The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2308: Zhu's lips [Six million words Wang Wang, please slaughter]

Poseidon smiled very charmingly, gently opened Zhu's lips and said, "Child, you are very good at controlling your emotions." Well, wait, when some of your little companions are in front of you When dying in pain, I wonder if you can stay so cold. "

Pan Chenliang snorted and stopped.

"Child, it's very quiet here, isn't it? Then let you enjoy the show quietly."

At this moment, I saw Mrs. Poseidon suddenly waved her hand, and the Conch Net and Pan Chen flew aside.

Then, Ms. Poseidon reached out and took a step, Li Xi'er and five others were rolled up by the power of heaven and earth in front of her.

Then, as soon as Poseidon turned around, she shot five fingers of red thread and split them into the bodies of Li Xi'er and the other five.

Then, I saw Li Xier and other people's bodies changed.

After a while, the five of them returned to their original state.

At the same time, the eyes of these five people are clear and bright.

It seems that they have returned to normal.

"Why? Where are we?"

"By the way, we flew into the sea together. I think this is the border of the sea."

"Why? Boss Pan?"

"Ah? There's a pretty sister over there. Who is she?"

"Ah? Why is there a strange spider web in the middle of the sky?"

"This is a strange net. There is a child on it. Why, how much does that child look like Mr. Pan?"

At this moment, Poseidon Niang said: "Some little guys, you are right. The one on the Internet is just your boss Pan."

The five people listened to each other, and there was a forest in their hearts.

Li Xi asked: "He, did you get him up?"

Poseidon said: "Yes, he is dishonest, so he asked me to hang it up."

Li Xueer frowned secretly and said calmly, "Who are you?"

Poseidon said: "My name is Poseidon and I am the ruler of this maritime country."

Li Xi, oh, said: "You are the owner of this place." Sorry we were not invited. Excuse me, please forgive me. "

After talking, she looked at the people on the big network and said, "Boss, are you really?"

Pan Chen said, "Thanks, it's me."

Li Xi said: "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Pan Chen replied: "I'm fine, I just lost my freedom for a while."

While speaking, he quietly became the ecstasy of life and death, secretly divided the five tentacles of Yuanshen, and penetrated into the sea of ​​Li Xi and the other five people, trying to detain their Yuanshen so as not to be enemies Seal it, then it's trouble. As long as the soul is not dead, it is easier to resurrect.

Soon, Pan Chen's tentacles invaded the five people's knowledge of the sea, successfully found his Yuanshen, rolled directly, then sealed, and then quickly recovered.

In the end, the primitive gods of Li Xi'er and others were sealed by Pan Chen and turned into the five crystals of the primordial god. They were drawn into Pan Chen's understanding of the sea and hid.

At first, Pan Chen wanted to put their Yuanshen in the gate of the sword of heaven.

However, he was a little uncertain. The sword's door killed him except him. If Li Xier and others came in, would it be destroyed at the same time? !

The vision erased by heaven will disappear forever, and even if he uses the means, he cannot save them.

Therefore, he believes that it is best not to take risks.

In addition, as soon as Yuanshen was isolated, Li Xier and others immediately became wooden men.

"Ah? Child, are you still playing this little trick?" Mrs. Poseidon stunned, and she laughed. "Giggle, do you think you can protect them if you detain their primordial spirit?" It's naive. "

Pan Chen smiled and said: "Since their primordial spirit is already hidden in that secret treasure, why can't you do something to them?" As long as the soul is not destroyed, even if you destroy their flesh, this is useless Yes, I have a way to get them all back. "

Mrs. Poseidon smiled coldly and said, "Really?" Child, it seems that you really have faith in the secret treasures you know in the sea. After a pause, I said leisurely: "Originally, I wanted to torture these five people first, and then kill them cruelly, so that you can be desperate." But now, since they became wooden men, when they were tortured Do n’t cry because of pain, forget it. Well, you know that the secret treasure in the sea is good, isn't it? Okay, wait a minute. If I break it, I am sure you will be desperate, right? "

Pan Chen leisurely said: "That's my biggest card, how can you really destroy it, then what do I have to say?" Of course, it depends on your slaughter. "

"Boy, when you say that, I can't wait to see what it looks like."

Poseidon glanced at Pan Chen, as if she didn't smile.

As soon as the worries disappeared, Pan Chen ’s confidence came back, and there was a faint smile on his face, saying: "Mrs. Poseidon, you must either take back the strange power on me, then we fight happily, or you enter my ocean Knowledge, do n’t you think that competes with that secret treasure? "

Poseidon said: "Child, although your meat is very good, you have reached the level of the heavenly sacred warrior, but in front of my divine power, it is just a paper tiger and can be imprisoned at will, so you ca n’t move, so I I don't want to compare your combat skills with you. "After a while, he said:" Cough, this is a secret treasure, you can devour my divine power, it seems a bit mysterious. "Let me go and see. "

At the end of a sentence, she suddenly shook her body, and the whole person became a thin blue line, which penetrated into Pan Chen's eyebrows.

Not to mention that Pan Chen was entangled in that big net and could not escape, even if he was free, he could not escape.

Because, that is, he took a lot of saliva to promote sales and missed the pursuit of things that were not available, so he would not avoid it.

Therefore, the Blue Line successfully entered his understanding of the ocean.

In addition, after entering Pan Chen's marine knowledge, the goddess of the sea flew all the way to the sword gate in front of her and became a human figure.

Standing in front of the mysterious sword gate, the appearance of the sea goddess actually showed a solemn color.

Yes, her eyes are special. Naturally, she can see the special characteristics of Jianmen at a glance.

However, soon a flash of enthusiasm flashed in her eyes.

After hesitating for a while, she turned into a shadow and got out of the door.

After entering the door, she saw God's nine swords reflected in the sky, and her heart shivered involuntarily.

Then she didn't wait for her to think more.

The old man's sky sword suddenly had a sharp flash in his eyes, so he shot directly and killed nine swords against the sky together to Mrs. Poseidon. ..


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