The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 245 We have so many ways to pry his mouth open

You know, from the solemn look in Professor Snape's eyes when he looked at Sirius and Professor Lupin, he was obviously in a state of extreme vigilance.

Not to mention the three disarming spells cast by Harry and the others, even Professor Lupine, Sirius and Irina also attacked them together. Not to mention Professor Snape dodged them all, but it still didn't matter if they blocked them with the Iron Armor Curse. questionable.

And even if Professor Snape was in an extremely relaxed state, with Professor Snape's magic level and combat awareness, it would still be no problem just to avoid the disarming spells shouted clumsily by the three Harrys.

Even if Irina was in this position, Irina could dodge the three disarming spells without any skill or disguise just by relying on her own muscle memory.

Therefore, Irina can be sure that Professor Snape will be knocked unconscious by Harry and the others, which is completely staged on purpose.

He is such a good professor who does his duty... Bah, what a good actor!

Irina thought so in her heart.

At the same time, when this farce happened, Peter Pettigrew seemed to have realized his current situation. While everyone's eyes were focused on Professor Snape, he planned to use his small body to defeat everyone. Sneak out of this place of right and wrong before you react.

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

However, just when Peter Pettigrew secretly thought that he could escape, a dark red beam of extremely dangerous light burst out from the void and hit the mouse that was missing one finger.

After hearing the Cruciatus Curse, everyone's eyes subconsciously moved in the direction of the sound.

In the corner of the room, a figure wearing the wizard robe of Slytherin House suddenly appeared there. The boy with dark red eyes was looking coldly at the screaming and struggling rat on the ground, and kept holding the drill in his hand. The magic output of the curse.


Almost everyone, including Professor Lupin, exclaimed.

That is to say, Irina, who knew in advance that Lin En would hide in the Shrieking Shack and wait for what happened, did not show much surprise when faced with Lin En's sudden appearance.

Looking at the people who were looking at him, Lin En looked indifferent and said calmly: "You know, you almost let this dirty rat escape."

Hearing Linn's words, Harry and the others turned their attention back to the mice on the ground. Only Professor Lupine still looked at Linn worriedly: "Lynn, that's the Unforgivable Curse, you..."

Hearing this, Linn stopped casting spells and put a pendant with a snowdrop pattern around his neck.

Not sure if it was his own misunderstanding, but after Lin En put on the pendant, Professor Lupine noticed that Lin En's expression suddenly seemed to calm down, and could even be said to be indifferent.

Just like a descended god, without desires or emotions.

"When you face evil people, you have to find ways to deal with them. Professor Luping, oh no, maybe I should call you Uncle Luping at this time. If my guess is right, you should know the three unforgivable curses, right?"

Linn looked at Professor Lupin calmly.

Professor Luping was speechless. He had indeed learned the three unforgivable curses long ago.

Linn said softly: "Whether it is magic, alchemy or the Unforgivable Curse, they are only part of the wizard's combat power. Just like the greatest white wizard Professor Dumbledore is also proficient in black magic. Who can prove that it is What's wrong? If I have to say there's something wrong with me learning the three unforgivable curses, then maybe I learned them too early."

Professor Luping stopped talking. He thought from the bottom of his heart that Linn was right.

Even if Linn has never been exposed to black magic, when the war breaks out in the future and they have a need for it, he will even teach Linn step by step how to use the three unforgivable curses.

Now I think Linn shouldn't be exposed to the three unforgivable curses, maybe it's just because he is a fourth-grade wizard.

At this time, Sirius had raised his wand and used the Animagus counter-spell on the mouse on the ground.

As a blue light emitted, the mouse on the ground kept twisting. Soon, a very short man appeared in front of everyone. His hair looked sparse and lackluster, and he had a large bald patch on top.

This man looked wrinkled, like a fat man who had lost a lot of meat in a short period of time. His skin was very dirty, almost like mouse fur, and his pointed nose and watery mung bean eyes still had a few... Characteristics of mice.

Not only that, everyone also discovered that his sparse hair was completely white, and even his eyebrows and beard had become pale.

Today, Peter Pettigrew is like a twilight old man, dying, and even a simple movement can bring a look of pain to his face.

Obviously, it was the power of Lynn's alchemical cage that weakened the human body that took effect on Peter Pettigrew.

Although Peter Pettigrew is middle-aged at best, his physical condition looks worse than that of a Muggle man who is over a hundred years old.

There was a bit of pain in Peter Pettigrew's expression. He glanced around, breathing very quickly, but everyone could see that his eyes were always looking towards the door.

There is no doubt that even though Peter Pettigrew's body was in such a bad condition, he still did not give up his desire to escape.

"Hello, Peter Pettigrew, long time no see."

Professor Lupine seemed to be talking happily to Peter Pettigrew, but his eyes were full of coldness.

Looking at the people around him who were looking at him with unkind eyes, Peter Pettigrew was about to cry. He glanced towards the door again, and then said in a high-pitched voice: "Le... Remus ...and old friend..."

Seeing the disgusting face of this damn traitor, Sirius seemed to be unable to control himself again, and he wanted to raise the arm holding the wand.

However, three hands, one large, two small, grabbed his wrist at the same time.

Professor Lupine, Lin En and Irina all grabbed his wrist and shook their heads at him, indicating that this was not a good time.

Seeing this, Sirius could only grit his teeth and give up, but he still looked at Peter Pettigrew as if he wanted to kill someone.

"Professor Lupin, there is no need for us to confront this dirty guy. Let's take him back and bring him to Professor Dumbledore. By then, isn't it easy to get him to tell the truth? Legilimency Nian, Veritaserum, even my alchemy, we have so many ways to pry open his mouth!"

Linn said with a smile, but the smile on his face was so eerie in Peter Pettigrew's eyes.

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