The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 247 I am willing to take truth serum

Facing the werewolf not far away, Linn was not in a hurry to use his fire magic or the alchemy he was good at.

"It's time to test my fighting ability in Animagus form."

Linn said calmly.

Ever since Linn learned the Animagus and was able to transform into a snow wolf, Linn had never changed his Animagus form, let alone fought in the Animagus form.

Professor Lupine in the werewolf form is undoubtedly the best tool for Linn to test his Animagus form's combat effectiveness.


At this time, the werewolf Lupine roared again and flew towards Linn's direction.

Looking at the werewolf Lupine who was so close, Linn didn't have the slightest panic on his face. He jumped back. When he landed, he had turned into a snow wolf that was a little stronger than the werewolf Lupine. .

Lin En's snow-like hair shone in the moonlight. Even the werewolf Lupine, who relied on the moonlight to transform, was somewhat at a disadvantage in front of this extremely strong snow wolf.


Linn also roared, swung his right paw fiercely, and greeted the werewolf Lupine with a look of astonishment on his face.

Five blood marks suddenly appeared on Werewolf Lupine's face, and Werewolf Lupine's body flew out under this powerful and heavy claw and hit the ground five or six meters away.

After feeling the pain on his face, werewolf Lupine's bloody nature was also aroused. He rushed towards Lin En with red eyes, as if he wanted to fight Lin En to the death.

However, before Werewolf Lupine could get close to Linn, Linn's whole body jumped high and threw himself in the direction of Werewolf Lupine, and the sharp wolf claws struck Werewolf Lupine's chest again.

In an instant, blood splattered.

The chest of Werewolf Lupine was already dripping with blood under the claw that had no hand left at all. The damage caused by this claw to Werewolf Lupine was not low. After Werewolf Lupine was knocked away again and fell, he was stunned for a moment. Unable to stand up.

Seeing this, Linn did not stop. He swung his paw forward again, knocking the werewolf Lupine to the ground who was struggling to get up.

After confirming that the werewolf Lupine had no power to resist, Linn took a few steps back and then returned to his human form.

"It seems that although my Animagus form cannot cast magic, it is stronger than many magical animals in terms of physical strength. Even the physically powerful werewolf is not my enemy."

Lin En thought so in his mind. When he raised his wand, a new bundle of gold-binding ropes flew out, binding the werewolf Lupine.

After doing this, Lin En chanted several healing spells on the werewolf Lupine. After roughly healing the opponent's injuries, he stuffed him into the secret passage.

Although Professor Lupine in werewolf form has a very strong self-healing ability, the damage caused by Linn's three claws just now was really not low. Linn was worried that Professor Luping's injuries were not fully healed when he returned to his human form, and then He bled to death there.

After placing Professor Lupin in place, Linn rushed towards Hogwarts Castle. If he guessed correctly, the fun had already begun.

At the same time, in the principal's office.

More than a dozen people sat solemnly on the chairs that Dumbledore had transformed using magic. They all looked serious.

"So, the real murderer of that tragedy was Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black was just the one who was wronged?"

Dumbledore sat behind his desk. He picked up the tea on the table and took a sip. Professor Snape, who had woken up slowly, sat beside him at his request.

In front of the desk, two groups of people were sitting on opposite sides of the office, clearly separated from each other.

Among them, on the left is the Ministry of Magic, headed by Minister of Magic Fudge. Sitting behind Fudge are Rufus Scrimgeour, Director of the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic, and Kingsley, an Auror and member of the Order of the Phoenix. ·Shacklebolt.

Scrimgeour looks like an old lion. He has tawny hair and thick eyebrows mixed with gray. Behind his gold-rimmed glasses is a pair of sharp eyes. At a glance, you can tell that he is a sharp and tough guy.

Kingsley was a tall, bald, dark-skinned wizard with a gold earring on one ear.

On the right side of the principal's office were Professor Lupine, Sirius Black, the Harry trio, and Irina. As for the tied-up Peter Pettigrew, he was thrown on the ground between the two camps.

At this time, Sirius nodded slightly to Dumbledore and said in a deep voice: "Yes, Dumbledore, that day James changed the secret keeper to Peter Pettigrew at my suggestion. We thought that Peter Pettigrew was one of ours." The most inconspicuous person in the group planned to use me as the secret keeper to attract the attention of the Death Eaters, so that Peter Pettigrew in the dark would be safe and sound. But we didn't expect that Peter Pettigrew would They rebelled early in the morning.”

"Nonsense! Sirius Black, it was you who killed a Muggle on the street with an explosive spell that night, and then was sent to Azkaban Prison!"

Fudge, who was sitting opposite Sirius, boasted and glared, saying that if Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard of this century, was not here, he would not dare to act rashly, otherwise he would have killed the dementors at any cost to the damn criminal in front of him. a kiss!

As long as the dementors give Sirius a kiss and take away Sirius' soul, then all the right and wrong can be over. He is still the Minister of Magic who is loved by the people, and Sirius is still just a criminal!

Professor Lupine said calmly: "Mr. Minister, according to what you said, Peter Pettigrew should have been blown to pieces long ago. How should you explain the Peter Pettigrew that appears in front of us?"

Fudge's face turned red and he shouted: "Maybe Peter Pettigrew took the opportunity to save his life and escaped from Black, the murderer?! Black is currently a criminal. Who knows whether what he said is true or false? of?!"

At this moment, Harry, who had been silent before, suddenly said loudly: "Then why not use Legilimency and Veritaserum on Sirius and Peter Pettigrew? In this way, we can confirm whether they are lying or not. !”

As Harry finished speaking, Sirius stood up. He looked at Fudge with a calm look and said calmly: "I am willing to take Veritaserum and confront Peter Pettigrew!" (End of Chapter)

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