The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 271 Linn, you really don’t mean what you mean.

Seeing that Lin En had already made his decision, Green couldn't say anything more. After giving Lin En an indifferent look, he went back to the master bedroom to rest alone.

As a result, only Lin En and Irina were left in the living room, staring at each other at a loss.

Just when the atmosphere in the living room fell into embarrassment, Irina said softly: "Actually, we can live in my suitcase. Don't forget, you helped me build the big villa in my suitcase with your own hands. Woolen cloth!"

With that said, Irina raised the suitcase in her hand and gestured to Linn.

Lin En suddenly realized that he finally remembered that there was an entire luxurious villa in Irina's suitcase. The rooms in it were more than enough for them, not to mention the two of them, even if they brought all their families in!

After deciding where to stay for the night, Linn and Irina walked into the only guest room in the Green Lodge together. Irina laid the suitcase flat on the bed in the guest room and opened it.

A bottomless passage appeared in the suitcase.

Lin En and Irina got into the suitcase one after another, and after Irina entered the suitcase, she reached out from inside and closed the suitcase.

After entering Irina's box world, Linn did not immediately go to the villa to rest. Instead, he curiously looked at the five newly opened areas by Irina this month.

It would be okay if Linn didn't look at her, but when he looked at her, he felt numb.

"Invisible beast, bird snake, and a thunderbird, no, Irina, did you go on a trip in July, or did you go shopping?!"

Linn asked speechlessly. He did not expect that he and Irina had only been separated for a month without seeing each other, but there were so many magical animals in her box with danger levels of XXXX and above.

Seeing Lin En's appearance, Irina couldn't help but smile. She blinked and said, "Hey, guess what?"

After the two went to the villa to put down their luggage, Irina took Linn to take a good tour of the renovated little world.

Irina took Linn to visit the living areas of the Moon Chibeast and the Ball Escape Bird. Since there were a large number of Moon Chima Beast and Ball Escape Bird, and they all looked pretty much the same, Irina did not Name them one by one.

Just like those Bowtruckles, there are so many of them that it is impossible for Irina to give them all a name. After all, even if she did, she probably wouldn't be able to remember them.

However, the two sniffers Irina did have names.

Because when the two old friends of Newt gave her the Niffler cubs, the two Nifflers held a gold Galleons and a silver Siko respectively in their arms, so Irina gave them to her respectively. These two Nifflers are named Little Gallon and Little Siko, and their main theme is to do whatever they want.

In addition, the invisible beast was named Silver Shining by Irina because of its silver-white sparkling hair; as for the bird snake coiled in the nest, it was because of its ability to change in size at will. Named Ruyi by Irina.

It can be said that except for the little Tim Thunderbird who was given a name when he was sent here, the names of all the other magical animals seem to be very random.

After learning about this situation, Lin En also laughed and said that Irina was a bad namer. Among the names she had given to magical animals, the only one who could barely make sense was the Bowtruckle Green Girl, which was copied from Chinese mythology. Fairy name.

In response, Irina just smiled and did not answer. It was obvious that she was self-aware of her naming ability.

After visiting the territories of various magical animals, Linn and Irina went to the villa and found opposite rooms on the second floor to rest.

The next morning.

When Lynn and Irina got out of the suitcase sleepily and opened the door, they found that Green was already waiting for them in the living room.

When the door opened, Green, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, also noticed Lynn and Irina at the door.

Green looked at Linn with a half-smile, raised his eyebrows, and said with a chuckle: "Lynn, you really don't mean what you mean."

Lin En blinked guiltily. He had entered the guest room, yes, but they really didn't sleep in the same room.

After finishing breakfast, Green took the two of them to Le Fei Lane through apparation.

"Lowell, I don't know if Linn told you in advance that the people living in Le Fei Lane are heinous people. Here, you can abandon all your compassion."

Green looked at Irina next to Linn and said calmly.

Irina nodded, and she said softly: "Just call me Irina, sir. Before coming here, Linn has told me about the situation here, and I know everything about it."

After hearing this, Green didn't say anything more. He led the two of them forward just like last year.

Not long after, when the three of them walked to a corner of Le Fei Lane, they saw a black-robed wizard walking towards them.

The black-robed wizard's hood covered the opponent's face, and the magic fluctuations carrying the aura of black magic emitted from the opponent's body made the three of them convinced that the black-robed wizard was a black wizard living in Le Fei Lane.

After seeing the black-robed wizard, Linn and Green tacitly agreed not to take action. Instead, they turned sideways and gave Irina the opportunity to take action.

On the other side, after seeing these three unfamiliar faces, the black-robed wizard barely hesitated, waved his wand and shouted: "Avada Kedavra!"

A green beam of light emitted from the black-robed wizard's wand, heading straight towards Irina standing in the middle.

Facing the rapid death curse, Irina remained calm.

The temperature around Irina dropped rapidly. When the life-killing spell flew within three meters of Irina's body, a lot of frost had already condensed on Irina's clothes.

Just when the black-robed wizard triumphantly thought that his death-killing curse had succeeded, Irina's figure disappeared from the spot.

Along with a cold light passing through the air at a speed invisible to the naked eye, the next moment, Irina's figure suddenly appeared behind the black-robed wizard, and from where Irina was before to where Irina is now Between the positions, only the frost condensing in the air can prove Irina's movement trajectory just now.

As for the black-robed wizard who had been penetrated by Irina with the power of ice, his entire body was freezing rapidly. At this time, the area below the opponent's head had already condensed into solid ice!

"Avada Kedavra!"

Irina, who appeared behind the black-robed wizard, raised her wand and shouted expressionlessly.

The green beam of light shot out of the sky, taking away the life of the black-robed wizard who was frozen in place without any surprise. (End of chapter)

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