The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 273 Why are there alchemical runes on the candies?

When they walked to the small stone house, they saw Mr. Roberts, the Muggle camp administrator. After a simple negotiation, the two walked into the camp with a camp plan.

As soon as he entered the camp, Linn found their magic tent in the first row among the tents placed everywhere.

This magic tent is exactly the Christmas gift Newt gave to Irina at Christmas. After they returned to England, Irina sent the magic tent here in advance for them to use during the Quidditch World Cup. Used for living during the two days of competition.

After Linn set up the tent with a wave of his wand, the two opened the curtain of the tent and got into the tent.

There is a secret inside this magic tent. After the two got into the tent, Linn and Irina found themselves in a small villa. The decoration of this small villa was similar to the New York City that Irina visited during the summer vacation last year. Te's house is exactly the same.

"Your teacher is so kind to you!"

Looking at this exquisite little villa, Linn couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing this, Irina smiled slightly and said: "Of course, but it can't compare to your master, who is like a magic stone as a gift!"

Lynn laughed.

Who doesn't like a good teacher or master who dotes on his disciples or disciples? !

After Lin En and Irina tidied up their rooms, they felt sleepy. They took a look at the time and took a rest in their rooms.

The Quidditch World Cup was held in the evening, which gave Lynn and Irina, who came to the venue early to "camp", plenty of time to catch up on their sleep. They both slept until the afternoon, then got up and walked out of the tent.

As soon as Lynn and Irina walked out of the tent, they could feel an excitement filling the camp like a touchable cloud. Many wizards were walking back and forth between the tents. All faces were filled with smiles.

At dusk even the silent summer air seemed to tremble with anticipation, and as night fell like a curtain over thousands of eagerly waiting wizards, the last vestiges of pretense of magic disappeared. .

The Ministry seemed to be succumbing to the inevitable, no longer fighting people, but allowing obvious signs of magic to pop up everywhere.

Every few steps the two of them took, they could see phantom vendors descending from the sky. They were carrying trays and pushing carts filled with weird gadgets.

There are luminous rose-shaped badges, of which the green one represents Ireland and the red one represents Bulgaria. These rose-shaped badges can also scream out the names of the players; there are green high hats decorated with clovers dancing in the wind. ; There is a ribbon of Bulgaria, the lion printed on it can really roar; there are the national flags of the two countries, which will play their respective national anthems when waved; there is also a small model of the Firebolt that can really fly, and some famous players for collection Statues, those little statues that can walk around in the palm of your hand, looking triumphant.

However, Lin En and Irina were not interested in these souvenirs. In the eyes of Lin En, an alchemist, these things were just some semi-finished products of alchemy. Even the defective products he refined were more effective than these souvenirs. Much better.

Of course, the reason why these souvenirs are popular among wizards is not because of their alchemical technical content, but because they symbolize the two teams participating in the Quidditch World Cup.

It's just that Linn and Irina, who were not very interested in Quidditch, didn't care about this.

At this time, a deep and deep gong sound came from somewhere far away in the woods, and then, thousands of red and green lanterns bloomed on the trees, lighting up the road to the arena.

Linn and Irina walked quickly along the lantern-lit passage towards the Quidditch World Cup venue. They could hear thousands of wizards walking around, heard shouts, laughter, and... Intermittent singing was heard.

When they emerged from the other side of the woods, they found themselves in the shadow of a huge stadium, with only part of the magnificent golden wall surrounding it visible.

This stadium, which exists in the Muggle world, can accommodate 100,000 wizard spectators. In order to build and maintain this stadium, five hundred staff from the Ministry of Magic have been busy for a whole year. Every inch of this stadium The land was cast under a Muggle expulsion spell by wizards, which meant that although the stadium existed in the Muggle world, it had never been discovered by Muggles.

Soon, Linn and Irina arrived at the entrance of the stadium. In front of them was a wizard from the Ministry of Magic, who was the ticket collector here.

Linn took out two tickets for the Quidditch World Cup and handed them to the wizard.

"First class ticket! Top box! You go all the way upstairs to the top."

After checking the tickets, the wizard said to the two of them.

So, Linn and Irina walked along the steps covered with purple-red carpet and walked to a small box at the top of the stairs. This small box was located at the highest point of the stadium and faced the golden color of the Quidditch pitch. Goalpost.

There are about twenty purple gold-plated seats in this box, divided into two rows, and Linn and Irina's seats are in the second row.

"Harry! Ron! Hermione!"

At this time, Irina spotted Harry and others sitting in the first row, and she quickly said hello.

Linn also looked at the Weasleys beside the three little ones. He nodded and said, "Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, good evening!"

As Lynn and Irina finished speaking, the Weasley family and Harry trio sitting in the first row also noticed their arrival.

Harry greeted quickly: "Good evening, Senior Rohr and Irina, I didn't expect you to come too."

The Weasleys also welcomed Linn, and the Weasley twins came to Linn with playful smiles.

"Welcome to our great alchemist Lin En!" George said in an exaggerated tone.

Fred smiled as he put a candy into Linn's hand and said, "Try a candy, my dear Fire Demon!"

Lin En looked at the two people in front of him helplessly. It was okay to call him "The Great Alchemist", but what the hell was the "Fire Demon"? !

Seeing the Weasley twins eagerly looking forward to eating the candy, Lin lowered his head and looked at the candy in his hand.

As if thinking of something, Linn lightly touched the candy with his left hand, and with a flash of golden light, alchemical runes appeared on the surface of the candy.

Seeing this, Linn looked at the Weasley twins with a half-smile: "Okay, Fred and George, I think you should explain to me why there are so many alchemical runes on this candy?!" (End of chapter)

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