The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 246 You go first, I’ll stay!

Hearing this, Professor Lupine nodded in agreement. He turned around and walked ahead, pushing open the door of the Shrieking Shack.

Linn bent down and took out a bundle of gold rope from his pocket. He used this bundle of gold rope to tie Peter Pettigrew so tightly that he couldn't even move a finger.

After seeing the golden rope, Sirius realized that it was the rope that Linn used to tie him up on Halloween night. He was also relieved that there was this golden rope that could seal the wizard's magic power. Peter Dwarf will have no chance of escape!

Even if the transformation of Animagus does not require magic power, the wizard still needs to use his own magic power as an inducement to control the transformation.

It seemed that this damn traitor would eventually be judged, and he would be avenged.

Thinking of this, Sirius finally smiled.

"Zombies are floating!"

Lynn and Irina chanted spells on the unconscious Professor Snape and Peter Pettigrew, who was bound with gold ropes.

Professor Snape and Peter Pettigrew seemed to have invisible strings tied to their wrists, necks and knees. They were pulled up by invisible threads like puppets, with their feet hanging feebly a few inches above the ground. place, floating steadily.

At this time, Professor Lupine was leading the way, while Linn and Irina used magic spells to control Professor Snape and Peter Pettigrew to move forward respectively. As for the three Harrys, they followed silently. behind.

What happened in this screaming shack today had a huge impact on the three of them.

First there was the sudden appearance of Sirius, then there was the suspected betrayal of their best friend Irina and their dearest professor Professor Lupine, then the reversal of the whole thing and the reversal of the truth, and finally the sudden appearance of Lin En and The Cruciatus Curse cast by him.

To be honest, no one present thought that Linn would cast the Unforgivable Curse in public. What made the three of Harry even more incredible was what Professor Lupin or Sirius did to Linn. Apart from a worried persuasion, he could almost be said to have turned a blind eye.

Wasn't it promised that if you use the Unforgivable Curse, you will be imprisoned in Azkaban Prison? !

The status of the Ministry of Magic's legal provisions in the eyes of Harry and others was unknowingly disintegrating.

At this time, Sirius, who was walking in front with Professor Lupin, suddenly slowed down and fell next to Harry.

"We are going to hand over Peter Pettigrew soon," Sirius suddenly said to Harry beside him, "Do you know what this means?"

Harry nodded slightly and said, "You are free."

"Yes..." Sirius said, "But I also... I don't know if anyone has told you... that I am your godfather."

Harry nodded gently again, and his tone was very soft: "Yes, I know."

Sirius said in a somewhat unnatural tone: "That's it...your parents appointed me to be your guardian, in case anything happens to them..."

Harry did not speak. He waited silently for Sirius's next words. A sense of expectation arose in his heart. Did Sirius mean what he thought?

"Of course, I can understand if you want to live with your aunt and uncle," whispered Sirius, "but...well...think about it. Once I've cleared my name...if you want A...a different home..."

Harry's heart immediately swelled, and he couldn't wait to ask: "What?! Live with you? Leave the Dursleys?"

Sirius didn't know what kind of life Harry lived in the Dursleys. He mistakenly thought that Harry was not willing to leave the family he had lived with for more than ten years. He only heard him say in a low tone: "Of course, I I think you won’t be willing to do so, I understand, I just feel that I…”

Hearing this, Harry looked at Sirius beside him in disbelief and said loudly: "Are you confused?! Of course I am willing to leave the Dursleys! Do you have a house? When can I move in?"

Sirius turned around in surprise and confirmed again: "You are willing? Really?"

"Yes, I really do!" Harry said.

At this time, Irina, who was walking in front and holding Peter Pettigrew with the zombie floating spell, turned around and said calmly: "Mr. Black, if you knew what kind of life Harry lived at the Dursleys, If so, then you wouldn’t have said those words just now…”

Sirius frowned. From Irina's tone, he could probably guess that Harry didn't seem to have a very good life at the Dursley's.

Sirius turned his attention to Harry beside him.

Feeling Sirius' gaze, Harry sighed and recounted the treatment he had received at the Dursley's for more than ten years.

After learning what happened to Harry at the Dursleys' house, Sirius was furious and said angrily: "How dare they?! Those Muggles!"

Seeing Sirius being so angry, Harry shook his head and said, "Needless to say, they adopted me for eleven years anyway. I'm very happy, godfather, I can live with you in the future."

Soon, the group of people had left the secret passage and arrived on the ground.

The ground was dark at this time, and only a glimmer of light from the windows of Hogwarts Castle in the distance could be seen.

Everyone walked across the grounds in silence, heading towards the castle.

But at this moment, a cloud in the sky slowly moved away, and blurry reflections of everyone suddenly appeared on the ground, bathing in the snowy moonlight.

However, feeling the bright moonlight shining on them, the group had no intention of admiring the moon.

Especially Harry and the other three, their faces looked horrified.

"Oops, it's a full moon today!"

Hermione said in horror, looking at Professor Lupin who was walking at the front.

You know, Professor Luping did not drink medicine today, which means he is not safe.


Along with a terrifying roar, Professor Lupine's head continued to lengthen, his body also became longer, his shoulders were arched, hair grew on his face and hands, and his The fingers were even bent into sharp claws!

"Damn it, you go first, let me stop him!"

Seeing this scene, Sirius' complexion changed drastically. He yelled at the people in front of him, turned into the Animagus form of a big black dog, and was about to fly towards Professor Lupine who had turned into a werewolf. .

However, when Sirius jumped up and flew in the air, he was caught by Linn, who looked cold, and then threw him in the direction of Harry and the others.

"You will need to confront Peter Pettigrew in person in front of Professor Dumbledore and those Ministry of Magic officials later. Leave this to me!"

Linn said with a cold tone.

"But..." Sirius refused to accept it, but he remembered that during the battle on Halloween night, Linn completely underestimated his own strength. In the end, he fell silent, did not speak, and kept up with Harry and the others.

He understood that with Linn's magic level, even if he could stay in the form of Animagus to help Linn, most of the time he would only be a burden to Linn.

Looking at the group of people walking away, Linn's lips curled up slightly. He turned back and looked at the werewolf with only madness in his eyes.

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