World Cup.

Green took the Quidditch World Cup ticket from Lynn with a smile and waved goodbye to the two.

After leaving Green's house, Irina took out a gold-plated watch from her pocket, which was the triggering cross-border door key that Newt had prepared for her in advance.

The destination of this cross-border portkey is Hogwarts Castle. Therefore, after using the cross-border portkey to return to the UK, the two spent most of the day taking the Hogwarts Express and arriving at King's Cross. After the station, everyone went back to their homes.

As time went by, it soon came to the day before the Quidditch World Cup.

In order to arrive at the venue where the Quidditch World Cup will be held earlier, most wizards will leave early the night before and then camp outside the venue to rest, and Lynn and Irina are no exception.

On this night, Irina came to the outside of Rolle Manor alone and found Linn who had been waiting for a long time at the entrance of Rolle Manor.

After the two met, they came to the location of the portkey to the Quidditch World Cup venue.

There were so many wizards who came to watch this grand event that it was impossible for them to swarm into this venue without being noticed by the Muggles. Therefore, the Ministry of Magic specially prepared a batch of the same wizards. Portkeys at the foothold serve as transportation for these wizards watching the game.

In fact, each portkey should be used by at least five wizards, but Linn used some of the Rohr family's connections in the Ministry of Magic to obtain a portkey exclusively for him and Irina.

Not long after, it was time to trigger the door key, and Linn and Irina followed a flash of white light and arrived at another place.

The two landed on their feet and took stock of their surroundings.

It looked like a large desolate, mist-filled swamp, and not far in front of them stood two strangely dressed wizards.

Among the two wizards, one of them wore a tweed suit on the upper body and a pair of thigh-length rubber galoshes on the lower body; while the other one wore a pleated skirt and a pair of pleated skirts worn by men in the Scottish Highlands. A South American cloak.

"Good evening, sir."

Linn took a step forward, he said to the two wizards, and handed the discarded door key to the wizard wearing a pleated skirt.

The wizard put the discarded door key into a large box next to him. There were several similarly discarded door keys scattered in the box. There were not many discarded door keys in the box. It seemed that they They are the ones who came earlier.

"Hello, Mr. Rohr," the wizard said with some respect, looking for a list on a parchment, "let me see the camp you are in...well, about a quarter of the way across. Miles, the first field ahead is, and the camp manager is Mr. Roberts.”

So, after Lin En and Irina thanked the wizard, they walked through the desolate swamp. There was a thick fog along the way, and they could hardly see anything in the thick fog.

After walking for about twenty minutes, the two people's vision gradually broadened. They saw a door. Behind the door was a small stone house. Behind the stone house were hundreds of strange-shaped tents. They were along the road of a large field. The gentle slope extended upward, and the field extended to a dark forest on the horizon. (End of chapter)

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